Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Meeting with Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy in Lowell, Massachusetts on 07 April 2012


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ar-chuy-mray ar-young shihanouk

Anonymous said...

Mr samrancy you are can't fool people any more fucker ....

You are the same Communish sucker as your wife

Anonymous said...







Anonymous said...

This guy is done and appears to be desperate for any (even self acclaimed & promoting) type of leadership title, regardless of its lack of relevancy and validation, as seen right off the bat on the invitation above claiming him as "PRESIDENT Sam Rainsy,.." (with no reference to party/state etc.), and ".., the Cambodian MAIN Opposition Leader" (as if somehow he is put above all in that department and every other individual opposed to Hun Sen is supposed to be secondary to Rainsy himself). Fucking Wacko..!!!

Anonymous said...

All guys above are so stupid and dumb. You guys need to pay close attention to the ill-intention of Vietnam over Cambodia.

You guys need to wake up! Need to get rid of Hun Sen and his CPP clans under the Vietnamese masters in Hanoi.

Leave Sam Rainsy alone because he has done very good job to help save the Khmer farmers who lost the farming lands to illegal Vietnamese encroachment and land grabbing under the Vietnamese dog Hun Sen and CPP clans and cronies.

Just leave Sihanouk alone because Sihanouk has no power, but under the power of Vietnamese dog Hun Sen and CPP clans.

Don't be so fooled! Learn and listen carefully.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah LOL
50 + 1 hahahha

Live with it pal...

Anonymous said...

You can never mistake this guy to be modest and humble, even with so little accomplishment and weak political skill set. I believe that he already thinks that he has earned the status of Moses or M.L.K. Jr. or Nelson Mandella of Khmer people, before attaining any achieve that comes even close to those of the mentioned names. Shitty complex!!!

Anonymous said...

All these negative comments coming from one guy?

Hey idiot, why do you hate Sam Rainsy who fought for our country?

Did your parents teach you to use your brain or were you born mentally retarded?

God bless your soul

Anonymous said...

This gotta be a mistake in typing: pay $25 to hear him talk??? It should be getting paid $25 to sit and eat through his talk

Anonymous said...

Fat Americans spend $20 per meal at McDOnalds. Even attending Khmer concerts and Khmer wedding costs up to $100 for showing up.

Why cant the fat Khmer pay $25 for food, drinks, music and speeches by the opposition leader instead of going to McDonald?

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is a racist, intolerable and an extreamist individual. He now incites hatred towards the Vietnamese and soon will do the same towards the Chinese and other non-khmer nationality. Would you vote for such a racist, intolerable, right wing extreamist individual to run your country? This guy used to be working for Hun San as a finance minister. As the old saying goes, "once a dog, always a dog" and nothing is going to change. He thinks he is smart but Hun San has actually outsmarted him a few times. He is hopeless. The only option he has is to beg the dictator he hates for forgiveness so he can come back to Cambodia again. But what's the point? Because before you know it, he will run away from Cambodia again. Would you vote for a guy who keeps running away like that? He can not be compared to Nelson Mandella or Aung San Suu Kyi. They are real heros while Sam Rainsy is a real chicken or a dog who can only bark from afar. Under his leadership as the opposition leader, Hun San, the uneducated, ruthless dictator will rule the country forever and that's bad for Cambodia. It's time to dump Rain Rainsy who simply doesn't have what it takes to go against Hun San.

Anonymous said...

8:03 AM You are barking the wrong tree?

so Hun Sen is your hero? How many many did he kill to be so rich and powerful. Sam Rainsy is a racist because he help the Khmer farmer?

Your mum enjoy FUCKING Ah CPP CHkae and bred another CPP dog?

Anonymous said...

He can not be compared to Nelson Mandella or Aung San Suu Kyi

Sam Rainsy was almost killed twice and send in exile twice.

I don't think Mandella or Aung San Suu Kyi, have ever been send in exile of close to be being assassinated by the ruling government. Explain?

Why is Hun Sen your hero, he killed many Khmer during the Pol pot regime and is also a Vietminh.

Mandella or Aung San Suu Kyi ever killed anyone since being in power? Sam Rainsy ever killed anyone?

