Sunday, June 17, 2012

Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel Peace Prize speech, 21 years after


Anonymous said...

now that's she's free, what is next for her? i guess it's all about her, isn't it as if burma or myanmar is not there or something. shame on people take side on personal issue over national issue. shame how people can be so blinded through their bias, prejudice, discrimination, etc, you know.

Anonymous said...

It's not about her , it's about freedom and human right for the people of Mayannma that what she fights for ; unlike in Cambodia , it's about Hun Sen , ccp , and his master , Yuon.

Please stop barking for them , get out of their leash.

Anonymous said...

1:29 AM,

You are unbelievable since you live in the US and has learnt nothing! I feel sorry for the US taxpayer who has to finance your life there.

I doubt you have a regular job and not live on handout money.

It looks like the Nobel Peace Prize Committee is not as smart as you.

Don't worry; Hun Sen needs a servant to wipe out his ass after he has shitted so you can apply for that job and if you do it well, who knows Hun Sen may give Phay Siphan's job since you seem to have more shit than him in your head.

Anonymous said...

All bloggers should call 1:29AM,

ah Knows nothing.

Or ah Vietnam slave.