Friday, June 22, 2012

France Demands Clarification in Arrest of Citizen

One Way to Obtain Clear and Definitive Answer:
French military personnel checking the missiles mounted on a French Rafale fighter plane before taking off from military base in Saint-Dizier, France, on Saturday. The jets head for Libya to enforce a no-fly zone and protect civilians and embattled rebel troops. (Sebastien DuPont/ French Ministry of Defense/ EPA)
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer | Phnom Penh
French officials have told the government that no prosecution should be brought against Devillers “without clear legal basis.
The government of France has asked Cambodian officials to clarify the reasons behind the arrest of Patrick Devillers, who has become entangled in a Chinese political scandal.

Devillers was arrested June 13 in Phnom Penh at the request of China, Cambodian officials said, but no specific charges have been brought against him.

French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said in a statement that French officials had visited Devillers in custody.

French officials have told the government that no prosecution should be brought against Devillers “without clear legal basis,” he said.

Devillers, who lives in Phnom Penh, is an associate of the wife of deposed Chinese politician Bo Xilai, who is at the center of a Chinese political crisis.

Cambodian Interior Minister Sar Kheng told VOA Khmer that Devillers had been arrested at the behest of Chinese authorities.

“But whether he will be extradited rests solely on Cambodia’s decision,” he said. “For now we have decided to keep him in Cambodia.”

Devillers’ arrest comes after the three-day visit last week of He Guogiang, a Chinese Communist Party official overseeing the case of Bo Xilai.

Cambodia has made extraditions on behalf of Beijing in the past. In 2009, authorities deported 20 Uyghur minorities who had sought refuge in Cambodia after violence in the restive Chinese province of Xinjiang.


Anonymous said...

Let see how tough France is ; back in 1975 France could not prevent China slave, Khmer Rouge from executing
innocent Khmers who seek protection in France Embassy
Compound . Now France is facing a tug of war game with
Cambodian government that owes money and favor to
China ? France 's going to loose ?? ?

Anonymous said...

12:43 PM
By now you Asian people ought to know that when the White fight each others is not a big deal, but when the White fight against non-White like against Asian and Arab nations, the White people always United.
The US owed China trillion of dollars, and when China was about to withdraw cash, the US keep complaining of unemployment rises, altered China from taking money out. The European nations such as France also owed money to China, and France will find way to do the same.

The real problem is not about this involvement, it went deeper than this. Chinese Communists are famous of using women to work as espionage called "Honey Trap". Chinese stole many technology from the US and from Europe through this "Honey Trap". Chinese also have million who're well trained to spy and to hack.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have one "Honey trap" woman, where can I get one? She can trap as much as she likes.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian government has the extradite treaty with Chinese government related to crime that both national committed but in the case of Frenchman Patrick Devillers he is French national and not Cambodian national, therefore Cambodian government has no right to arrest him for China. The extradite should take place between China and France, if France allow to extradite Patrick to China then Cambodia can assist France and China by issue warrant arrest to Patrick but beside that Cambodia can not arrest Patrick, he live in Cambodia legally so he should be protected by Cambodian government.

Anonymous said...

sorry VOA , khmer has own rule of laws, so france ..

just liked u lived in (DC) USA, comly by laws..

Anonymous said...

7:36 PM
You think Cambodian people did not know the international law ?
French nationality of course, but this stupid French lives in Cambodia and not in France. Therefore Cambodia can use the Cambodian law to arest him.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian don't know shit about any law , AH PHAY SIPHAN 1:38AM!!! This french is not stupid, they sold khmer's land to youn. Only KHMER are so fuckin' stupid to give some more to ah youn and KHMER is so STUPID killed it's own people for almost 3 million under chinese MAO-T. Therefore, cambodia govt. can continue to kill some more for CHIN AND YOUN, so that CHIN AND YOUN can move in, i meant special move in.