Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Banality of Evil, Hell of Bureaucracy

I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of 'Admin.' The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid 'dens of crime' that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.

- C. S. Lewis

This chilling classic is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand totalitarian societies in general and in particular, the Khmer Rouge and the neo-Khmer Rouge of the current Kingdom of Extraordinary Wonder (or "Kew", pronounced "coo", and as is often the case when in excited extraordinary wonder, one exclaims in rapid succession "Kew-Kew! Kew-Kew!").

Do you want to know where this Kew-Kew! Kew-Kew! Commie regime comes up with the Day of Hate?  Read Orwell's 1984 where Big Brother's Oceania has Hate Week and the daily Two Minutes Hate exercise.

And you thought this Commie regime has the creativity and smarts to come up with the slogans "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery" and "Ignorance is Strength"?  It borrowed from its Big Brother master.  You thought the past and continuing violence against its own people was an original concept of this obtuse Commie regime?  Or, that its deliberate policy of keeping Cambodians illiterate, uneducated, ignorant was conceived by them?  Think again.

To this Commie regime, war against its own people is peace, freedom is slavery, and the ignorance of the people is its strength. 

Theary C. Seng, 2 April 2012


Anonymous said...

Theary, stop showing your face for men.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, this photo Seng Theary look old and ugly. Why does she show it in KI?

If my mistress Sokunthear Sam look like this, I will dump her within a second.

Pang sokhoeun, Secretary-general of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

whatever Mr Kheng Sen son of a blood sucker, haha go to hell!, you son of a bitch. The whole world knows about your family tree's crimes against humanity since the KR regime including 1997 attacked, Pisit Pilika, Chea Vichea and countless of other crimes. Their souls are standing beside everyone of you blood sucker!, waiting to pull you all to hell. Hmmm, I can't wait to see when that happen, very soon, I hope.

Anonymous said...

6:21 PM
I think she is a lot better than your mother because she did not go around to sleep with men like your mother did, otherwise she wouldn't have you! I heard you are son of a number second or third men of your


Bai Khlouch said...

I don't understand how some Khmer people think. I mean not all Khmer are alike. But some are just plain ignorant and really blatant annoying individuals. 6:21 and 6:42pm, fit these descriptions.

Listen, it's not about how she looks or how she dresses. It's about a much bigger issue facing our country right now. And Theary is brave enough to tackle these issues inside Cambodia. Unlike some of you(6:21 &6:42pm) who just sit behind a laptop and just spews out non-sense stuffs.

Personally, I think she is a beautiful and wonderful human being. So stop your obnoxious behavior and act like real Cambodian.

Bai Khlouch

Anonymous said...

8:06 PM

They are Hun Sen’s dogs from the Quick Response Press Unit (QRPU).
This is one of their jobs to monitor and create havoc here and sometimes they are your frenemy.

Anonymous said...

To me TS is very cute and charm even if with her large nose.
Furthermore it is her works you all need to care not about her look.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Psychic or Astrologer, but when I kept starring at Theary Seng's photo I sensed that her luck went away. She supposed to be a princess or a lady some-sort of high class, but what pulls her back down is her nose. The nose is not proportion to her face and body. If her nose is small, she will be top. She is charm indeed.

Anonymous said...

You are nobody, but if you want to be a Psychic or Astrologer I advice you to go and learn from the Masters around Wat Phnom area in PP.