KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Before John Arnone and Kurt Heck take the "Great Book Readers" advice on Who Is Who in Cambodia, they may wish to look at the true facts not in the bookstore. ----Many years ago, I chased the current Police Chief of Cambodia around Tay Ninh Province of the then Republic of Vietnam. Though now known as Hok Lundy, he was then named Nguyen Van Son. The actual leader who asked the Vietnamese to intervene was Pen Sovan. He, of course, fell from power and was jailed in Vietnam when the relative of his wife, Pham Van Dong, lost out to the the relative of the wife of Hun Sen; Do Moi. Before this event, Hun Sen was only number 8 in the leadership sponsored by Vietnam.The reason the U.S. Government did not recognize the Government installed by Vietnam was not because it supported the Khmer Rouge, but because true Cambodians had little or no say in that Government and little now.
----Much is made of the U.S. and Thai support for the resistance to Vietnamese occupation. Many have made this to mean support for the Khmer Rouge.The only group not needing U.S. support was the Khmer Rouge. China more than adequately supplied them at the request of then Prince Sihanouk. Many nations assisted the non-communist resistance to Vietnamese occupation.
----The assertion the U.S. bombed and killed 200,000 Cambodians is straight out of the Vietnamese propaganda program. I was captured by the Communist Vietnamese in 1972 in Vietnam and held in Cambodia in Kratie Province. Present with the Vietnamese in that camp, at various times, were those who later were the elite of the Vietnamese faction of the Khmer Rouge. My camp had been over run by three divisions of North Vietnamese straight out of sanctuaries in Cambodia.
---At that time one of the advisers to Pol Pot was Kiet Chorn, now the Finance Minister of Cambodia. If you would like to sell fuel over the Thai border into Cambodia, see Tiep Khunnal, now the Deputy District Chief of Phnom Malai. But I remember him as the secretary of Pol Pot. Even in the early years, Kiet Chorn was known as "The Lucky Man." His father was the man tasked by then Prince Sihanouk to sell rice through NVA General Le Duc Anh to the Communist Vietnamese Army. Did that make the U.S. question the much heralded Sihanouk "neutralist"position? Yes,it sure did.
----Then we have Cabinet Minister Sok An - but I remember him by the name his mother gave him in his birth place of Vietnam; Hoa Van Anh. All these wonderful fellows met as Khmer Rouge under the tutelage of the North Vietnamese Army.
----It is the above and much more, including the fact Tiep Kunnal is married to the powerful former wife of Pol Pot, which truly denies the Cambodian people justice. Then there is the fact that the Vietnamese and Hun Sen allowed former Hun Sen mentor Leng Sary to join Fidel in Cuba, far from the short arm of Cambodian law.
----Before chastising others based on your latest book purchase, I suggest you get some real experience.
Sok An's real name is Hoa Van Anh Hok Lung Dy is Nguyen Van Son
According to what I was told by Chamnan, Sam Heang was a wife of a VN top soldier in Cambodia and he was terminally ill in 1979, so he told Hun Nal to take over his wife after his death.
According to Mark A. Sam Hang was a wife of Do Moi.
Hun Nal cancelled his wedding party with Chamnan imediately after Do Moi died to go to Sam Heang.
Hun Nal later had a love affare with Him Sivorn and Sam Heang found out and took back a motocycle that Hun Nal bought for her (Sivorn) and worn her to stop the affare or death.
Later on with Pilika. Even he deeply in love with her, He was ordered by Hanoi to banish her or he would be out of the post. Hok Long Dy organised the asassination soon after.
Hun Nal had love affair (basically had sex) with many other young girls arranged by his aids. The girls kept in a room with light off and then Hun Sen came in and attack light a mad man. That what's their inner circle widely know.
(This briefing paper was sent to a Senate Committee Chairman)
I have recently heard American diplomatic personnel describing Mr. Hun Sen of Cambodia, his wife and his "children" based on a totally bogus biography, created by Vietnamese Intelligence.
Mr. Hun Sen has been awarded honorary degrees from American Colleges, based on his position and his formal educational background. His "legend," created for him by the Vietnamese, has him being a "College student" or sometimes a "High School student leader," prior to going to the jungle, to join the Khmer Rouge. In reality he attended exactly four years of Primary School. Any further "education" he received, came from Vietnamese Political Cadre.
