Tuesday, March 13, 2012

[Khmer] Split, Splashed, Crushed

Khmer has been split, splashed and crushed by the Viet, the Chinese, the Thai, Sihanouk the so-called King Father himself, and now the Indian.  Need we say more?

How could Khmer have gotten into such a mess to begin with???

Jok Jap/ចុកចាប់


Anonymous said...

it's called incompetent leader or individual! well, after all, during the french colonial era, the french administrator liked to pick the most ineffective person or individual to be the leader of cambodia, it was about control on cambodia then. but now we see it backfired as there are more to cambodia than that. plus, like i said again and again, if you hurt cambodia, you are also hurting yourself and others in the long run, you see. of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i. so, stop depriving or hurting cambodia again, ok! teach cambodia, educate cambodia to be smart and worldly educated and stop being selfish and evil as if cambodia is all about only you and no one else, ok! that's stupid thinking, you know!

enough already, stop hurting and sabotaging and destroying cambodia, ok! instead, make cambodia a better country for all to enjoy working, visiting, living, etc, etc, ok! make cambodia productive and contributing to the world, but if you keep on hurting and depriving cambodia, you get the same result when onto yourself as well. so make cambodia strong and proud, ok! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

it was so evil for people to think that they can control cambodia forever. they don't realize that they get old and die too, so it shows they are evil and selfish and perhap stupid and not smart at all, you know! they are not only hurting cambodia, they hurt themself and others as well as there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! people can be so cruel, i think. how incompetent!

Anonymous said...

what kind of legacy is that? unpopular one, i say. shame on their evil, selfish and cruel and greedy way!

Anonymous said...

Ah sdach Kbot jeat!

Anonymous said...


Stop the crime against humanity in Cambodia
The political regime of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, led by Prime Minister Hun Sen, is authoritarian, against the freedom of speech, never respectful of the human rights, corrupted, kleptocratic and in connivance with his clan to grab people land, torch and destroy people home and commit crime against humanity, against international law and even violate the international treaties.
We urge Respected President Obama and the Congress to:
1. Re-examine/reactivate the HR 533 and the bill 309 in order to condemn Hun Sen for having committed a crime against humanity;
2. And Urge the United Nations Security Council to condemn Hun Sen as a criminal of crime against humanity, therefore, put him in trial of the International Criminal Court (ICC) such as Ghadaffi the President of Libya.
Created: Feb 29, 2012
Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
Learn about Petition Thresholds

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is a womanized playboy, thinking Vietnamese women and Chink women until this man forgot about the Khmer nation that falling apart.

Sihanouk has been flip-flopped, thinking about himself being with tons of women and being afraid of Westerners to take his women. Just an idea of what we are talking about.

He lost the big investment in Cambodia since the U.S. offer the help to rebuild Cambodian country after destroying all the Vietcong armies and Vietnamese secret agents hiding inside Cambodia by working side by side with Prime Minister Lon Nol and his military forces. Now, Cambodia has been gone to the Communist Vietnam. WTF!

Anonymous said...

Correction for 2:37 AM

Sihanouk is a womanized playboy, thinking Vietnamese women and Chink women until this man forgot about the Khmer nation that falling apart.

Sihanouk has been flip-flopped, thinking about himself being with tons of women and being afraid of Westerners to take his women. Just an idea of what we are talking about.

He lost the big investment in Cambodia since the U.S. offer the help to rebuild Cambodian country because the U.S. wanted to destroy all the Vietcong armies and Vietnamese secret agents hiding inside Cambodia and helped Lon Nol military soldiers by working side by side with Prime Minister Lon Nol. Now, Cambodia has been gone to the Communist Vietnam. WTF!

Anonymous said...

Continue from 2:40 AM,

Sihanouk has rejected the U.S. assistance and aids to Lon Nol that was why Lon Nol had overthrown him for the reasons. Then he went to Vietnam and China where he want to focus on his Chink and Vietnamese women that he went so crazy. He was just a playboy that time and was fooled by the Vietcong and Chinese leaders who may offer him the opportunities to play their women. Just a thought for readers or bloggers to think about how Sihanouk is.

Anonymous said...

Ah nis jea Sdach MAE TEUK KMESS ...

Anonymous said...

ជុំជាតិជាអ្វី? ​ បើជុំតែចៃ
ជញ្ជក់ជាតិឯង ឆ្អឹងខ្មែរបីលាន
វាឃ្លានជញ្ជែង ជួបជុំ​ក្លាយក្លែង


Anonymous said...


