Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cambodia: March 18,1970 and The Lotus Revolution​! (in Khmer, French & English)


Anonymous said...

"March 18th, 1970"

My tribute to those hundred thousand young Khmers who sincerely volunteered and risk their life to free Cambodia from the Dictator Prince and his Vietcong friends. Unfortunately they failed.

If current young Cambodians want something better than the current Vietnamese Kingdom of Cambodia, they must dare to move on... unless they are happy with their puppet government.

Anonymous said...

It is time for Khmer people to free themselves from the monster Vietnam and the puppet government of Hun Shit.

Just let the monster Vietnam know that, Khmer people hate Hun Sen implies that we hate Vietnam more than Hun Sen. So, don't try to screw Khmer people up again by bringing another Khmer Vioetminh to replace Hun Sen.

You debvil Vietnam miust leave Cambodia alone and get out of Cambodia.

You evil nation Vietnam has given Khmer people so much suffering.

Anonymous said...

lutus revolution is good if real,
but if it is ghost, do not haunt and
interrupt. SRP is real.

I am tired of ghost revolution.
I am not SRP activist but believe in the movement. it take time to be free.

example: black american Martin Luther king, south africa
Nelosn meldel, Mahatmak Kunthy, etc.

Anonymous said...

those who advocate revolution or whatever in cambodia from overseas, are in fact clueless and ignorant in doing so, they will fail miserably as they only use violence to achieve their illegal activity against cambodia. it is no more than terrorist act, and we know america, etc don't support terrorist activity against a country congress don't declare war with like cambodia. these people don't wake up and smell the coffee as they still living in their dark hole called ignorance. they always lobby for international sympathizers, watch when their international sympathizers all of a sudden back out and stop supporting them, the will have a rude awakening like during the civil war of lon nol regime from 1970 to 1975 when what they often lamented that their american allies abandoned them to the slaughter hous of the murderous, stupid KR then. these individual still did not learn from that dark history era! go figure! sad indeed!

Anonymous said...

គូរអោយអាណិតប្អូន អ៊ូ ចល ដេលមានជំងឺ
វិកលចារឹក ឆ្កួតជ្រូក និយាយ ឫ សរសេរអ្វី

Anonymous said...

3 45 PM, if you don't support KR Regime or "advocate revolution" then why are you supporting the current Regime. What has changed for the better? Millions of Khmer are starving of education, justice and law.

Millions died during the Pol Pot regime, but what has the current government learnt, they are still using forced eviction, violent crackdowns on protest and culture is going backward except for the few in CPP with overseas bank account.

Are you another CPP dogs barking the same line again?

Anonymous said...

i want nothing to do with your so-called revolution. it's not like the american revolution which fought for independence from british, it's more like a civil war, a terrorist war, etc. not popular with khmer people at all!

if anybody from any political party want civil war, they must lead the way, not running their mouths from overseas and hiding in their adopted countries, etc. otherwise, we know it is useless waste of life and not effective. i don't know about having a revolutionary war or civil war by incapable, coward, refugee leaders like sam rainsy, etc... not popular at all, to say the least, you know! these barkers are not brave warriors, they are just barking from afar only. sad for cambodia to see all going on like this.

Anonymous said...

no civil war is allowed again in cambodia, ok! it's against the law, period!

Anonymous said...


