Monday, March 12, 2012

It takes a commie regime to maintain solidarity with the Cuban commie regime!

CPP's Heng Samrin exchange pleasantries with Fidel Castro
Cambodia: Epicenter of Solidarity with Cuba in Asia and Pacific

Phnom Penh, Mar 11 (Prensa Latina) The voices in Asia and the Pacific breaking the media silence and disinformation on Cuba will take new solidarity actions in Cambodia this month.

Some 200 delegates from a score of countries from the region have confirmed participation in the 6th Asia-Pacific Solidarity Meeting with Cuba, which will be in session from March 22 to 25 in this capital.

Several participants told Prensa Latina that they will attend the event with initiatives and experiences to share, in order to break the silence on Cuba and its main vindications.

Subramanian Nagendra announced that the delegation of Sri Lanka will take 42 delegates, including four ministers, as an example of the government's support for the revolutionary process in Cuba.

In turn, the Australian Society of Friendship with Cuba will participates with a delegation headed by the academic Tim Anderson, a veteran expert in leftwing movements and its challenges.

Iraklis Tsavdaridis, the executive secretary of the World Peace Council, will give a speech at the opening session, and the U.S. publishing house Pathfinder will launch a book on women's role in the Cuban Revolution.

The leadership of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) announced the opening of the exhibition "Cubanía en Mariposas" (Cuban Features in Butterflies), which consists of paintings by Antonio Guerrero, one of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons since 1998.

The release of Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez and Fernando Gonzalez is, next to the end of the U.S. blockade of Cuba, the main cause defended by the world solidarity movements.

In Cambodia, which is hosting the biennial solidarity meeting, initiatives are carried out to spread such demands, with the fundamental support of the Association of Graduates in Cuba.

The Cambodian government has repeatedly expressed its gratitude to Cuba for its support for national reconciliation after the rift and destruction caused by the genocidal regime of the Khmer Rouge.

Therefore, the support from the National Assembly (Parliament) of Cambodia for this event, which was previously held in Calcutta (1995), Hanoi (1997), Chennai (2006), Colombo (2008) and Vientiane (2010).


Anonymous said...

Heng Sarin,

Heng Sarin was a cattles thiefs, knwon as Avek in his village before he become Khmer Viet Minh created by yuon Viet Minh fighting French colony during 1946s-1954 and from Khmer Viet Minh Heng Samrin become Khmer Rouge between 1975-1978 before he fled to Hanoi after Pol Pot purge Eastern Zone in 1977-1978.

Note: Heng Samrin was a military commander of Hun Sen and So Phim was military cammander of Heng Samrin and Chea Sim between 1975-1978s, So Phim and Rhos Nhim were in law in 1978.

Anonymous said...


មានតែពួកអាឧក្រិដ្ឋជន ដែលមិនគាំទ្រ លោក សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា !!!!!!!

សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរ គាំទ្រ លោក សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា !!!!!!!!