Three years ago, when Mr. Hun Sen's advisors were attempting to gain myself as an ally, I was presented with the United Nations Geological Survey of Cambodia, along with a map. I was dumbfounded to learn that Mr. Hun Sen and his minions "own" all the natural resources of the Kingdom of Cambodia, with the exception, at that time, of three small mineral deposits marked "FUNCINPEC" on the map.
I asked Hun Sen's men, what percentage of profits, from any joint venture with American companies, exploiting these resources, would go to the National Treasury. The answer was astounding; "NONE!" The profits would be shared fifty-fifty, with the American Company putting up the initial development costs. Even better there would be no tax on resources shipped out of the country; "The port belongs to us and so does the Customs Service."
The above should give you some insight into how Hun Sen has amassed huge wealth and continues to enjoy the support of American businessmen. In other words; "Hun Sen and business 100% - Cambodia and Cambodians 0%. I would recommend not one dime of U.S. Taxpayer money go to this Government until some of the millions stolen by Hun Sen are spent first.
American diplomats and Hun Sen's American attorney are attempting another scam. Though publicly denouncing the European Union's donation of eleven plus million dollars to the up coming "election," American diplomats are using this as a hammer to pry money loose from the American Congress; "European businesses will have a leg up on American companies." Whoever bribes Hun Sen, regardless of nationality, has "a leg up" on everyone who does not. After all, as the mineral map depicts, he "owns" the country.
Homes, land and businesses belonging to assassinated FUNCINPEC members have been confiscated by the "State" and are being offered, through Hun Sen's American attorney, to American investors. These things were stolen Senator Helms, after the legitimate owners were murdered. I question, under American law, how this can be happening, with no outcry from our Government.
Lastly, I would like to once again mention the "son" of Mr. Hun Sen attending the United States Military Academy. First, this is not Hun Sen's son. This is Hun Sen's wife's son from her marriage to a Vietnamese. His background and lineage are bogus, a lie to gain entrance to an institution that prides itself in casting out any liar from its ranks. As with our Government's refusal to refer to the bloody events of July 1997, as a coup, the rules apply to everyone but Hun Sen.
After Hun Sen cancelled his wedding with Pin Chamnan to take over Sam Heang from a VN Comander, he arrange a marriage of Pin Camnan with one of his aid and body guards Kuch Chantha. Hun Sen has a daughter with Pin Chamnan too. She lives in Cali. Hen Sen gives money to Pin Chamnan to take care of this daughter.
No wonder why hun sen is creating alot of problems, in order to hide all of his dirty games. jailing innocent people is just his part of the manipulation. In other words, trying to make the opposition busy on one account and forget about the other account. Hun and his clans are very bloody dirty people the face of the earth. US is the one from the being to end of supporting such crimes. US is can be considered as criminal number two. evil world with evil people but soon the truth will come out and they will pay for what they have done to all khmer innocent people. POOR KHMER just hang on. God bless innocent cambodian
3:17 PM So Chamnan told her story from her experiences which supports Major Mark A. Smith's document, the SEA expert who knew deeper inside the Khmer Rouge of Yuon faction as well as the Chinese faction. Hun Sen accepted to be fathered to Sam Heang's son and has power. It showed us that every countryside, most Khmers were brainwashed by Communist Yuon. She became Hun Sen (Hun Nal)'s wife in 1979 but Manet was born before 1979. Manet's bio is also bogus as well as the bio of his step father (Hun Sen) whose bio wrote by Yuon intelligence.
Hok Lungdy was a Yuon of Yuon origin, Sok An was a Yuon of Chinese origin (according to his last name Hoa. Hoa is always a Chinese name). Sok An is always an opportunist.
