8888បោះឆ្នោតម្ដងណាក៏ ហ៊ុន សែន ស៊ីដាច់ធ្លុះធ្លាយតែហ្មង
អាហ្នឹងមិនទាន់រាប់ (១.៥០០.០០០)នាក់ផងប្រាប់អោយដឹងទៅ អាវ៉ា...
What an election result. A BIG defeat for the strongest, largest, the most patriotic, the most loved opposition party in Cambodia SRP.
The trend will be similar in the National Election 2013. SRP MPs will be reduced to about 15, HRP will gain 17 MPs, Funcipec and NRP will gain 5, the remainder will be CPP. The share formula is to "legitimize" Cambodian democracy. CPP can have all MPs but they dont want to.
Like it or not, this is the reality of Cambodian democracy. Cambodia will not welcome a democracy dictator instigated by the SRP. Imagine SRP won. He will be a big head. He owns the party. His wife and he thinks the people vote for him solely, so he can do whatever he wants.
They are too proud, other Khmer patriots are beneath them. Likewise his top 20 per cent of his supporters think like them. They are the best party. Eat shit SRP!.
After a thorough psychological evaluation, Sam Rainsy and his followers are suffering from OCD, grief and loss, anxiety, and cowardice. For their welfare and being, a strong dose of medication is recommended in addition to a proper life management.
The so-called KI promoted Psychologist Dr. Samuel Keo can help you coping with this election defeat.
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