Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New GPS Maps for Cambodia, the Maldives and Vietnam Published at

The Agricultural Website of Dr. agr. Volker Kleinhenz newly features three GPS maps resulting from assignments in Cambodia, on the Maldives and in Vietnam. These maps are accompanied by a range of newly published pictures taken in these locations.

April 18, 2012
Phnom Penh, Cambodia (PRWEB)

The Agro-Website of Dr. agr. Volker Kleinhenz provides his curriculum vitae, a number of presentations developed during his employment for scientific, commercial and rural-development companies, several packages of cultivation practices for production of different crops, and multiple publications. The section on his publications includes his 47 scientific papers in HTML as well as downloadable PDF format.

Besides this information the website also covers the global experiences of Dr. agr. Volker Kleinhenz. The latter experiences result from long-term employment and from short-term consultancies in various parts of the world. His experiences in Cambodia, on the Maldives and in Vietnam are now covered by newly published GPS maps and dedicated picture galleries in these three sections of the site.

The picture gallery "Cambodia" has been updated to include mapped GPS data of his regular travel around more than three districts and 14 communes of Cambodia's Kampong Chhnang province as Technical Advisor. Another picture gallery featuring the "Maldives" has been updated to include GPS data of Volker's travel within three atolls of the Maldives. The third newly updated picture gallery "Vietnam" presents GPS data of Volker's travel within Vietnam's Ha Tinh province. All these maps including a global map which features his global experiences are presented as Google maps.

Volker publishes business plans for a number of crops cultivated with different agronomic techniques in the Crop Cultivation section of his site. While most cropping plans cover open-field crop management technologies including furrow irrigation, drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation for multiple field-grown vegetables, one business plan features fertigated greenhouse tomatoes. The latest additions to this set of Packages of Practices (POP) include one for a traditional transplanted 90-days crop of rice and one for a directly sown rice crop. These POPs can be used to calculate the profitability of rice production under locally prevailing costs for inputs including labor, fuel and fertilizer.

Volker's homepage also includes his continuously updated Curriculum vitae in HTML, DOC and PDF formats. Besides his assignments as a referee for several premium international agricultural journals including Scientia Horticulturae and the Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS), Volker regularly conducts telephone consultancies.

The above details are also available through Volker Kleinhenz's LinkedIn profile and his Twitter account @VolkerKleinhenz. A German website is available at

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