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Call for a shake up of our mindset throughout the Khmer overseas community
Kith Chamroeun
London, June 24, 2012
Contrary to the image of development and prosperity that the Phnom Penh regime has been trying to display to the whole world, Cambodia is now in a very critical situation in its history, a situation of no return where the Khmer national identity is on the downfall. Khmer population is deliberately kept in a man-made poverty and under-education situation. Many of them cannot have any other perspectives than being trapped by the slavery in process in favour of the new masters of Cambodia.
A lot of things have been written, especially regarding the external factors which have been leading Cambodia to this downfall. But almost nothing has been done to better understand the endogenous factors.
Sometimes some of Khmer elders have said that they have been involved in politics for more than 30 years, and now it is time for the young people to take the lead. But what did we do exactly to groom the young generation to take care of the destiny of the country? Many of the young Khmer people can hardly understand the current situation of Cambodia.
There is a gap not only between the generations but also within a given generation. Many working groups have been emerged during these last years but could hardly work together.
Now it is more than necessary to take a moment to understand why in spite of our growing awareness about the very mortal danger threatening the existence of the country we cannot find ways to effectively and sustainably work together to preserve the survival of the Khmer people and nation.
I wish to invite our elders and also young Khmer people to express their opinion through a working paper. This call aims at finding out ways to strengthen our community to work hand in hand along with elders and young people for a commune cause.
Appel a la reflexion intra-communautaire khmer
Kith Chamroeun
Londres, 24 Juin 2012
Contrairement a l'image de developpement et de properite que tente de renvoyer le regime de Phnom Penh, le Cambodge se retrouve dans une phase tres critique de son histoire, une phase de non retour ou l'identite nationale khmere est en declin progressif. Le peuple khmer se retrouve maintenu deliberement dans une situation de pauvrete et de sous-education. Beaucoup d'entre eux ne voient aucune autre issue que d'etre pris dans un processus d'esclavage au profit des nouveaux maitres du Cambodge.
Beaucoup ont ete ecrit, notamment sur tout les facteurs externes qui ont conduit le Cambodge a cette phase de declin. Mais tres peu de travaux de reflexion ont ete menes pour comprendre les facteurs endogenes de cette situation.
Beaucoup disent parfois qu'ils ont fait de la politique plus de 30 ans et maintenant c'est au tour des jeunes de prendre la releve. Mais qu'avons-nous fait concretement pour permettre aux jeunes de prendre la releve ? Certains d entre eux ont du mal a comprendre la situation actuelle au Cambodge. Il y a non seulement un fosse entre les generations mais aussi au sein d une generation meme. Beaucoup de petits groupe de travail et/ou de reflexion peinent a cooperer ensemble.
Il est donc plus que jamais necessaire de mener un travail de reflexion pour tenter de comprendre pourquoi malgre la prise de conscience progressive du danger qui menace l'existence meme du pays on a du mal a œuvrer ensemble pour preserver la survie du peuple et de la nation khmers.
J'invite nos aines, les jeunes de ma generation ainsi que les moins jeunes a exprimer leur opinion par ecrit de maniere constructive et ce dans un but de trouver des moyens de consolidation susceptibles de nous unir aines et jeunes et de nous permettre d avancer ensemble pour une cause qui est nous commune.
That is what the Cambodian people MUST do. I am so happy to see this call. Amen
The Call like this was not seen in Cambodian community before. I saw only the call to break up. This is a strongest call (A+).
