KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Mrs. Sam Heang's first son was NOT Hun Sen's biological son is true. His father was Vietnamese. The US knew for a long times ago but stay silent and allowed this Vietnamese son to attend West Point.
Khmer National freedom Movement for Studies of Pro Anti-Occupation
Of course its real.. Look at all of hun sen "children". His skin tone is too dark to produce hun manet or even his daughter that run the tv station. Look at Cambodia, Most viet hide under the persuasion of "chinese" decent. When infact they're viet. I saw this with my own eyes an an Internet Cafe. They thought I had left, I overheard them speak viet.
Cambodia is now, have been under viet occupation for many decade. They funnel money to viet by international aide.
What i don't understand is, why??? SIAM and Viet what to be like Khmer? Khmer is a bitch nation that gets slap around a lot.
During the reign of Queen Ang Mey,... (1791- 1846) Khmer was under Youn 55 years, but during the end of year 1846 as all Khmers had fell that they were under Youn control 100 percent, they stood up to kill all Youn in the whole country and a year later in 1847 Khmer was free from Viet. Ist the time coming now?
Because Viet Congs's languages are Lies and always DENY.
Major Marks A. Smith is not the only American expert to know this, many did. Manet is Sam Hieng's son with her Vietnamese's first husband and Sam Hieng was "Do Moi".
Well...If this is true and I want some evident! How about do DNA testing! This is how American found Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan!
DNA testing will prove once for all the validity of this story! If this story is true and Hun Sen cannot escape death because what he had done is collaborating with foreign country to destabilize Cambodia for his own political agenda! This is treason!
Sam Rainsy is the son of god...Everyone in Cambodia with dark skin are Khmer, white Skin are VNs...Sam Rainsy and Mu Sokhou, Yim Sovan...are White they are?...Oh no they are still children of god....
12:35 PM Sam Hieng was "Do Moi". She had her first son already before she was given to Hun Sen. Don't ask for DNA because it will embarrass them and you who support them as well. It was arranged for Hun Sen to lead Cambodia under Vietnamese control so DO Moi which was Sam Hieng was the right person to be by Hun Sen side.
Folks! Hun Sen and Sam Hieng's two daughters use creme to bleach their skin. Sam Hieng also does bleach her skin. Sam Hieng used to have brown skin now because she bleaches too much, it becomes white like a ghost.
12:51 PM Why are you so nervous for this old new of Manet whose biological father is Yuon? All American Diplomat and government who deal with Cambodia knew it for a long time ago. Khmer-Mon were originated from India and some from Europe according to Scientists did the DNA testing. They were mixed with Indian, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese in the past centuries, so Khmers are not dark unless they are under the sun a lot or some were Indian origin (like Mon). I am Khmer but I look Caucasian, not just my light skin but because my Caucasian face.
You should write to Major Mark A, Smith and few American experts in Southeast Asia about "Do Moi" named Sam Hieng (now Rany??) had a son (Manet) with her first Yuon husband.
Go through this link below:
Before John Arnone and Kurt Heck take the "Great Book Readers" advice on Who Is Who in Cambodia, they may wish to look at the true facts not in the bookstore. ----Many years ago, I chased the current Police Chief of Cambodia around Tay Ninh Province of the then Republic of Vietnam. Though now known as Hok Lundy, he was then named Nguyen Van Son. The actual leader who asked the Vietnamese to intervene was Pen Sovan. He, of course, fell from power and was jailed in Vietnam when the relative of his wife, Pham Van Dong, lost out to the the relative of the wife of Hun Sen; Do Moi. Before this event, Hun Sen was only number 8 in the leadership sponsored by Vietnam.The reason the U.S. Government did not recognize the Government installed by Vietnam was not because it supported the Khmer Rouge, but because true Cambodians had little or no say in that Government and little now.
----Much is made of the U.S. and Thai support for the resistance to Vietnamese occupation. Many have made this to mean support for the Khmer Rouge.The only group not needing U.S. support was the Khmer Rouge. China more than adequately supplied them at the request of then Prince Sihanouk. Many nations assisted the non-communist resistance to Vietnamese occupation.
