Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Memory of 17 April 1975

People celebrating the end of the war on 17 April 1975 (Photo: Roland Neveu)

A woman crying over the body of her husband who was a soldier in the Khmer Republic regime (Photo: Roland Neveu)

US evacuation prior to the fall of Phnom Penh (Photo: Roland Neveu)

Line waiting for gasoline ration (Photo: Roland Neveu)

Capitulation of Khmer Republic soldiers(Photo: Roland Neveu)
(Photo: Roland Neveu)

Monivong Boulevard on 17 April 1975

Celebration along Monivong Boulevard on 17 April 1975 ... the tragedy came right after this.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia should have public mourning day for one day to show respect for a few thousand death during colonial period, 500, 000 death during republican period, 3 million death during Khmer Rough period, thousand and thousand death during K5; 1997 coup; and misterous death and also mourning for death soldier of all regimes because all of them sacrifice for their country for same reason.

Everybody must stay at home, the public activity must stop for one day, no one should come out of their home to the street. Must make Cambodian national mourning day very quiet.

Anonymous said...

Khmer history:

- Vietnam created Khmer Vietminh and brainwashed them.

- Vietnam invaded Cambodia after March 18th 1970 along with Khmer Vietminh. Vietnam taught the Khmer rouge to fight Lon Nol’s regime. Vietnam made Khmer fight with Khmer, made Khmer kill each other.

- After April 17th 1975, the Khmer Vietminh and the Khmer Rouge started killing Khmer people.

- After the mass killing was completed, Vietnam came in, pretending to save Khmer people from the Khmer rouge.

- After Vietnam took over Cambodia on January 7 1979, the killing continued through the K5 project orchestrated by Vietnam.

In brief: Vietnam is the real Khmer killers by using the Khmer Vietminh to kill Khmers. Khmer people must stop wondering why Khmer people have always suffered.

The creator of Khmer suffering is Vietnam. Look at the current situation, how many million Vietnamese have already infiltrated into Cambodia after its invasion and how much Khmer natural resource have these new Vietnamese comers destroyed?

Khmer people have no bad Karma. The “bad karma” has been generated by Vietnam in an attempt to accomplish its goal of swallowing Cambodia, like Vietnam did to Champa and Kampuchea Krom.

Wake up Khmer people and look at the bad karma creator Vietnam in the eyes. This monster Vietnam has never wanted Cambodia to live peacefully. And don’t confuse with the present peace in Cambodia. This peace has a heavy tag price: Khmer people will become the minority in Cambodia in the near future, and then Khmer people will cry and say “Khmer has bad Karma or “Khmer mearn Kam”.

The end.

Anonymous said...

Stop blaming the Yuon for this tragedy!! It was Khmer arms and head carrying out these action. Even if anyone is blind enough to believe the ridiculous idea that the killing field was Yuon's plan, it was adult Khmers who carried them out. Stupid blames make you look stupid, ok. That's it.

Anonymous said...

tragic history! the stupid, ignorant KR regime was so deceptive!

Anonymous said...

Everything come from Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

if you ever lived under that stupid, ignorant KR regime, that regime was all about hatred, revenge, jealousy, resentment, all towards upper-class society from the past era. under the radical, ignorant, primitive KR regime, even stealing food because you are hungry can get you killed. i don't think any outside force did that, it was the local, ignorant people with the regime's lack of justice system that got people killed under that primitive, stone age regime!

Anonymous said...

ignorance fueled by hatred, resentment, revenge and lawlessness or lack of the justice system killed people under that regime. a true, modern era primitive or stone age society, if you ask me. learn from it and avoid at all cost from going that same destructive path again, ok!

Anonymous said...

12:07 AM & 12:16 AM are still around again to bark like nonsense. Hey you @12:07 AM & 12:16 AM, go back to Vietnam where you want to fulfill your Satan Ho Chi Minh's dream. How often do you suck the penis of evil Hanoi masters and Satan Ho Chi Minh when you sleep around dreaming and sucking your thumbs in bed?

Anonymous said...

that nightmare is now 37 years ago? it seems just like yesterday for those of us affected by it. the pain is still raw and the anger still hot. when neighbouring countries have developped in leaps and bounds, our people is still living "slap dauch poss ross dauch kangkeb". our leaders from one generation to another look inwardly and proclaim themselves to be the embodiment of wisdom in statecraft when again & again they have proven to be nothing more than kleptocrats. Mark my words JUSTICE will dawn one day over our beloved land and people.