មកដល់ដំណាក់ការណ៏នេះហើយ សូមកុំនាំគ្នា
កាសលើសង្គមខ្មែរតទៅទៀត ព្រោះវាហួសពេល
ទៅហើយ។ សូមជម្រាបថាអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែននឹង
១៩៧៩មកដល់ថ្ងៃនេះ វាមិនបានយកលិទ្ធិប្រជា
ធិបតេយ្យមកអនុវត្តន៏ទេ គឺវាយកចុងកាណុង
កាំភ្លើងមកសង្កត់សង្កិនប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ។
ណាយ៉ាងដូច្នេះទៅវិញ ? បោះអាយួនមានអាហ៊ុន
សែន ជាតំណាងវាបានប្រើអាវុធជាមធ្យោបាយ
ជិះជាន់ប្រទេសខ្មែរទៅហើយ ហេតុអ្វីបានជាអស់លោកមិនលើកទឹកចិត្តកូនខ្មែរឧ្យងើបទ្បើងដៃកាន់
ទាំងនោះទៅវិញ ? សូមអស់លោកកុំចេះតែនិ
យាយយ៉ាងដូច្ុនេះតទៅទៀត ? ។
មកដល់ពេលនេះ ដើម្បីកំចាត់ពួកយួននឹងអាខ្វាក់
ហ៊ុន សែន ឧ្យបានជោគជ័យ គឺមានតែម្យោបាយ
បែកសន្ទះក្បាលអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ឧ្យទាល់តែ
បើយើងខ្លាចស្លាប់ យើងនៅតែស្លាប់ដដែល។
តោះសពញវថ្ងៃនេះ ខ្មែរដែលពួកលអាហ៊ុន សែន
សម្លាប់រាល់ថ្ងៃនេះ តើខ្មែរទាំងអស់នោះជាអ្នកធ្វើ
បដិវត្តន៏ដោយហឹង្សាតទល់នឹងអាហ៊ុន សែន ឬ
ថាបើចង់បានសេរីភាព សន្តិភាពយើងត្រូវរៀបចំធ្វើ
សង្ត្រាមទុកជាមុនឧ្យហើយ ទើបមានសន្តិភាព ។
Yeah I saw not long ago, one of the elder(s) named Kiri Tith broadcasted his attack on his own people "Sam Rainsy" via VOA. He told the whole world that Sam Rainsy is racist because Rainsy called Viet Congs "Yuon". He supported Yuon and blasted Rainsy for using the words Yuon which in fact "Yuon" is derived from "Yue" by Chinese.
OK the peasants that Yuon put in power called Yuon "Viets" still Hun Sen have to give Khmer land to Yuon even Cambodia is not his land but the land for all Khmers.
Rainsy defends his land he condemned "Yuon" for their invasion taking Khmer land through the peasants Hun Sen, and Kiri Tith bashing Rainsy for Yuon.
Unity alright!!!
Kiri Tith made a very bad and big mistake to do that. Of course he pleased Yuon but he divided his people. He should have said behind closed door.
Khmers and Lao should unite to one group to fight these Yuon aggressors.
I remembered of reading a history of Khmer King whose mother was Lao. His named was King Ramathipadi I (Chau Ponhea Khan). He hated Yuon too much and he was about to kill his step Yuon mother named Ngco Van, then her father sent her an army to protect her while she was still living in Oudong palace Royal. He converted to Islam because he needed the Muslims to help him to kick Yuon out, but Yuon were also cleaver so they captured him by the help from Ngoc Van and the King was thrown into prison. His name was King "Ibrahim". His Dad was King jayajettha II and his Mom was Lao Princess named
In reality King Ibrahim (Chau Ponhea Khan) was very nationalist. He did all his best, but his uncle was corrupted and even betrayed the country. His uncle was engaging treason, but no one wrote about him.
We must unite and fight Yourn and Yourn's slave, Hoon Xhen and his clan.
Let stand up and let our voice be heard. I am happy to joint
I suggest that this call should not include religion. Remember Khmer communities are dividing in the name of religion. Early 80 and late 90 Khmers were united very strong to fight against communist until we gain PPA 1991. After that, buddhist temples were mushrooming in the US, Canada and other country then we start to see the fall of khmer uniting. Perhaps most of you realize that this is part of the long term dividing strategies of the communist. Everywhere you go to the temple in the US, Canada and France, you'll notice that political discussion about Cambodia are not allow to in their temple.
So let leave those people alone let them go to heaven as they wish. We must unite with all Khmers who want to see real change in Cambodia.
ជាតិ សាសនា & ព្រលឹងខ្មែរ
ពាក្យបីម៉ាត់ប្រសើរពេកក្ដាត់ ខ្មែរត្រូវបំបាត់
The old generations,men and women,
are depending on "New Generations
Me" who are 18 to 50 years old.
