Friday, May 04, 2012

មិនមែនប្រាក់ ឌួង ទេ គឺប្រាក់ ហង្ស!

Dear Readers,

An anonymous readers sent us the following correction regarding the coin used under King Ang Duong's reign: "This  is not called Prak Duong. This is called Prak Hangs. Prak Duong was the Siamese currency used during the Ayuthya period."

We thank this reader for the correction.

KI-Media team


Anonymous said...

this web-site from google.

Cambodian Coin

Siamese coin

Siamese ancient "Bullet Coin" =เงินพดด้วง(Pod Duang)


Anonymous said...

Look like the Christian calendar year is 1769 on the coin, if it is so then the Buddhist calendar year should be around 2312.
But Ang Duong (Khmer: ព្រះបាទ អង្គ ឌួង) was born 27 years later in 1796 and died 19 May 1860.

It put this coin within the reign of Preah Bat Samdech Barom Reachea V or Paramaraja IX, his personal name was Ang Sur and his reign was from 1658 to 1672.

According Wikipedia link:

Anonymous said...

All the scripts are in khmer. It ws called prak prasad "temple coins" as it has the temple of angkor wat on it. Since it was first printed by king angduong, it was called prak duong too. Although Thai Khmer and Khmer Thai of ayuthia times called their money pod duong and tical during ayuthya as well.

Anonymous said...

coin 1 reads in khmer "preah sakaraj 2390 (Buddhist era) chnam moma nuposak"; "mahasakaraj 1769 (Saka era); "chulsakaraj 1209 (smaller era).

Coin 2 reads "krong inthaboth" (angkwat)

Anonymous said...

The years on the coin are either 1769 or 1869.
How was it possible that Ang Duong first minted the coin before he was born in 1796 (1769) or after he died on 19 May 1860 (1869).

This coin was not minted during Ang Duong life time.

Anonymous said...

9:09 AM Thank you.
We really need people like you to help spread the knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Just to add. The centre doorway reads: Krong kampuja" flanked by inta poth.

All three dates are equivilent to AD 1847.

Anonymous said...

Agree with AD 1847: with BE=2390 less 543 years gives you AD 1847

Anonymous said...

Some body know about this coin's value ? What does it means:3 (on the top) and 3+4 ?

Other ways, the script on the first picture are Preahsakarach 2390 ព្រះសករាជ២៣៩០ Chhnam Mome Nupsak 3 / 3+4 ឆ្នាំមមែនុពសក ៣ / ៣+៤ Mohasakarach 1769 មហាសក់រាជ១៧៦៩ Chulasakarach 1209 ចុលសក់រាជ១២០៩ ។
On the second picture are: Krong Kam Puchea ក្រុង កម ពូជា (midle), Chea Thi ជាធិ (left), Badi បតី (right). If we write this script as noway are: Krong Kampuchea Chea Thibadi ក្រុងកម្ពុជា ជាធិបតី ។

Anonymous said...

I ever heard all this three names: Prak Hangs, Prak Prasat and Prak Duong. For the last name "Prak Duong", it may be the same name as thai coin's name but I think this "Prak Duong" is calling for honoring to the king Preah Bat Ang Duong and not for thai's coin. Because Preah Bat Ang Duong is the first khmer king who minted the coin, so that is why the people called this coin is Prak Duong.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know many of you were old enough to remember bonn paak kandal sas sna?
I was 10 years old and attending elementary school. It was AD 1957 and BE 2500. It was a 10 days and 10 nights celebration.
My questions to 3:20 PM are:
1 - What មហាសក់រាជ១៧៦៩ is referred to?
2 - What ចុលសក់រាជ១២០៩ is referred to?