KI Media reader @ 8:49 PM
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Go ahead punk - make my day! |
Clint Eastwood
"It must be bright in that desert, Clint, because all you do is squint. You shoot people, you squint, you shoot a few more people, you squint, and so on and so forth. Do yourself a favor man. Buy some sunglasses. Maybe you don't even need prescription lenses!" - Scott's Tip of the Day
"It must be bright in that desert, Clint, because all you do is squint. You shoot people, you squint, you shoot a few more people, you squint, and so on and so forth. Do yourself a favor man. Buy some sunglasses. Maybe you don't even need prescription lenses!" - Scott's Tip of the Day
Dear Sir/Madam above,
Thank you very much indeed for your note.
I haven't browsed all the comments posted on this posting yet, but I can honestly appreciate the validity of your request!
I deliberately kept this posting at the top a bit longer as I had put it on just at the start of the weekend or thereabout when many ministers and government officials were probably still enjoying their peaceful retreat at Kep, Bokor, on a golf course, at a Beer Garden etc.!
That aside, there's the need to bring this vital issue of environment back onto the realm of public agenda and consciousness. I would be naive, of course, if I seriously believe I could get much out of this "government" by way of publicity alone, and or any grain of doubt it may thus cast in the mind of someone somewhere in position to reverse this destructive and needlessly tragic trend.
This posting will shortly be overtaken by other postings, just as days are followed by nights... Hopefully, the majority of visitors to this forum will have felt they now have cause to ponder anew, or to question things they had not thought about before.
Apart from those who come to this blog to deliberately provoke dissent and create divisions among Cambodians, I also feel a great deal of sympathy and compassion for all Khmers, the overwhelming majority of whom have been innocent victims of others' actions and designs; “others” in this context would include those who share their ancestral birthplace and native roots, notwithstanding the use of "ill language" of anger and frustration which by and large in turn reflects that state of being swept along by circumstances beyond their power to determine or influence.
Please, [this applies to all of us!] therefore, be tolerant of “differences”, if possible. But not so "tolerant" as to render oneself the silent witness to the murder and rape of a "gentle land". Enough said [for now!].
-School of Vice
We need real Khmer heroes like Clint who will fight for Khmer people who love the Khmer heroes like Clint, the U.S. actor.
CPP men are cowards!
you can't control the fears and feelings of others, that's human nature.
why can't we agree to disagree?
4.55 AM,
You don't accept facts. This is what Cun Chanmol said , it fits your mentality perfectly. What did you learn from that book ? Nothing, but twist the truth and the meaning of the book around.
Too many poor got evicted from their land to enrich the super rich and powerful, corruption everywhere, illegal foreigners walk in freely, and when Khmer dare to voice opinions against these, they are seen as breaking Khmer unity ? Where are you coming from ? You are preaching to abused, but not the abusers ?
I suggest it would do you a better servcie if you read that book again and again from a different corner. Lok Bun Canh Mol spent his life fithing against injustice and protecting his country from colonilaism, French and yuon, but not the current abusers in power right now, you you are seeking to shield.
If anything , that phrase - Khmer anh choeng ! - befits you perfectly.
School of Vice was right,during Khmer Rouge Regime we lose mostly educated fellow khmers people bout 2 millions in vain cause the treat of the Vietnamese political leaders.After this,one and for all,we should set aside our fear and stand up for our causes.There no more hell than the hell of Khmer Rouge Regime.We should not at least by now living by silent ourself the treated,fears,suffering,anxiety,stress, and ect...cause of the government injustice and other out of their senses.Otherwise,will slow suffering ourself and nothing will ever change.
5:37 AM
What the fuck is wrong with you lunatic, do you take your pills yet?
It is about Khmer character, no politic and no bullshit, do you get it dummy?
You don’t have to agree with them, it is your choice.
Nobody can teach a dog to fly.
5:37 AM, I agree with you. The idiot at 4:55 AM is FUCKED UP.
