Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thaksin Rally Raises Interference Questions

Thaksin Shinawatra sprays water towards supporters in front of Angkor Wat temple in Siem Reap, April 15, 2012. (AFP)

Analysts say Cambodia’s backing of the former Thai PM’s supporters sends mixed messages.

Radio Free Asia
“It is unwise for the government to only maintain relations with the Red Shirt group or the ‘Pheu Thai’ Party. To do so [could damage relations] with the Democratic Party of the former Thai prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, and also the Thai King. Both are unhappy with Thaksin.
Cambodia’s hosting of a mass rally at the weekend for ousted Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra may result in warmer ties between governments of the two countries but has also raised questions of Phnom Penh’s interference in the internal politics of a neighboring country, experts say.

The fugitive Thaksin on Saturday addressed thousands of his "Red Shirt" supporters, who streamed across the border from Thailand to Cambodia’s northwestern Siem Reap province in the first major rally he has attended since being toppled from power in a military coup in 2006.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen welcomed Thaksin’s supporters into the country, ordering immigration officials to provide “special treatment” to the visitors and waiving their fees for entry to the ancient Angkor Wat temple complex near Siem Reap.

Independent analyst Sok Touch said Hun Sen’s move could mend ties with Thailand following several military skirmishes near a shared border area last year.

“The Cambodian government’s decision … is a message to the Democrat Party and Opposition Party in Thailand that the Cambodian government is taking a balanced political stance or has a political strategy towards solving border conflicts between the two countries.”

The two countries traded heavy arms fire over a disputed border in early 2011 under the previous Thai government, but ties have warmed significantly since Thaksin’s sister Yingluck came to power later that year after her party ousted the then Democrat Party-led government.

Chheang Vannarith, executive director of the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, said the arrival of Thaksin and the Red Shirts in Cambodia demonstrated better relations between the two countries and their people.

“Not only Cambodia, but other countries, such as Laos, Burma and Malaysia—all of these four countries surrounding Thailand have opened their doors to welcome him,” he said.

“When he was in power, Thaksin had shown good cooperation with Thailand’s neighboring countries.”

The 62-year-old Thaksin was toppled by royalist military generals in 2006 and lives in Dubai to avoid a two-year prison sentence for corruption that he contends is politically motivated.

By hosting and lending support to the weekend rallies, Cambodia was interfering in Thailand’s internal affairs, another Cambodian analyst, Lao Mong Hay, said.

“It is unwise for the government to only maintain relations with the Red Shirt group or the ‘Pheu Thai’ Party. To do so [could damage relations] with the Democratic Party of the former Thai prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, and also the Thai King. Both are unhappy with Thaksin.”

Thaksin received a similar welcome from Lao authorities. He has now visited four of Thailand’s neighbors, including Burma and Malaysia, since the beginning of the year.

Thaksin told his supporters over the weekend that he hopes to return on his own terms to Thailand in 2012, which he called an “auspicious year” for Thailand—currently celebrating Songkran, or Thai New Year. Thaksin’s sister refused to comment on his plan to return to the country at a press briefing in Bangkok Monday.


Thaksin is Thailand’s most controversial politician. After fleeing Thailand, he lent his support to the Red Shirt movement to counter the Yellow Shirt Royalist group whose street demonstrations led to his ouster in 2006.

He then backed Red Shirt rioting in 2009 against the anti-Thaksin government led by the Democrat Party and encouraged street demonstrations in Bangkok which led to the worst political violence in decades, with 91 people killed over two months.

Thaksin has been accused of mixing business with politics and an intolerance of criticism, but many Thais believe the first ever politician to serve a full term as prime minister was removed from office because he posed a threat to Thailand’s powerful military and royalist power base.

Yingluck’s government is in the process of removing obstacles to Thaksin’s return, including the proposal of changes to a military-backed post-coup constitution which weakened Thailand’s political parties and legislation that would grant an amnesty to participants in the last six years of political turmoil.

Thaksin’s opponents fear that he would run for office upon his return to Thailand and seek revenge against his political enemies. Analysts say they are likely working to forge an agreement granting the army and monarch protection in exchange for the lifting of charges against him.

But many say that with his growing support in Thailand, time may be running out for the royalists.

Reported by RFA’s Khmer service. Translated by Yanny Hin. Written in English by Joshua Lipes


Anonymous said...

Hey....., This is not the interference of internal affair but it's THE WAR BETWEEN HUN SEN AND ABHISIT PART 2.

By the way, I don't what Hun Sen gonna call above analysts? ពួកអាភ្លើ maybe!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

“It is unwise for the government to only maintain relations with the Red Shirt group or the ‘Pheu Thai’ Party. To do so [could damage relations] with the Democratic Party of the former Thai prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, and also the Thai King. Both are unhappy with Thaksin.”

Since when has Hun Sen been wise in foreign affair?
It has been Cambodia bad luck to have him as PM.

Anonymous said...

this question should not even have been raised. the thais have been doing this stuffs to khmer since the birth of thailand.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a Vietnamese leader, not Khmer leader. He is stupid and blind to lead Cambodia into the disaster.

Tell him, "Hun Sen, pack your stuff and go back to Vietnam. You are not belonged Cambodia. You are a Yuon/Vietnamese citizen."

Hun Sen is NO different from Duch, Noun Chea, Khiev Samphan, Ieng Sary, Pol Pol, but he is worse than Pol Pot to this day.

We learned the good lesson from Noun Chea that he has warned us Khmer people to be so aware of the ill-intentions and dirty tricks of Vietnamese leaders to swallow Cambodian and then Vietnamese will kill all Khmer people before to put Cambodia annex to Vietnam to be part of Indochina, Vietnam Country. But the world still recognize Khmer/Kampuchea country.

Put a big Sign, "Hun Sen is NOT Khmer/Cambodian citizen, but an illegal Vietnamese leader and a Khmer Rouge killer of the Killing Fields."

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

The clash of military between Cambodia and Thailand over Preah Vihear definitely will be happened again, and it will be worse when PM YingLuck out of power.

Anonymous said...

"Thaksin received a similar welcome from Lao authorities. He has now visited four of Thailand’s neighbors, including Burma and Malaysia, since the beginning of the year."

=I don't see how Hun Sen could do anything wrong with Taksin in Cambodia including his red shirt supporters. Taksin is a very popular Thai politician because he worked and cooperated well with Thailand's neighbor. I don't see Taksin make war with Cambodia. But I do see AH Abhisit Vejjajiva make war with Cambodia and killing and deporting Cambodian civilians to embarrass Cambodian government.

It is the right thing to do to welcome peaceful and cooperative Thai politicians to Cambodia but not thugs and warmongers!