----The assertion the U.S. bombed and killed 200,000 Cambodians is straight out of the Vietnamese propaganda program. I was captured by the Communist Vietnamese in 1972 in Vietnam and held in Cambodia in Kratie Province. Present with the Vietnamese in that camp, at various times, were those who later were the elite of the Vietnamese faction of the Khmer Rouge. My camp had been over run by three divisions of North Vietnamese straight out of sanctuaries in Cambodia.
---At that time one of the advisers to Pol Pot was Kiet Chorn, now the Finance Minister of Cambodia. If you would like to sell fuel over the Thai border into Cambodia, see Tiep Khunnal, now the Deputy District Chief of Phnom Malai. But I remember him as the secretary of Pol Pot. Even in the early years, Kiet Chorn was known as "The Lucky Man." His father was the man tasked by then Prince Sihanouk to sell rice through NVA General Le Duc Anh to the Communist Vietnamese Army. Did that make the U.S. question the much heralded Sihanouk "neutralist"position? Yes,it sure did.
----Then we have Cabinet Minister Sok An - but I remember him by the name his mother gave him in his birth place of Vietnam; Hoa Van Anh. All these wonderful fellows met as Khmer Rouge under the tutelage of the North Vietnamese Army.
----It is the above and much more, including the fact Tiep Kunnal is married to the powerful former wife of Pol Pot, which truly denies the Cambodian people justice. Then there is the fact that the Vietnamese and Hun Sen allowed former Hun Sen mentor Leng Sary to join Fidel in Cuba, far from the short arm of Cambodian law.
----Before chastising others based on your latest book purchase, I suggest you get some real experience.
No one ever mention about SAM RAISSI's wife or his father in law.... they're pure chinese borned in cambodia... com'on people.... stop painting each other. this is how our country became weaker.. weaker. we better find the way to make our society going peacefully by using SOME OF USA LAW to keep all races living in our country in peace together. To me, if all south east asain agree to merge all nation and countries to be one, that's a great idea.... no one fight with no one!!!! thailand, laos. cambodia, burma, vietnam to be one. What do you think PUK AH SEE KONDUY... IS IT A GOOD IDEA?
Mrs. Sam Heang's first son was NOT Hun Sen's biological son is true. His father was Vietnamese.
The US knew for a long times ago but stay silent and allowed this Vietnamese son to attend West Point.
It supports a former POW named Mark A. Smith, USA retired who wrote in his website.
Read through this link below:
it's real???? well, we khmer do not wait untill too late!!!! all khmers must stand up!
សូមលោក ស្លាប់ជាតិ មេត្តា កុំសំលាប់ជាតិ ឲ្យសោះ ណ៎ាលោកណ៎ា។ ពុំនោះសោតទេ
បាំងតោ ខ្ញំនឹងតាមកាត់ ក្បាល លោក ឲ្យដាច់
ពី ក លោក៕
ប៉ាំង តោ!!!
ខ្មែរត្រូវតែចាប់សម្លាប់យួន តាំងងពីភូមិ ឃុំឡើង
ទៅ នៅនាអនាគតឆាប់ៗនេះ។
THis story makes me horny so much, some Khmer pussies pls
Of course its real.. Look at all of hun sen "children". His skin tone is too dark to produce hun manet or even his daughter that run the tv station. Look at Cambodia, Most viet hide under the persuasion of "chinese" decent. When infact they're viet. I saw this with my own eyes an an Internet Cafe. They thought I had left, I overheard them speak viet.
Cambodia is now, have been under viet occupation for many decade. They funnel money to viet by international aide.
What i don't understand is, why??? SIAM and Viet what to be like Khmer?
Khmer is a bitch nation that gets slap around a lot.
4:16 AM,
Thank you Mr. Mark A. Smith (Major, USA, Retired) that you share us this true document.
During the reign of Queen Ang Mey,... (1791- 1846) Khmer was under Youn 55 years, but during the end of year 1846 as all Khmers had fell that they were under Youn control 100 percent, they stood up to kill all Youn in the whole country and a year later in 1847 Khmer was free from Viet.
Ist the time coming now?