I couldnt agree more, in his views he seems to be blaming the victims and not the abusers. Where else would he learn such trend? CPP.
Talking about the Viet spy, and quoting from Elizabeth Becker, this idiots needs more education. (he must of survived the Pol Pot Regime, now lived to support CPP..another dog)
6:21 AM
Nice try lunatic for agreeing with yourself, you only make me laughing harder at your stupidity.
When you don’t like someone’s opinion you just accuse them of being a CPP or Yuon, but how do I know that you are not one of them who are here to create havoc?
Your terrible English says it all, you don’t have to brag.
The way I understand it, 4:55 AM only tries to get Khmer united and that’s all he hopes for.
But he keeps preaching mainly to the abused, but not the abusers
6:51 AM,
Think that you are such a smart ass yourself. You need to stop correct someone who have been very angry about the destruction of Cambodia. Don't be so coward yourself with the civilized talks.
We need to stand firm and fight hard, not too soft like you, by criticize someone who has been frustrated with Yuon and other neighbors took for grants and over took every from Khmer people until Khmer have the empty hands. You need to understand. You need to tell the world that Khmer people been giving up so much and became devastated. Some of you like yourself must act up and stand to find the way to support Khmer people who faced devastation and destruction coming from Yuon in Cambodia.
So, don't be so soft and too much educated until you are stuck in the hands of enemies like Yuon.
More we fight, the more we tell the truth.
Thank you for understand. We support your opinion about not calling Yuon. Now, Yuon or Thai are seeing you to let down the Khmer people who lost everything to Yuon or Thai. Do you agree my point. Thinking about it. Yes, we know you are a good man, but don't be so soft. Learn how to fight and understand some of Khmer Yeung have been so hurtful because of Yuon in Cambodia. You need to tell Your Yuon friends to understand that they [Yuon or Thai] to stop destroying Khmer or Cambodia.
Bear with me and please correct me if I am wrong, Mr. School of Vice:
Why do you have to thumb your nose at me and the readers with Clint "Go ahead punk - make my day!"'s while responding to my request?
Truly yours,
Kalonh Chuck
6:51 AM.
Nice try lunatic for agreeing with yourself, you only make me laughing harder at your stupidity.
-Hey FUCKER, You can laugh all you want. Shall i laugh with you. Because that was my first comment, so i didnt agree with myself. Only a lunatic like you thinks you can outsmart yourself only to be a fool of your own game. There are many people who may agree with my comments or your comments. But i dont accuse others of being a lunatic and pretending to agree with himself. GOT IT CPP DOG?
When you don’t like someone’s opinion you just accuse them of being a CPP or Yuon, but how do I know that you are not one of them who are here to create havoc?
-HEY FUCKER. Why are you offended if you are not a CPP Dog or a Youn? How do you i know if i am not one of them creating havoc? Because I dont support CPP, like you CPP dogs. GOT IT?
Also Dont accuse me of shit, I am much more educated then the avaerage Anti-CPP often accusing others of Youn.
Do you want to copy and paste where i stated that you are a YOUN, FUCKER?
So again, if we are fighting against CPP, you shouldn't be offended because you are not a CPP dog, but if you are a CPP dog, then shows us here why you support the CPP dogs, Agree?
1 person cannot became a hero by himself in movie yes not in a real life. Can Hun Sen became a powerful man by himself? is never without people supporting him. Money is power that why Hun Sen sold everything in Cambodia to pay his supporters. Khmer supporters goes for the money to joined and supported Hun Sen, they didn't care about their motherland and their own people is being destroy by Hun Sen's regime.
Dear friend 'Kalonh Chuck' @ 7:37 AM,
No, I can assure you the picture posted is most definitely NOT directed at you or felow readers here!
I'll leave you to work out yourself who might then be at the intended receiving end of Clint's warning!
Take care, and thanks again for your contribution.
7:17 AM
We don’t who is who in here because almost everybody is anonymous. And even though some people use their pen names, they can be easily be used by others.
