(Hun Manet (R) with his [fake?] father)
Lastly, I would like to once again mention the "son" of Mr. Hun Sen attending the United States Military Academy. First, this is not Hun Sen's son. This is Hun Sen's wife's son from her marriage to a Vietnamese. His background and lineage are bogus, a lie to gain entrance to an institution that prides itself in casting out any liar from its ranks.
By Mark A. Smith, Major
Source: Hun Sen and Cambodia
(This briefing paper was sent to a Senate Committee Chairman)
I have recently heard American diplomatic personnel describing Mr. Hun Sen of Cambodia, his wife and his "children" based on a totally bogus biography, created by Vietnamese Intelligence.
Mr. Hun Sen has been awarded honorary degrees from American Colleges, based on his position and his formal educational background. His "legend," created for him by the Vietnamese, has him being a "College student" or sometimes a "High School student leader," prior to going to the jungle, to join the Khmer Rouge. In reality he attended exactly four years of Primary School. Any further "education" he received, came from Vietnamese Political Cadre.
Three years ago, when Mr. Hun Sen's advisors were attempting to gain myself as an ally, I was presented with the United Nations Geological Survey of Cambodia, along with a map. I was dumbfounded to learn that Mr. Hun Sen and his minions "own" all the natural resources of the Kingdom of Cambodia, with the exception, at that time, of three small mineral deposits marked "FUNCINPEC" on the map.
I asked Hun Sen's men, what percentage of profits, from any joint venture with American companies, exploiting these resources, would go to the National Treasury. The answer was astounding; "NONE!" The profits would be shared fifty-fifty, with the American Company putting up the initial development costs. Even better there would be no tax on resources shipped out of the country; "The port belongs to us and so does the Customs Service."
The above should give you some insight into how Hun Sen has amassed huge wealth and continues to enjoy the support of American businessmen. In other words; "Hun Sen and business 100% - Cambodia and Cambodians 0%. I would recommend not one dime of U.S. Taxpayer money go to this Government until some of the millions stolen by Hun Sen are spent first.
American diplomats and Hun Sen's American attorney are attempting another scam. Though publicly denouncing the European Union's donation of eleven plus million dollars to the up coming "election," American diplomats are using this as a hammer to pry money loose from the American Congress; "European businesses will have a leg up on American companies." Whoever bribes Hun Sen, regardless of nationality, has "a leg up" on everyone who does not. After all, as the mineral map depicts, he "owns" the country.
Homes, land and businesses belonging to assassinated FUNCINPEC members have been confiscated by the "State" and are being offered, through Hun Sen's American attorney, to American investors. These things were stolen Senator Helms, after the legitimate owners were murdered. I question, under American law, how this can be happening, with no outcry from our Government.
Lastly, I would like to once again mention the "son" of Mr. Hun Sen attending the United States Military Academy. First, this is not Hun Sen's son. This is Hun Sen's wife's son from her marriage to a Vietnamese. His background and lineage are bogus, a lie to gain entrance to an institution that prides itself in casting out any liar from its ranks. As with our Government's refusal to refer to the bloody events of July 1997, as a coup, the rules apply to everyone but Hun Sen.

(Hun Manet (R) with his [fake?] father)
Lastly, I would like to once again mention the "son" of Mr. Hun Sen attending the United States Military Academy. First, this is not Hun Sen's son. This is Hun Sen's wife's son from her marriage to a Vietnamese. His background and lineage are bogus, a lie to gain entrance to an institution that prides itself in casting out any liar from its ranks.
By Mark A. Smith, Major
Source: Hun Sen and Cambodia
Hun Manet is not son of Le Duc Tho, he is son of Ho Chi Minh...And Ho Chi Minh is a son of King Ang Doung...Ang King Ang Doung is son of George Washington, the first president of USA. Because when George Washington led the american revolution, he was in love with a Khmer princess who was sent by King Ang Eng, who was supported by Vietnam to America to study in Havard. That is why Hun Manet was accepted in West Point, because it is the American plot to make him become the future leader of Cambodia.
Mark A(Alop) Smith, Super General
The mother of Kim Jung Un which is a Japanese was forced to change her name from Japanese name KO YOUNG HEE to a Korean name RI EUN-SHIL. Whereas Hun Nal changed to Hun Sen and Bun Samheang was changed to Bun Rany to cover their traces.
Dictators have the same tactics, they do whatever they feel right for them even it is disgusting and shameful.
you are not khmer, don't bull shit,
dont brain washed me, i don't believe this articles,, go to hell
u don't know khmer,, shit
bull shit writing..
The DNA testing will be done with or without Hun Sen or HUN Manet consent to prove their dishonesty!
This is a death sentence for Hun Sen regime!
8:25 PM
The Khmer Rouge knew Khmer so does Hun Sen.
8:25 PM
I am Khmer and I believe it. Because Sam Heang and her new husband, the Yuon's slave did not bring a law suit against Major Smith.
Why? afraid of DNA Test, yes indeed.
You too, you afraid of the DNA Test.
5:00 PM
We know you are so SCARED of DNA Test.
Dear KI. Please keep this memoir of Major Smith "Hun Sen and Cambodia" a little bit longer. Thank you
8:25 PM
And how Khmer are you? I bet you are Yuon.
DNA Test we want to see it.
Manet enjoys a good time with his step-father, a dumb man but ruthless in Cambodia.
Provide supported documents or convince us to beleive you.
If not, just farts in the wind. !!!
5:22 AM
Communist like you always lie/deny, then always ask for more evidence.
Why did not Sam Heang file a law suit against Major Smith long times ago? Scared of DNA test that for sure.
The Evil like you always deny and lie.
All communist countries leaders were/are liars.
This was Stalin said,"keep lying
and lying,and lying until Soviet
All the communist leaders in very
countries have had done the same
as Stalin had done to his people.
Mao Tse Tung,Ho Chi Minh,and ah
Hun Sen have had done the same things.
Stop believing ah Hun Sen and his
Ah Hun Sen is a Vietnam dog.
Oh no.... hun maneth is my son..... HUN SEN AND I are gay, we adopted him......he's whore Ho Chi Minh's son. Ah 5:22 am, if you want more documents.....we hide it in MEH KA HEANG'S ( BUN RANY) vagina.
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