All new generations are well-
educated,and courageous.
Wake up,stand up on your two feet,
rise up against Vietnamese in Khmer
,ah Hun Sen,and his clans.
The old ones in abroad will follow
all of you,even some old ones are
not good,but some others can work
well with new generations.
May Buddha bless you!
May Jesus bless you!
May Mohammed bless you!
May all gods and goddesses
bless all "New Generations Me"!
8:02 AM
99% Cambodian Buddhists are not going to heaven but HELL. How do I know it? Most Buddhist temples controlled by few corrupt people and monks who steal money from the temples to enjoy their lavish life style.
I would like to share a short story,
"Where is heaven and hell"with some
bloggers;If you like it or not,
it's up to you.
THERE was once a monk whose
favorite subject for his teaching was,"Heaven and Hell"
One of devotees who was getting
tired of listening to the monk's
constant repetition,one day he
stood up and asked:,"Tell me where
is this heaven and hell? If you
can't answer me,I will call you
a liar!".
The monk being an innocent person
became afraid.Instead of answering
he kept silent.His silence made
the man even more angry and he
shouted:"Speak to me or I'll beat
you up!". The monk quickly gathered
his wits and replied,"Hell is around you now,with your anger".
The man,realizing the truth,
calmed down and began to laugh.
He then asked:"Where is heaven then? to which the monk replied:
"It is now around you,with your laughter".
Heaven and Hell are what we make
of our lives.Heaven and Hell exist
in any part of the universe where
living beings exist.There are no
such separate places.(End)
One more thing,"the heaven is in
your heart;the hell is in your chest"said Khiev Chum,a Khmer monk.
The well-educated people knew where
these two places are,but leave them
alone,if they did not.
9:21 AM
I call no one else but only ONE Almighty GOD, my Lord Jesus Christ to free my homeland Cambodia and my Khmers from Viet invaders.
I accept to do my penance, and asked for forgiveness what my ancestors did offend GOD in the past. Now I devote my life to pray every day after my work, and may the Lord GOD hear my prayer.
I am reciting the rosary every day.
this guy, he likes to divide khmer apart
soo he can let foreign country to get inside combodia to mess up..
10:11 AM
You told the story nicely, I don't believe it, but what am about to tell you is that I copy a little portion from a sacred history book about two friends both were Generals of Russia in 1800's. One General with an initial V. and another one with an initial N.
They both were Atheists and very arrogant people. They often mocking around people who talked about GOD. One day both were in the restaurant and chatting laughing mocking the people next tables talking of visionary, etc. Then the two friends made a promise "if one of us die before one should come back and tell the living one if hell exists".
More than 10 days later Gen. N. woke up he heard someone knocked his door. He went and opened Gen V. was in front of his door. Gen N. was so happy and said "Oh friend I am so happy to see you are still alive while I heard that was very bad battle and most of them died buried in the snow. Come in let's us talk and have hot tea".
Gen V. was so pale and refused to enter, he then said "I come to tell you that hell exists, I am there now. Take care". Then he vanished right in front of Gen N.
This is not a story but a history in a scared book.
10:16 AM
What is the name of your country?
10:24 AM
Who divides Khmers apart? I thought Yuon are the one. By the way Yuon are messing up inside Cambodia, is not new. Why do you forget?
Buddhism in Cambodia is DEAD.
The many Temples and many Monks rise are from the works of Evils.
How many times Cambodians adopted foreign religions? TWO times. First they adopted Hindu believing in GOD the creator, they were powerful. Then when they adopted Buddhism, their civilization collapsed.
I doubt that Khmer Buddhists will go to heaven. They will unite in hell or come back as Yuon's slave again.
The idea is perfect, but not sure this is the right way to do for the time being.
Most Caucasian schoolars had called us Khmer as a pluralism people. Because we love to destroy our country and kill our people during the last decade.
Please let the Khmer people have some break and stop dealing with this old idea. Most of you live anyway outside of the country and will not take the responsible for your misleading or criminal actions.
*6,000,000 Vietnamese
immigrants in Cambodia.
*200,000 Vietcong in seven rubber
fields in seven Khmer provinces.
