Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why would Cambodia allow joint development of Preah Vihear with Thailand when the temple and the land belong to Cambodia?

Thanasak agrees with Thaksin's temple plan

Preah Vihear area would be mutually developed

Wassana Nanuam & Manop Thip-Osod
Bangkok Post

Supreme Commander Thanasak Patimapakorn has agreed to a proposal by exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to jointly develop the 4.6sq km disputed border area around the Preah Vihear temple.

Gen Thanasak made the statement after Thaksin, in a recent interview with the Bangkok Post, said that while he was prime minister, he had offered his Cambodian counterpart a joint development plan to turn the area into a tourism spot.

Thaksin also said Noppadon Pattama, the foreign minister at that time, should not have supported Cambodia's application, which has put Thailand at a disadvantage in the border row.

Gen Thanasak said joint cooperation between the two neighbouring countries would benefit both sides.

It would be more useful to develop the spot for mutual benefit, he said.

However, details must be thrashed out on how to jointly develop the area.

Thailand and Cambodia have been engaged in a dispute over the sovereignty of the land surrounding the temple.

A conflict arose between the countries when Cambodia applied to register the temple as a World Heritage site with Unesco in 2009. The Thai government, then under the premiership of the late Samak Sundaravej, supported Cambodia's application.

That led the Cambodian government to ask to develop the temple and the 4.6sq km area around it to meet World Heritage Commission requirements.

Gen Thanasak also talked about the progress of the formation of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Working Group (JWG).

He said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had appointed people from relevant agencies to sit on the JWG. The Thai working group is led by Royal Thai Armed Forces' chief of staff Worapong Sa-nganet.

On July 18 last year, the International Court of Justice ruled that the two countries must withdraw their troops from the 17.3 sq km demilitarised zone, of which 8.5 sq km is in Thailand and 8.8 sq km lies in Cambodia. The JWG will work out details of the military withdrawal from the provisional demilitarised zone ordered by the ICJ.

This provisional order led the countries to host talks at the General Border Committee on Dec 21 in Cambodia.

They set up a joint working group to discuss the troop withdrawals but have not yet set a timeframe.

Gen Thanasak said the JWG would reconsider the provisional demilitarised zone and stressed that Thai authorities would make sure Thailand's sovereignty remains intact and the country would not be at a disadvantage.

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said Thailand is at a disadvantage as a result of its support for Cambodia's application.

Mr Abhisit said Thaksin had made it clear he wanted to do business in the energy-rich overlapping marine area claimed by Thailand and Cambodia.

Thailand would be at a disadvantage if the government's policy is driven by such a hidden agenda, Mr Abhisit said.

Democrat spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut warned the party will take legal action against the Foreign Ministry if it resubmits the controversial 2001 memorandum of understanding (MoU) on maritime boundaries for cabinet approval. The MoU, jointly signed by the Thaksin administration and Cambodia, outlined a framework for settling maritime disputes in the Gulf of Thailand.

The Abhisit government revoked the agreement in 2009 after Thaksin was appointed as an adviser to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.


Anonymous said...

joining develop is their dream. that's another issue altogether, the real issue now is to properly and lawfully demarcate the boundary line first before siem thugs try to talk joint development, etc with the owner, cambodia! of course, the owner will have more power to decide what to do more than the wishful thinking of the host, you know! and cambodia, as the own, reserve the rights to refuse that, the right of the owner, you know. so, don't push it, ok, siemy!

Anonymous said...

don't do it cambodia, siem is trying to trick cambodia into joint development, etc. the temple is not even theirs to begin with, plus, icj in 1962 had already ruled in favor of cambodia, so what siem is doing now is trying their luck one last time with cambodia. remember they have nothing to lose but to gain by doing to to cambodia. we know they have no chance with the law, etc... so don't fall under dirty siem trick, ok!

Anonymous said...

Everything up to now points to one very clear and important thing and that is the 4.6 square km land belongs to Cambodia.

The Thais have known that all a long!

Hun Sen, though you are not the type of PM I would like to see leading a country, I will still give you ONE POINT or ONE CREDIT if you do not yield to this proposal and allow the ICJ to do its work and deliver the verdict!

It is not too late to start earning good credit and you should take this political opportunity to do it.

Be a PM because people want you to be rather than you want to be!

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

siem is jealous with cambodia's success. they rather see cambodia isolated and undevelop like in the 1980s so they can steal and loot from cambodia. anyway, i think time is now on cambodia's side for a change. thank goodness, nothing bad can last forever in cambodia. i hope god will punish siem for their evil and greedy intention with cambodia. may god always protect cambodia from evil people like siem, etc...

Anonymous said...

The uneducated Vietmihn doesnt understand international law but the jungle law because Cambodia belongs to him.

What this uneducated Vietminh doesn't understand is that, Prea Vihear and the surrounding land has always been ours since 1962. Siem are troublemarker and will make any excuses to steal our culture.

Anonymous said...

maybe siem is addiction to khmer, but they don't know khmer don't like them!

Anonymous said...

This is good news. Now the Cambodian people can ask the Thai government to jointly develop the rest of Thailand since it once belong to us.

Anonymous said...

These are my opinions listed.
1. We must not joint developed this so call 4.6 km.
2. We will be grand justice at ICJ, this make these
thieves nervous.
3. If we joint developed this area, its like we
admitted this land also belong to these thieves
4. If we cave in to these pressures WHAT OTHER
5. They knew they lost Preah Vihear forever and this
is the ONLY way they can reclaim PV temple.
6. We had lost our soldiers lives and drain our
precious limited resources just to let these Thai
Thieves joint developed on our own soil. How
about joint developed the 14 provinces that these
Thieves stole it from us. LOL

Anonymous said...

If Cambodia agreed to joint development, Cambodia woud be the most crazy and very very ungratitude to the ancestor. Why the siamese dream about that. Who is the enny of Khmer empire? Who destroyed at one time the empire country from time to time? And if we let the one that have destroyed Khmer empire to continueing benefiting from Khmer empire thing, how can our ancestor rest in peace? he try very hard to protect these thing and you young generation let it go like this? No No No, we will fight till we die, no way, the siamese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You stipid the history alone, don't bring to joint this stupid act with you.

Anonymous said...

These Siem thuggish leaders have been masturbating too much for them to say that Cambodia should joint develop Cambodian Preah Vihear with Thailand! Well... these Siem thuggish leaders should keep on masturbating to have those good wishful feeling but the reality will tell them the opposite!

Preah Vihear temple do not belong Thailand and the Siem thuggish leaders should stop saying about join development! It seems that these Siem thuggish leaders never feel ashamed and embarrassed for behaving like a fucken thief!

Anonymous said...

You can talk about joint development before Cambodia submitting the case to ICJ, but it is too late to talk about it now.

The status right now is winner take all !!!!!

And both sides can't use the case as political pawn any more. It will benefit the citizen in both country.

The result should be black and white and move on !!!!!

Anonymous said...

All bloggers could give ideas to
KI and KI Media fans,but the three stupidest monkeys and Vietnam govt
disagree;it means nothing.

Cambodia is a fake kingdom as a state of Lao.
Vietnam intends to get Thailand
kingdom by using ah Hun Sen and
Taksin as its baits.

The new map Vietnam empire already
draws it.
The countries will be Vietnam land
Brunei,Philippines,Indonesia,Taiwan,and part South of China.

Cambodia can stop Vietnam ambition
in Southeast Asia,if they rise up
against three monkeys and Vietnamese in Cambodia.