Your mum is a racist because she FUCKED a dog, now hes barking that Sam Rainsy is a racist.

"a Boy that cried wolf"

Anonymous said...

President Sam Rainsy, the Cambodian main opposition leader who has ran away from his country a few times already. He needs money so please pay $25 to hear his speech about how to blame everything on the youns and none on the khmers or himself. The problem facing the Khmer nation is so huge that's why he has to run away from it. Hun San keeps suing his ass and he has no clue on how to deal with it. If he is allowed to go back to Cambodia one day, and in another day, he will be kicked out again. Will he be the prime minister of Cambodia one day? You bet. Come with $25 to hear his speech and you will be convinced. If not, then you must be a youn. Food, beverages and a live band are included. He might even sing a few songs.

Anonymous said...

I think more than more people who are close to Sam Rainsy are beginning to question his leadership. This guy is hopeless. He will not be a prime minister in a million years. The only strategy he has is to blame everything on the youns. Stop support him, support Kem Sokha instead. That guy stands a chance to face Hun SAN.

Anonymous said...

8:24 AM, 8:32 AM

You are barking the wrong tree?

so Hun Sen is your hero? How many many did he kill to be so rich and powerful. Sam Rainsy is a racist because he help the Khmer farmer?

Your mum enjoy FUCKING Ah CPP CHkae and bred another CPP dog?

Anonymous said...

I won't go to hear him bullshit and pay him $25 more?
are you shitting me.....?

Anonymous said...

SRP needs not your money but for you to open your FUCKING Blind eyes.

Are you a FUCKING retard? Dont go if you dont want to, but dont say that Sam Rainsy is a racist or a criminal, when hes dedicated his life in helping fighting for the poor Khmer farmers. FUCKER

Anonymous said...

Rainsy does fight for Cambodia, but his approach is so primitive and extreme, his political ambition and power seeking is outmatch his very little accomplishments and liability as a opposition leader. Not to mention he is a pussy

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM. How can you blindly say that he accomplished almost nothing when AH CHkae Hun Sen almost killed Sam Rainsy twice, and send Sam Rainsy twice in exile, trying to destroy SRP but only made SRP stronger?

Why do you support the uneducated Vietminh leaders, but not the Khmer hero?

Anonymous said...

This is a free country, people are free to hear SR’s speech.
For the people who like Hun Sen, he will pay you to listen to his barking + a krama as souvenir, because he is very rich and he gets his money through corruption.

Anonymous said...

No, not just a kramar, but also Bee-jeng and a bag of rice, for those suckers that would sit in the heat all day to get the best line herds of cowsn, the way Hun Sen likes to see!

Anonymous said...

Many poor in Cambodia lack the resource to get to the real news and that has been the reason they have voted for the wrong candidate.
But why here in the US we still have some knuckleheads who like Hun Sen after knowing that he has been a Viet puppet.

Anonymous said...

8:32 AM
“I think more and more people who are close to Sam Rainsy are beginning to question his leadership.”
You are right you are free to think anyway you want.
But Sam Rainsy’s leadership is not for you to decide, it is for the SRP’s MPs to elect him and I think they are a lot smarter than you.

Anonymous said...

Lets look at the roots of SRP and their supporters. Just have a look at how close SRP works with NGOs, and Human right groups, even many of SRP supporters can debate with pros and cons at an intelligent level.

On the other hands, CPP supporters are mentally retarded to even know why they kept supporting Hun Sen, cant debate nor can they read news or understand the roots of corruption.

Why support the uneducated Vietminh in selling the country away in a lawless country.

I dont understand these knuckleheads.

Lets test out the theory.

Which one is stronger, the stationary knuckleheads or the moving vehicles.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe him !!!!

Anonymous said...

Are all CPP supporters born as knuckleheads, or was there a point they saw the light?

Anonymous said...

SRP is only the last stand that we Khmer people have and contains the largest groups of supporters fight against the corrupted and destructive CPP and Viet/Yuon dog Hun Sen under the secret supervision and provision of Yuon Hanoi masters.