មេដឹកនាំឆ្នើម នៃកម្ពុជា
គឺសមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១ មហាកិត្តិព្រិទ្ធបណ្ឌិតប៊ុនរ៉ានីហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១
ជាមេដឹកនាំឆ្នើម នៃកម្ពុជា សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតមិនមែនជាមនុស្ស
លោកធម្មតាទេ សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតជាព្រះបាទ ហ៊ុន ទៀន ចាប់ជាតិ
កម្ពុជា ឱ្យ សម្បូរសប្បាយ រុងរឿង និងសុខក្សេមក្សាន្ដ មាន ស្រី
ស្រា ដុល្លារ វីឡា ឡាន មាស ពេជ្រ បុណ្យសក្ដិ នឹងតេជះនុភាព
លើប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា និងប្រទេសជិតខាង!!!
មើលចុះ! សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១
សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតចាប់ដៃសុទ្ធតែមេដឹកនាំធំៗដូចជា : ប្រមុខដឹកនាំជាន់ខ្ពស់
របស់ អង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ, ចិន, អាមេរិកកាំង ខ្លាំងជាងស្ដេចឪ នឹង
ស្ដេចកូន ទីងមោងដែលដេកស៊ីនៅក្នុងវាំងទៅទៀតណា៎ !
សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១
ពិតជាមានអំណាច មែនទែន......!!! ពិតជាមានអំណាច មែនទែន......!!!
Dork Toub Youn in Khmer uniform Chegn orss Meul Teur Sdach Niss Vear Ror Gnear Yagn Na Der!!
Sam Hieng (Hun Sen's wife) keeps bleaching her skin like that she will soon becoming Michael Jackson.
Hun Sen's wife by Mark. A
Before John Arnone and Kurt Heck take the "Great Book Readers" advice on Who Is Who in Cambodia, they may wish to look at the true facts not in the bookstore.
----Many years ago, I chased the current Police Chief of Cambodia around Tay Ninh Province of the then Republic of Vietnam. Though now known as Hok Lundy, he was then named Nguyen Van Son. The actual leader who asked the Vietnamese to intervene was Pen Sovan. He, of course, fell from power and was jailed in Vietnam when the relative of his wife, Pham Van Dong, lost out to the the relative of the wife of Hun Sen; Do Moi. Before this event, Hun Sen was only number 8 in the leadership sponsored by Vietnam.The reason the U.S. Government did not recognize the Government installed by Vietnam was not because it supported the Khmer Rouge, but because true Cambodians had little or no say in that Government and little now.
----Much is made of the U.S. and Thai support for the resistance to Vietnamese occupation. Many have made this to mean support for the Khmer Rouge.The only group not needing U.S. support was the Khmer Rouge. China more than adequately supplied them at the request of then Prince Sihanouk. Many nations assisted the non-communist resistance to Vietnamese occupation.
----The assertion the U.S. bombed and killed 200,000 Cambodians is straight out of the Vietnamese propaganda program. I was captured by the Communist Vietnamese in 1972 in Vietnam and held in Cambodia in Kratie Province. Present with the Vietnamese in that camp, at various times, were those who later were the elite of the Vietnamese faction of the Khmer Rouge. My camp had been over run by three divisions of North Vietnamese straight out of sanctuaries in Cambodia.
---At that time one of the advisers to Pol Pot was Kiet Chorn, now the Finance Minister of Cambodia. If you would like to sell fuel over the Thai border into Cambodia, see Tiep Khunnal, now the Deputy District Chief of Phnom Malai. But I remember him as the secretary of Pol Pot. Even in the early years, Kiet Chorn was known as "The Lucky Man." His father was the man tasked by then Prince Sihanouk to sell rice through NVA General Le Duc Anh to the Communist Vietnamese Army. Did that make the U.S. question the much heralded Sihanouk "neutralist"position? Yes,it sure did.
----Then we have Cabinet Minister Sok An - but I remember him by the name his mother gave him in his birth place of Vietnam; Hoa Van Anh. All these wonderful fellows met as Khmer Rouge under the tutelage of the North Vietnamese Army.
----It is the above and much more, including the fact Tiep Kunnal is married to the powerful former wife of Pol Pot, which truly denies the Cambodian people justice. Then there is the fact that the Vietnamese and Hun Sen allowed former Hun Sen mentor Leng Sary to join Fidel in Cuba, far from the short arm of Cambodian law.
----Before chastising others based on your latest book purchase, I suggest you get some real experience.