បើលោកថាតែមាត់ សរសេរតែលើក្រដាស
ខ្ញុំឮពីបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកនេះ យូរមកហើយដែរ
ត្រូវមានអ្នកទទួលខុសត្រូវ ទំនាក់ទំនង
និង បំពេញភារៈកិច្ច។
បូជាកម្លាំងកាយ ចិត្ត ពេលវេលា លុយកាក់
សំរាប់ផ្គត់ផ្គង់រៀងៗខ្លួនផង និងទាក់ទងទីដទៃ
*គណៈកម្មការបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូក ត្រូវតែមាន។
នៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ត្រូវមានគ្រប់រដ្ឋ ក្រុង
បើធ្វើត្រូវ គេដើរតាម បើធ្វើខុស គេដើរចេញ។
លុយ!លុយ!ត្រូវតែចំណាយ ទទួលយកពី
$១.$២...$៥. $១០ និង បើច្រើនក៏ត្រូវ
ទទួល តែត្រូវមានសច្ចធម៌ យុត្តិធម៌ សីលធម៌។
ត្រូវប្រព្រឹត្តបដិបត្តសីល ៥ ជាប់ជានិច្ច។
ដាច់សីលប្រជុំដេញចេញ។ រើសថ្មីទៀតដាក់។


Anonymous said...

A lotus flower would never revolt. It get picked by the good and the ugliest. It's beauty never changes for neither one until the sun dries it out.

Anonymous said...

7:50 AM

i know!
you know!

Anonymous said...

destructive, achieved nothing but revenge, hatred, death, etc under the stupid, murderous KR regime then! and some people that never lived under the KR rule still not learn from this historical lesson? go figure!

Anonymous said...

CPP dogs, don't be DUMB. There will not be any revolution or uprise. You will not be an advocate to any uprise. Where will the opposition get their armed force from? Don't be DUMB Khmer, the only one that can create fake revolution or create a civil uprise is Hun Sen and CPP. Oppositions and government staff doesn't even get paid enough for food on the table let alone find weapons.

Anonymous said...

You must be Youn slave!!!

Anonymous said...

Cher Khmers victimes,
Pour gagner la guerre sans faire la guerre est tout d'abord
de trouver le nouveau leader du peuple khmer, comme on dit:
(chen li kampi rork neak mean bonn ចិនលីគម្ពីររកអ្នកមានបុណ្យ).

le nouveau leader du peuple khmer est seulement le symbole,
en vérité c'est à vous qui se sont les bons leaders (អ្នកមានបុណ្យ)
peuvent unifier tous les cambodgiens autour de lui, parce que
l'union fait de la force (ចង្កឹះមួយបាច់គេកាច់មិនបាក់).

Quand vous réussirez d'avoir le nouveau leader du peuple khmer,
l'ennemie du peuple khmer sera éliminée et notre mère patrie
sera libérée comme la lumière du soleil détruire l'obscurité.

Paris V. 14 Mars 2012

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer victims,
To win the war without waging war is first
to find the new leader of the Khmer people, as they say:
(chen li Kampi Rork neak mean bonn ចិន លី គម្ពីរ រក អ្នកមានបុណ្យ).

the new leader of the Khmer people are only symbols,
in truth it is you who are good leaders (អ្នកមានបុណ្យ)
can unify all Cambodians around him, because
Unity is strength (ចង្កឹះ មួយបាច់ គេ កាច់ មិន បាក់).

When you succeed to have the new leader of the Khmer people,
the enemy of the Khmer people will be eliminated and our country
will be released as sunlight destroy the darkness.

Paris V. March 14, 2012

Anonymous said...

​ អង្គការលើដែលជាក្រុមឃាតករជីវិតខ្មែរប្រមាណបី

គ្រប់ពេលដើម្បីលាក់ការពិតលាក់ឈ្មោះ លាក់មុខមាត់ក្រុមពួកវាដែលជាឃាដករ ប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ។

ដើម្បីសង្រ្គោះជាតិខ្មែរឲ្យរុងរឿងមានយុត្តិធម៌ បានសុខសន្តិភាពពិតប្រាកដ គឺត្រូវតែមានអគ្គមគ្គុទេសខ្មែរថ្មី ដែលដុះចេញអំពីខ្មែររងគ្រោះគឺផ្ទុយអំពី រាជនិងរដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃដែលដុះចេញអំពី អង្គការលើខ្មែរក្រហម។


Anonymous said...

Please take a look at the new khmer Lotus Revolution website and make comments. Thanks.