*20,000 secret police officers
and advisers.
Will Cambodia become Lao,Champa,and
Khmer Krom?
I knew what I knew,the ones you
knew I don't know,but you knew what you knew,the ones I knew
you don't know.
NO one knows know everything.
NO one knows nothing.
Someone knows some things.
Research and trust other people
ideas,never say "I have the best
ideas than you".
Read carefully,understand clearly,
and answer the right ideas.
Don't be mad.Calm down.
8:53 PM
The result is about 40 % of Vietnamese population live in Cambodia. Therefore we oversea Khmer should learn Viet, before traveling to Cambodia.
Each country has many religions
and beliefs:
-Hindu is the oldest religion in
the world having one billion
-Buddha the second old ones has
600,000 believers.
-Jesus Christ 2 and billion
-Mohammed 1.5 billion believers.
-And there are so beliefs in the
By laws,people must respect other
people religions and beliefs.
All communist countries never
believe any religions,they keep
religions as a tool to govern
their people such as Cambodia,
All religion founders taught people
to love and to be loved,but not war.
play smart, play smart
don't destroy my country
don't try to make khmer apart
North Korea is subjected to "Juche" of Kim Il Sung, the founder. He was the supreme ruler, and everything including a self claimed himself as god? (Satin is the right word).
China does not allow any religion operates since the communist took over, but the people of China clinging to their forefathers' Christianity (Roman Catholic) operating underground.
Cuba has always been part of the Roman Catholic, the government cannot stop the people, regardless.
Eastern European nations were part of the Soviet Unions (Communist-Socialist) also clinging to their fore fathers' Christianity (Roman Catholic), and Cuba is not an exceptional. Poland was also under the communism ruled over, but the Polish people clinging to their forefathers' belief, later Poland was freed by a holy man who later became Pope John Paul II. He consecrated Soviet Unions, until it's fallen, freed all the East European nations.
Vietnam numbers of the Christianity keeps growing, million of the Vietnamese believe only way to wash the sins of their forefathers' crimes against their neighbors is to seek a salvation through Christ. Vietnamese has a Cardinal who was on his way to be a Pope, but he died, now he may be canonized to be the first Asian "Saint". He was Ngo Dinh Diem's nephew, a good man who suffered by the Communist in the prison for many years. More than half of the Vietnamese population are Christians (Roman Catholic).
Thailand, the more and more Thais becoming Christians. Because living under the rulers who are Buddhists, they suffer so much, their daughters were sold to be slaves and prostitutes. The nation is so corrupted.
Cambodia, a tiny nation ruled by a group of Communist peasants under Communist Vietnam, using Buddhism to suppress people. The whole country, 99% people are so evils. Buddhism is dead in Cambodia, only the evils who use Buddha's robe to cheat the people. If they stayed with Hindu, they may not be fallen to hell.
To unite is to wash these evil men and women with hot water and sand scrapping their skin.
Just look at the evil "Hun To" his face and his character are no more than the evil who just run away from hell. But he will be sent back, not on our time but GOD's time.
At the end GOD the Almighty will Triumph, HE defeated Death, then HE defeated the most powerful Roman Empire, the origin of the European Nations, then throughout the whole planet. GOD's noble design is awesome, only a small like little worm (Cambodia) still try to crawl to suck nearby blood, but how far?
Buddhism in Cambodia destroyed Cambodia. The numbers of evils will grow, they wear yellow robe of Buddha and they build more temples while the population of the nation dying with no food.
To all you Khmer out there please except our apology because speak broken Khmêr nor English soon will be be fluent once we adapted to your culture. Uncle Ho had taught from Đâỉ Việt to wiped out Prey Nokor which is Việtñâm today. As you all know our citizens had grew tremendously and it so overcrowded 100M peoples, ÑÂṂLÂƠ been swallon because of our great EXPANSISM team effort.
The Lost Ñg̀ụ́ỷêṇ
9:38 AM
Yeahh I witnessed many aggressors before the little Viets, and they too were wiped out after conquered for so many.
Sooner China will claim all Asian nations belong to her, and it will be easier to control by ONE China, at least for a few centuries.
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