Thursday, March 08, 2012

Math Enthusiasts Want More Development in Field

Wednesday, 07 March 2012
Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer | Phnom Penh
“I don’t think we are less intelligent than students from others countries, but if we work harder, have enough documents and do strong research, we could be stronger.”
A local Cambodian math organization says the country needs to focus on the field in order to better develop but that Cambodians have as much ability as others if they concentrate on it.

“Especially, it can be used in economics and technology,” said Chan Roth, president of the Community of Mathematics Teachers, as a guest on “Hello VOA.”

Cambodia has just wrapped up a four-day international math conference, as well as a math competition for local high school students.

Chan Roth called on the public to pay more attention to helping improve knowledge of mathematics in the country.

Lim Ratanak Liephea, a student from Sisowath High School and one of the math competition winners, said she wanted to encourage the study of mathematics in her country.

“I don’t think we are less intelligent than students from others countries, but if we work harder, have enough documents and do strong research, we could be stronger,” she said.

To be good at math, students have to do exercises, self-study, search for online resources and discuss with their classmates and teachers, she said.

Serei Mardy, a “Hello VOA” participant via Facebook, said that Cambodian students need more resources and documents that are translated into Khmer.

In addition, they have to start learning a foreign language like English because it is “useful” in strengthening their general knowledge.

Chan Roth agreed with Lim Ratanak Liephea’s view, saying Cambodian students are strong enough to improve in the field of math.

He cited the example of Tor Kim Sy, a former student who was strong in math and went on to study in United States, where she earned top grades for all her courses.

Phath Suy Kry, a Cambodian from California who provides support to the Cambodian math organization, said he hoped to help solve the lack of libraries at Cambodian schools.

“We are thinking about creating a mobile library system for them,” he said. “We hope overseas Cambodians can assist in this initiative.”


Anonymous said...

Everyone has a place in society, the same for our country. If we work hard or study hard, we will earn a place for ourselves. If you are lazy, you will trash picker. If you work hard in school and serious about it, you will earn a place or position for it to fit your education. The same our country, if our country is serious and value education, they should do invest in it so our country can earn a place among the world community.

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmers,

At a prestigious American university, in my
Calculus classes, it appears that Asian students
as a whole outperform the non Asian ones.

In November 2010, there was an international
competition in Mathematics & Sciences where 45
countries partcipated.
The Chinese students ( from Shagnhai ) ranked 1st,
and the American counterparts 38th.

When I meet a 5 years old Khmer boy or girl, I tell
him or her they too can become a mathematician,
an engineer, or a scientist.

A Khmer Professor of Mathematics