គ្រប់ពេលដើម្បីលាក់ការពិតលាក់ឈ្មោះ លាក់មុខមាត់ក្រុមពួកវាដែលជាឃាដករ ប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ។

ដើម្បីសង្រ្គោះជាតិខ្មែរឲ្យរុងរឿងមានយុត្តិធម៌ បានសុខសន្តិភាពពិតប្រាកដ គឺត្រូវតែមានអគ្គមគ្គុទេសខ្មែរថ្មី ដែលដុះចេញអំពីខ្មែររងគ្រោះគឺផ្ទុយអំពី រាជនិងរដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃដែលដុះចេញអំពី អង្គការលើខ្មែរក្រហម។


Anonymous said...

L'organisation Khmer Rouge ( Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ​) a baptisé
(Duch) à la place du nom réel (Kaing Gueak Eav ) le chief prison de Tuol Sleng. Le nom (Duch) n'etait pas le nom révolutionnaire comme on le croit mais plutôt pour cacher la vérité.

L'Organisation Khmer Rouge (Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ​)​​ a amplifié et publié le faux nom (Duch) comme le bouc émissaire pour blanchir leur crime contre de l'humanité.

Le faux nom (Duch) est copié , répété Non-Stop par le média
en particulier le cinéma documentaire de continuer à tromper
le public et en même temps pour attaquer, déshonorer les noms célèbres tels que ( Duch Sidem; Duch Kimhak; Duch Som) et le maître de la musique traditionnelle khmère
(Sok Duch) de Takeo province etc...

Paris V. Le 12/3/2012.​​​​

Anonymous said...

លាននាក់ បានប្រឌិតឈ្មោះ(ឌុច)ឲ្យហៅជំនួស

លាននាក់ បានផ្សព្វផ្សាយឈ្មោះក្លែងក្លាយ(ឌុច)

ដែលមាននាមត្រកូល(ឌុច) ជាឧទាហរណ៏ៈ
(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម ឌុចគីមហាក់ សុកឌុច)និង​​(ឌុចសម)ជីតាអ្នកនាង(សេងធារី)។ល។


Anonymous said...

The Khmer Rouge Organization (Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ) baptized (Duch) instead of real names (Kaing Guek Eav) is not the revolutionary name as is commonly believed but rather to hide the truth.

​The Khmer Rouge Organization (Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ) amplified, and broadcast advertising, the false name (Duch) as the scapegoat to launder their crime against humanity.

The false name (Duch) is copied and repeated Non-Stop by the global media to continue deceive the world and also to attack and dishonor real name famous (Duch) such that (Duch Sidim; Duch Kimhak; Sok Duch) and (Duch Som) grandfather's Ms.Theary Seng etc.

Paris V.March 12,2012​​​​​​​

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Qui étaient derrière l'assassinat de Haing S. Ngor (The Killing Fields) à Los Angeles en 1996?
Etaient-ils le parti au pouvoir au Cambodge ou bien le parti d'opposition qui ont organisé cet terrorisme?
Ou bien le vieux chef khmer rouge qui a écrit de cet scénario pour assassiner son adversaire politique?

Paris V. Le 12/3/2012

Anonymous said...

Who were behind the assassination of Haing S. Ngor (The Killing Fields) at Los Angeles in 1996?
Is the party in power in Cambodia or the opposing party who organized this global terror?
Or the old head chief of both political parties who have written​ this scenario to murder his political opponent?

Paris V. Sunday, 12/03/2012​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk and monarchy who made
and are making the mess.

Since he became king of,chef of
state,and prime minister of
Cambodia,he always used his power
to crush someone who opposed him.

He so addicted to power and monarchy.
Khmer people must wipe monarchy
and dictatorship of Hun Sen out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Traitor Sihanouk and Gay King Sihamoni.

Anonymous said...

Ah S'dach Khbot Cheat Khmer,

Ah Preah Pak-ra Muk

Ah S'dach Kheatakor Reas Khmer

Anonymous said...

អាស្តេចម៍ក្បត់ជាតិ, អាស្តេចម៍កញ្ជៈយួន, អាស្តេចម៍មេឃាតករសម្លាប់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជាងបីលាននាក់!

Anonymous said...

AH V I N E G A R K I N G !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AH V I N E G A R K I N G !!!

Anonymous said...


Ah Sdach Teuk kmess !

Ah may KUM KUON !