Wednesday, April 04, 2012

ជីវប្រវត្ដិសង្ខេប របស់ ប្រធាន អាស៊ាន

  • មិនដឹងកើតថ្ងៃណាពិតប្រាកដទេ
  • ពីដំបូងជា ខ្មែរក្រហម
  • រួចរត់ចូលយួន
  • យួនបន្តុបជាកូនជឹង
  • ឥឡូវជា បងធំផ្តាច់ការ របស់អុងឡឺង


Anonymous said...

Ah kwack and his gay affair, I love you you Hanoi-man, me love you long time, ha ha ha ha ha ha ! meet me at my Hanoi hotel soon kiss kiss!

Anonymous said...

I don't like Hun Sen and his family> I hate the cult of Hun sen and his wife.(Mee Kahing Kate Bandit..what soever).

But There must be some limit.You said he was a KR. After the 197O coup many Cambodians including intellectuals and high ranking officials went into the forest to fight the Lon Nol Regime. Those people got in the KR's trap and were called KR.Many acted under the KR orders.

It's true that Hun Sen (and many others) escaped to Vietnam to save his skin. At his place what did you do. Stay in Cambodia and let the KR arrest you and send you to S 21 and simply let the KR kill you?

It's hard to tag him as a KR.I dislike Hun Sen, his family and the opportunistic intellectuals who serve Hun Sen.But Please keep a limit.

Anonymous said...

I like the key outline of important events in Hun Sen's life. Lol. It is so true. At the end Hun Sen is a Vietnamese dog slurping dog-bone Pho soup phosure. Lol.

Anonymous said...

12:00 PM. AH CPP CHKAE. I know your trick. You are lying again.

Hun Sen didn't escape to the Vietname, AH CHKAE.

Hun Sen rank went froma cadet solider to commander in charge of 2000 KR solider, AH CHKAE

and Hun Sen didnt save Cambodia AH CHKAE>

Vietnamese occupied Cambodia for 10 years sending many Khmer to die in the k5 plan. AH CHKAE

Before you open your DUMB mouth, go read up history AH CHKAE