ចំពោះ ក្រុមបដិវត្ដន៍ ផ្កាឈូក, ក្រុមខ្មែរម្ចាស់ស្រុក និង
សូមប្រយ័ត្នកុំជឿក្រុមអាក្តសួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អាមេគ្រោះនេះអោយសោះ។
ព្រោះអាក្តសាយ សារ៉ាត អាមេរកស៊ីទុច្ចរិតនៅ Cranston RI , អាយួនគីម ធឺម (KIM THOMAS) និយាយខ្មែរដូចយួនច្រៀង នៅ WA, State,
និង អាជើងកែក (ដំណើរក្អែក) ក្បាលទំពែក ដេកស៊ីលុយឆ្កួត
ប៊ូ ជឿន ភ្នំសំពៅ
ប្រពន្ធផិតប្ដី ប្ដីផិតប្រពន្ធ នៅ South Phila, PA វាបានឡូឡាថា :
ICC ក្បាលអាចម៍ឆ្កែនែ ឈប់ដើរបោកប្រាស់ខ្មែរទៀតទៅ !
មានលុយប៉ុន្មានចង់ទៅ ICC នោះបើមានសមាជិក
សុទ្ធតែអ្នកដេកស៊ីលុយឆ្កួត និង អ្នកប្រមឹកស្រវឹងខួប
ពន្លឺ អាទិត្យា
So Hun Manet is bastard!
5:51 AM
You must Yuon or Yuon's supporter.
Yeahh the truth hurts.
Why need Khmers' pussies? You have one between your legs, don't you?
You know what you can do? pull it down through your anus, there you get it.
5:51 AM
You must be Yuon or Yuon's supporter.
Yeahh the truth hurts.
Why need Khmers' pussies? You have one between your legs, don't you?
You know what you can do? pull it down through your anus, there you get it.
12:09 PM
Oh Come on.
What makes you think the ugly Asian like yourself or Manet, Ms. Sam Hieng's son can be like a handsome American John F K?
Do you think American don't know anything about the stupid Asian such as Hun Sen, Sam Hieng and the rest in Cambodia?
Be Real!!
12:09 PM
You are nervous. Understandable.
Because Viet Congs's languages are Lies and always DENY.
Major Marks A. Smith is not the only American expert to know this, many did. Manet is Sam Hieng's son with her Vietnamese's first husband and Sam Hieng was "Do Moi".
Well...If this is true and I want some evident! How about do DNA testing! This is how American found Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan!
DNA testing will prove once for all the validity of this story! If this story is true and Hun Sen cannot escape death because what he had done is collaborating with foreign country to destabilize Cambodia for his own political agenda! This is treason!
Sam Rainsy is the son of god...Everyone in Cambodia with dark skin are Khmer, white Skin are VNs...Sam Rainsy and Mu Sokhou, Yim Sovan...are White they are?...Oh no they are still children of god....
12:35 PM
Sam Hieng was "Do Moi". She had her first son already before she was given to Hun Sen. Don't ask for DNA because it will embarrass them and you who support them as well. It was arranged for Hun Sen to lead Cambodia under Vietnamese control so DO Moi which was Sam Hieng was the right person to be by Hun Sen side.
Folks! Hun Sen and Sam Hieng's two daughters use creme to bleach their skin. Sam Hieng also does bleach her skin. Sam Hieng used to have brown skin now because she bleaches too much, it becomes white like a ghost.
12:51 PM
Why are you so nervous for this old new of Manet whose biological father is Yuon? All American Diplomat and government who deal with Cambodia knew it for a long time ago. Khmer-Mon were originated from India and some from Europe according to Scientists did the DNA testing. They were mixed with Indian, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese in the past centuries, so Khmers are not dark unless they are under the sun a lot or some were Indian origin (like Mon). I am Khmer but I look Caucasian, not just my light skin but because my Caucasian face.
1:08pm's son is look pure white.....oh not suspect on your wife,lolzzzz
khmer-mon are originated from monkey. dumb like monkey.
whoever posted this or agreed with this piece of trash, your real father is a nasty baboon and your real mom is a stinky chimp!
Hello Yuon 1:33 PM
The American and Indian scientists did their search. You can read by searching the title below you will know that they originated from India:
"Asian and non-Asian origins of Mon-Khmer- and Mundari-speaking".
The Indians are the people with genius brain not cheating like your Yuon, Chinese's slaves.
Hello Yuon/Seepeepee1:41 PM
You should write to Major Mark A, Smith and few American experts in Southeast Asia about "Do Moi" named Sam Hieng (now Rany??) had a son (Manet) with her first Yuon husband.
