Monday, March 12, 2012

SRP Candidate in Kampong Thom threatened with land and house confiscation

12 March 2102
The Free Press Magazine
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the original article in Khmer

A SRP candidate for the commune election in Thnot Chum commune, Baray district, Kampong Thom province, was threatened by the court with confiscation of his land and house which he lived and owned since 1979. The SRP said that this is a political threat with the approaching commune election.

A letter authored by SRP MPs and the leader of the SRP council from Kampong Thom province indicated that on 21 February 2012, the Kampong Thom provincial court issued an order to Suy Sim, the SRP Thnot Chum commune candidate, to move his house out of the land he owned and currently lives on by 05 March 2012.

The SRP letter confirmed that Suy Sim owned and lived on his land since 1979 and he owned a confirmation letter issued by Pol Dum, the Thnot Chum commune chief, by Siv Kim, the No. 2 Thnot Chum commune councilor, by Ho Saran, the Thnot Chum administrative office director, as well by all the villagers from Thnot Chum No. 2 village. Furthermore, he owns a family book and a Cambodian ID which was issued by the Kampong Thom provincial police in 2004 and the provincial governor in 2007.

The SRP considered this case as a new political threat on one of its activists in Thnot Chum commune at a time when the commune election is fast approaching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KI Media Team and Mr. School of Vice,

Here is the link to a video called KONY 2012:

Please watch the movie and see if you want to post the movie on your site.

Lots of great ideas in the movie to help stop dictatorship and brutal dictators anywhere in the world.

Pissed off