Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Looking for a long lost friend

A man in Cambodia lost his best friend during Pol Pot regime. And now he heard that his friend live in USA in Irlence [Maryland?] State since 1982 and now never heard from him whether he die or change his address, his name is: Ly Mengseng called Mr. Long but when he went to the USA, he changed his name to Mr. Somnang Leng, he was born in Koh Kor village, Sa'ang district, Kandal province, Cambodia, and his friend in Cambodia Mr. CHHAY Khlork only him is still alive and other classmates died during Pol Pot Regime.

Could you please help me to find Mr. Somnang Leng? or share this information could reach to him, mean found him there. I am in Cambodia, I don't know how to help him beside to write an email to ask help from you. If you know about this information or possible way let me know by mail or tel: Tel: +85512454436 , 855979762021

I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards

CHHY Sothea
Tel: +85512454436 , 855979762021

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Irelence could be Rhode Island. There is a fairly large Cambodian community in that state. His friend might still be living there.