I read a lot of name calling and fussing going on; it annoys and makes me feeling sad so I step in a few hours ago in trying to break the fight in the forums.
If we can’t even debate in a civilized way how can we be united (I mean within the KI Media), how are going to solve our bigger problem in Cambodia by sending the Vietnamese back to Vietnam.
We, Cambodian, have suffered long enough it is about time that we learn talk to each other in a civilized way, and the least we can is within the KI Media.
7:40 AM
Hey! Nice to see you again SUCKER!
Are you still a SUCKER, because you like you call other people FUCKER?
7:37 AM
Don’t worry my friend 'Kalonh Chuck', the pistol is aimed at the CPP and its sympathizers.
9:10 AM. Fucker, you can call me whatever you like.
But i have the right to call you CPP dog, because thats what you are. Agree?
Theary Seng always keeps her shit on top of everything else, not matter how trivial.
11:59 AM
Agree on what, you are a Sucker and I am a Fucker? Ok no problem buddy.
And who is a CPP’s dog, you or me?
Only you and I know that, because you can lie to other people but you cannot lie to yourself and the same goes for me I cannot lie to myself either. Does it sound fair and reasonable enough for you, SUCKER.
If you cannot agree with me on this, I don’t know what to do, besides having Clint shooting you: Go ahead make my day, punk!
I am just kidding ok, SUCKER.
If I am a CPP dog why do I need to hide FUCKER?
4:12 PM
If you are not hiding why your name is anonymous, SUCKER.
Show us your real id or photo, or you can come and suck my dick so I can see your face.
Remember the FUCKER role is to fuck you but not to be fucked.
And a SUCKER role is to get his knees and to suck.
4:12 PM
You probably don’t even understand what does the word anonymous mean that is why you say that you are not hiding. You lie to everybody without realizing it.
What’s a joke?
So it means 4:12 PM is a CPP’s dog because he lies.
Another mentally retarded CPP fucker enjoys being fucked again. Where does CPP get all this people from, imported from Thai massage palour?
Stop the KRT immediately!!!
Ah Hun Sèn must be tried instead and blindfolded for the firing squad if found guilty!
Yes, there have been more than enough evidences that Ah traitor Hun Sèn is killing Khmer people left over from the Viet engineered killing Fields for the free flow of millions of illegal Viet in to Cabodia and giving up Cambodia as the land for the Viet Federation of Indochina!!!
All World leaders must put Hun Sen in jail for all criminal activities instead of joining him in Phnom Penh for ASEAN Summit.!/petition/stop-crime-against-humanity-cambodia/YK5bG01Y
What’s a mess? Whew…
What a relief now that we get everything out of our chest!
Let's move on people...
Until next time, be good! if you cannot be good....Be GOOD AT IT!
Kalonh Chuck
Film for idiots
And you are a sucker, 5:36 AM!
The film is for you, FUCKER.
okay, you sucker & fucker; that's enough!
Beware of danger if you want to step in.
This is an unstable and angry hornets’ nest.
Hey FUCKERS lets continue to curse at each other. This will get us somewhere in the next 20 years, and CPP will still be in power for another 20 years.
Good job at distracting people from the topic, FUCKING CPP DOGS.
The Sucker is so hungry for sperms now, I hear him barking.
i think the quote from ms. elizabeth becker above, she referred to the stupid KR regime because cambodia before the KR time wasn't like that. we know the stupid KR chose to kill its own people to "rid of perceived enemies" who do not want to support their commy, primitive, lawless regime. so, the worst slaughter was happening toward the end of 1978, perhaps at the time when ms becker stepped foot on khmer soil at that time. you see, she referred to the stupid KR regime if you read her quote correctly.
10:39 AM. I agree. CPP dogs likes to eb sucked by other CPP. LOLZ
Beware of danger if you want to step in, it’s your own risk.
This is an unstable and angry hornets’ nest.
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