Why all CPP supporters abroad are so blind? Cambodia is the last piece of Khmer land will be gone and destroyed or given up to Vietnamese CPP crooks and clans because of the world most dumbest leader Hun Sen who was illegally installed by Yuon Hanoi. Yuon/Vietnamese will exterminated all of Cambodian/Khmer ethnics in lower Cambodian/Khmer Krom (today South Vietnam).

Well, it is up to CPP supporters. Do whatever you do to hurt Cambodian nation and people. We doubt that you guys as CPP supporters abroad or USA and Canada doing business and care about the money. You guys as CPP supporters will regret late after the Cambodia are stuck in the hand of Viet Hanoi after Hun Sen and his family ties are dead in the Yuon Hanoi hands and illegal Yuon settlers.

Go ahead and your family in Srok Khmer will be gone as well in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Ah Chkourt SAM RAINSY,chkuort ter roeung ELECTION pkup muk .

Anonymous said...

To Anti-SRP Khmers,

You can say anything against SRP and Dr Sam Rainsy
as your wish.
He is the ONLY opposition party at this point in time
that can neutralize CPP and its Viet cronies.
Are YOU against a leader who devotes hisi life
to protect you and your country from becoming
the SECOND Kampucha Krom ?

We Khmers must always remember:
" Prajat Kam Pup Tae' Ong "

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is finished!
nothing but bullshitter to khmer pler...?

Anonymous said...

Some of you who are against SRP are not learning the lesson and the real issue.

Khmer folks abroad who support CPP have the business to do to get rich via CPP regime. Khmer folks at home are still blind to support CPP because they have what they do in the corrupted CPP regime (no organized crimes, trafficking young kids and girls, illegal drug, no health care, no education systems, etc). How stupid those CPP Khmer folks at home and abroad.

What are you guys expecting for Cambodia that is a last piece of Khmer land and people in the near future? So, you are just destroying Cambodian people, country and everything in Cambodia and you don't care because you vote and support CPP.

Some of you are not Khmer or Cambodian citizens as we saw your bad mouthpieces and bad comments about SRP and Mr. Rainsy.

Mr. Sam Rainsy is the only one who risked his life and help the victims of Khmer people who lost their freedom, their rights and access to the education, school, health care, and beyond.

So, what do you want to expect from CPP and Hun Sen who ruin and destroy Cambodia and Khmer people?

Anonymous said...

See. even the uneducated monkeys cant debate at an intelligent level.

Bravo CPP supporters!

Anonymous said...

You are the one !

Anonymous said...

BRAVO to the criminal supporters ?

Anonymous said...

To say that any people who don't support Sam Rainsy are the CPP supporters is wrong and very stupid. Rainsy supporters should know better than that. This goes to show how intolerable these people are. They are blindly supporting a guy who has no real strategy, whose is only good at inciting hatred and bark from afar. He has over estimated his intelligence and thinks that he has all the solutions to the country's problem. What has he accomplished so far? Almost nothing. He has been used by Hun SAN and he doesn't even know it. That's how much he is. Hun San will stay as prime minister of Cambodia until he's 99 and thanks to an opposition leader like Sam Rainsy. Go ahead, label me as a CPP supporter. The true is I just hope to see an opposition leader who can fight against Hun San and I don't think Sam Rainsy is the man. He's done a long time ago. It's time to choose a new opposition leader.

Anonymous said...

Watch out, bullshitter is in town!
Members, please prepare each state
at least at the amount of $10,000. for me.

Your Leader

Anonymous said...

50+1= win win of samdech

Anonymous said...

Correction: To lok 9:28 AM

Who is Samdech ??????
Oh ! may be ah Hun XxXeN ????

50 + 1 = Win Win of ah CHIEN¨PAGODE !

Anonymous said...

8:32 AM. Yes you are a CPP CHKAE.

Sam Rainsy is the only real opposition leader fighting for the Khmer country. Who else is Hun Sen scared off?

If AH CHkae Hun Sen isnt scared and wants to play a fair game, then why doesnt he allow the opposition to do his job?

Instead of fighting against the opposition, why are all opposition parties are known as outlaws?

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is the only real Sihanouk and CPP Spy !

Anonymous said...

9:51 AM

And you are a lunatic!!!