Go through this link below:
Would Sam Hieng dare to sue Major Mark A. Smith for his diary (Document) about her real life before she was given to Hun Sen?
Oh!! Sam Hieng is Hun Sen's wife? Why did she have to change her name from Sam Hieng to Rany if she is so ugly like that?
Before John Arnone and Kurt Heck take the "Great Book Readers" advice on Who Is Who in Cambodia, they may wish to look at the true facts not in the bookstore.
----Many years ago, I chased the current Police Chief of Cambodia around Tay Ninh Province of the then Republic of Vietnam. Though now known as Hok Lundy, he was then named Nguyen Van Son. The actual leader who asked the Vietnamese to intervene was Pen Sovan. He, of course, fell from power and was jailed in Vietnam when the relative of his wife, Pham Van Dong, lost out to the the relative of the wife of Hun Sen; Do Moi. Before this event, Hun Sen was only number 8 in the leadership sponsored by Vietnam.The reason the U.S. Government did not recognize the Government installed by Vietnam was not because it supported the Khmer Rouge, but because true Cambodians had little or no say in that Government and little now.
----Much is made of the U.S. and Thai support for the resistance to Vietnamese occupation. Many have made this to mean support for the Khmer Rouge.The only group not needing U.S. support was the Khmer Rouge. China more than adequately supplied them at the request of then Prince Sihanouk. Many nations assisted the non-communist resistance to Vietnamese occupation.
----The assertion the U.S. bombed and killed 200,000 Cambodians is straight out of the Vietnamese propaganda program. I was captured by the Communist Vietnamese in 1972 in Vietnam and held in Cambodia in Kratie Province. Present with the Vietnamese in that camp, at various times, were those who later were the elite of the Vietnamese faction of the Khmer Rouge. My camp had been over run by three divisions of North Vietnamese straight out of sanctuaries in Cambodia.
---At that time one of the advisers to Pol Pot was Kiet Chorn, now the Finance Minister of Cambodia. If you would like to sell fuel over the Thai border into Cambodia, see Tiep Khunnal, now the Deputy District Chief of Phnom Malai. But I remember him as the secretary of Pol Pot. Even in the early years, Kiet Chorn was known as "The Lucky Man." His father was the man tasked by then Prince Sihanouk to sell rice through NVA General Le Duc Anh to the Communist Vietnamese Army. Did that make the U.S. question the much heralded Sihanouk "neutralist"position? Yes,it sure did.
----Then we have Cabinet Minister Sok An - but I remember him by the name his mother gave him in his birth place of Vietnam; Hoa Van Anh. All these wonderful fellows met as Khmer Rouge under the tutelage of the North Vietnamese Army.
----It is the above and much more, including the fact Tiep Kunnal is married to the powerful former wife of Pol Pot, which truly denies the Cambodian people justice. Then there is the fact that the Vietnamese and Hun Sen allowed former Hun Sen mentor Leng Sary to join Fidel in Cuba, far from the short arm of Cambodian law.
----Before chastising others based on your latest book purchase, I suggest you get some real experience.
Copyright 2005 by Mark A. Smith, DSC,
Major, USA, Retired
7/192 Vipavadi/Rangsit Rd
Soi 36, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
So now we finally found the source of bad smell (Hun Sen(Nal) Sam Heang, Manet..who they really are) coming from.
FROM NOW ON WE ADDRESS THIS WOMAN AS "SAM HEANG" exDo Moi's Wife, and address "Hun Sen" as "Hun Sen/Nal".
only stupid people will believe all this. If you really love Cambodia, don't be act as dumb.
I don't like Cambodian leaders, but i don't this s..t story too.
No one ever mention about SAM RAISSI's wife or his father in law.... they're pure chinese borned in cambodia... com'on people.... stop painting each other. this is how our country became weaker.. weaker. we better find the way to make our society going peacefully by using SOME OF USA LAW to keep all races living in our country in peace together. To me, if all south east asain agree to merge all nation and countries to be one, that's a great idea.... no one fight with no one!!!! thailand, laos. cambodia, burma, vietnam to be one. What do you think PUK AH SEE KONDUY... IS IT A GOOD IDEA?
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