Tuesday, March 13, 2012

China to Continue Helping Cambodia with Infrastructure


China will continue to help Cambodia with its infrastructure and raise living standard of its people, said Pan Guangxue, Chinese ambassador to Cambodia Battambang Cambodia Monday.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of Cambodia's 57 national road Battambang-Pailing section in Battambang, Pan said " The completion of the road will help elevate the country's regional economic development, especially in terms of agricultural product export, and also heighten the local people's living standard."

He noted that the 103-kilometer road, which links Battambang with Pailing on the borders with Thailand is seen as one of the traffic arteries in the kingdom's northwestern region.

The populous Battambang province, some 280 kilometers northwest of the capital city of Phnom Penh, is a major rice and fruit producer in the kingdom, better transport facilities will make farm products from the area more readily available to neighboring countries, including China, the ambassador said.

On behalf of the Cambodian government and Prime Minister Hun Sen, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng expressed gratitude to China's assistance in the kingdom's infrastructure construction.

The Cambodian government has given high priority to infrastructure construction, including road, electricity, and irritation facilities, in a bid to promote regional economic development and people's living standard, he said.

"The completion of the No. 57 national road with China's assistance will surely upgrade the transportation and communication with neighboring nations and reduce the local people 's transport costs," he added.

Started in November 2008, the construction of 103-km road is financed by the Export-Import Bank of China and undertaken by China Road and Bridge Corporation.


Anonymous said...

"China will continue to help Cambodia with its infrastructure and raise living standard of its people"

Err..you mean China will continue to help Cambodia by exploiting our cheap land and resources, also abusing cheap labor and raising more work hours and less wage.

Anonymous said...

stop whining, ok! at least china is doing something to help make a real, lasting difference like building cambodia's new infrastructure, etc, you know. what have you done for cambodia beside just bitching, moaning and whining nonstop like someone is mentally unstaple!

Anonymous said...

Every time Chinese announce some kind of Aid for Cambodia, you' ll see Viet announce some thing, too, not significant but will be some thing.

The same thing when Chinese high delegations visit Cambodia, Viet will send their right after.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people need chinese assistance. We trust China. But Cambodian government must be honest to use Chinese aid for the interst of people, not for the group interest. China doesn't give aid to Cambodia with condition. It doesn't mean that Cambodian government can be freely corrupt and take advantage of evdery76 piece of cake from this aid.

Anonymous said...

8:36 AM Correction: take advantage of every piece of cakes from this aid.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Cambodia is now in more debt then ever. Last year report shows that $11 Billions was traded, yet how come the nation is now borrowing more loans and asking for more debts then ever. Even the government staff received their monthly salary 3 months later.

Yet, $11 billions was traded?? More like, millions of dollars were traded into CPP and Hun Sen bank account and cant even pay for government staff.

Bravo CPP. We need more aids and more LOANS~!!!

Anonymous said...

shut up to all the whiners out there,ok! if you don't even want to help cambodia, why you bother to whine about china helping cambodia?

Anonymous said...

10:49 AM. Hey Vietnamese Whore. We don't even help Cambodia, how do you know Vietnamese WHORE. We send money back to our families every year, how much more do we need to send in order for them to understand they need to learn to stand up.

What about you Vietnamese WHORE? How many times have you been to Cambodia or send anything to Cambodia? Try to speak normal English, so we can understand you. Okay, Vietnamese WHORE.

Anonymous said...

Let's get this clear, Chinese investment in infrastructure projects, or otherwise, will mean:

- more jobs for CHINESE workers coming to Cambodia

- more money send back home to China
- more money into bank accounts of Hun Sen & cronies, and

- more debt Cambodia will own China.

Oh well, but we worship China, right, so let just shut up and admire them, maybe they will throw us some bones

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