Saturday, June 16, 2012

Demonstration in Paris on Saturday 16 June against the Viet invasion of Laos and Cambodia

Dear All,

I just got the invitation below, so I wish to forward it to you all.

For those who can participate, please go to Paris in a very large number for the very common cause of Lao and Khmer people against the Vietnamse colonization of Cambodia and Laos.

K. C.
Original appeal message:

Chers compatriotes,

Vous êtes cordialement invités au Rassemblement , le Samedi 16 juin à 15 H , devant le Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Quai d'Orsay Paris, en face Air France, Métro Invalides, contre l'invasion des communistes Viêts au Cambodge et au Laos.
English translation of the original appeal:

Dear Compatriots,

You are cordially invited to a Rally on Saturday 16 June at 3PM in front of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quai d'Orsay Paris (located in front of Air France, Metro station: Invalides), to protest against the communist Viet invasion of Cambodia and Laos.


Anonymous said...

Désolé, suis trop loin de vous tous pour l'heure, pourrais pas participer, bonne chance à vous tous!

Sorry for I have to miss it...Am a bit too far away from you guys right now, good luck to all!

អាខ្ទឹម បារាំង

Anonymous said...

What? Take my dick out of your PUSSY? WHAT WHAT

Anonymous said...

5:26am U take father's dick out of your mother pussy.

Phu' Nir Ma ,Ka Zchee Tor Tor ok?

Du Ma May An Cat Ho Nam Hong

Anonymous said...

What? Take my dick out of your PUSSY? WHAT WHAT

ENglish, english, pls, Khmer fuckers

Anonymous said...

5:44am ah Kwak hun sen will cut off your mom's vagina & your dad 's penis cooking Som Lor Mchu low race black teeth for Ah thmill Ho Nam Hong ,Ah thmill Tep Vong, Ah Thmill Noun Nget soon. motherfucker son of the bitch!

Anonymous said...

5:44am shut the fuck up ! motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker0 son of the bitch!

Anonymous said...

i'm not interested, F.. yourself

don't destroy my country

Anonymous said...

អញអផ្សុក ណាស់!
ពួកអាចុយម្រ៉ាយ រាល់គ្នាឯង មានការអី
ប្លែកទៀតទេ? ពុំនោះសោតទេ ពួកអាឯងរាល់
គ្នាចូលស្រុក មក ធ្វើខ្ញំបំរើយួនជាមួយ អញទៅ បានទេ?

[I am bored now - do all of you mother fucker have anything to do? Otherwise, come on over and join me to being our Friend Viet's slave all together, will you?]

Hun Sèn

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up! all ah hun sen cpp motherfuckers pls! don;t destroy Me Mam Som An's pussy ,.get it cpp motherfuckers Youn pusyy drinkers

Anonymous said...

To, 11:00am

shut the fuck up! all ah hun sen cpp motherfuckers pls! don;t destroy Me Mam Som An's pussy ,.get it cpp motherfuckers Youn pusyy drinkers

Anonymous said...

Stupid people doing stupid things! You, people living in France as refugees, are going to ask the French govt to remove all Vietnamese people residing in Cambodia???? Are you out of your fucking mind??? That is like marching down the street of Paris, as a refugee (not even very productive one on average)with a racist label on your forehead. The french are going to ask themself why not kick your hypocritical idiots out of France?

Anonymous said...

2:58pm shut the fuck up! motherfucker son of the bitch!

Anonymous said...

You fucking ScamSRp & followers are nothing but dumb fuck brain shit potato diggers cockroaches. You fuck up refugees brain dead people are so jealous of YOUN because they're smarter and wiser than you stupid asses fuckers. Thanks God they kept on commming and take all your land and jobs, most importance of all is that YOUN FUCKING all your stupid wife and daughters. Long live Hun Sen, all your fucking stupid asses down in the toilet. Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Anthing come out your fucking mouths is YOUN this Youn that. Can you fucking brain dead refugees cockroaches focus on your repeated fail agenda for once! and Maybe concerntrate on creating your new stupid political scam. Go to hell all you fucking stupid SCAMSR followers abroad. I rather have Youn as my leader instead of having you stupid run away leaders and stupid asses followers. Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

បុំាងតោ កាប់ក្បាល ពពួក អា​ Viet/YUON trollers on KI-Media esp. ah Pi Anh (ពីអញ) @8:07PM & 8:19PM!