Copyright 2005 by Mark A. Smith, DSC,
Major, USA, Retired
7/192 Vipavadi/Rangsit Rd
Soi 36, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
Sok An's real name is Hoa Van Anh
Hok Lung Dy is Nguyen Van Son
According to what I was told by Chamnan, Sam Heang was a wife of a VN top soldier in Cambodia and he was terminally ill in 1979, so he told Hun Nal to take over his wife after his death.
According to Mark A. Sam Hang was a wife of Do Moi.
Hun Nal cancelled his wedding party with Chamnan imediately after Do Moi died to go to Sam Heang.
Hun Nal later had a love affare with Him Sivorn and Sam Heang found out and took back a motocycle that Hun Nal bought for her (Sivorn) and worn her to stop the affare or death.
Later on with Pilika. Even he deeply in love with her, He was ordered by Hanoi to banish her or he would be out of the post. Hok Long Dy organised the asassination soon after.
Hun Nal had love affair (basically had sex) with many other young girls arranged by his aids. The girls kept in a room with light off and then Hun Sen came in and attack light a mad man. That what's their inner circle widely know.
(This briefing paper was sent to a Senate Committee Chairman)
I have recently heard American diplomatic personnel describing Mr. Hun Sen of Cambodia, his wife and his "children" based on a totally bogus biography, created by Vietnamese Intelligence.
Mr. Hun Sen has been awarded honorary degrees from American Colleges, based on his position and his formal educational background. His "legend," created for him by the Vietnamese, has him being a "College student" or sometimes a "High School student leader," prior to going to the jungle, to join the Khmer Rouge. In reality he attended exactly four years of Primary School. Any further "education" he received, came from Vietnamese Political Cadre.
Three years ago, when Mr. Hun Sen's advisors were attempting to gain myself as an ally, I was presented with the United Nations Geological Survey of Cambodia, along with a map. I was dumbfounded to learn that Mr. Hun Sen and his minions "own" all the natural resources of the Kingdom of Cambodia, with the exception, at that time, of three small mineral deposits marked "FUNCINPEC" on the map.
I asked Hun Sen's men, what percentage of profits, from any joint venture with American companies, exploiting these resources, would go to the National Treasury. The answer was astounding; "NONE!" The profits would be shared fifty-fifty, with the American Company putting up the initial development costs. Even better there would be no tax on resources shipped out of the country; "The port belongs to us and so does the Customs Service."
The above should give you some insight into how Hun Sen has amassed huge wealth and continues to enjoy the support of American businessmen. In other words; "Hun Sen and business 100% - Cambodia and Cambodians 0%. I would recommend not one dime of U.S. Taxpayer money go to this Government until some of the millions stolen by Hun Sen are spent first.
American diplomats and Hun Sen's American attorney are attempting another scam. Though publicly denouncing the European Union's donation of eleven plus million dollars to the up coming "election," American diplomats are using this as a hammer to pry money loose from the American Congress; "European businesses will have a leg up on American companies." Whoever bribes Hun Sen, regardless of nationality, has "a leg up" on everyone who does not. After all, as the mineral map depicts, he "owns" the country.
Homes, land and businesses belonging to assassinated FUNCINPEC members have been confiscated by the "State" and are being offered, through Hun Sen's American attorney, to American investors. These things were stolen Senator Helms, after the legitimate owners were murdered. I question, under American law, how this can be happening, with no outcry from our Government.
Lastly, I would like to once again mention the "son" of Mr. Hun Sen attending the United States Military Academy. First, this is not Hun Sen's son. This is Hun Sen's wife's son from her marriage to a Vietnamese. His background and lineage are bogus, a lie to gain entrance to an institution that prides itself in casting out any liar from its ranks. As with our Government's refusal to refer to the bloody events of July 1997, as a coup, the rules apply to everyone but Hun Sen.
After Hun Sen cancelled his wedding with Pin Chamnan to take over Sam Heang from a VN Comander, he arrange a marriage of Pin Camnan with one of his aid and body guards Kuch Chantha. Hun Sen has a daughter with Pin Chamnan too. She lives in Cali. Hen Sen gives money to Pin Chamnan to take care of this daughter.
No wonder why hun sen is creating alot of problems, in order to hide all of his dirty games. jailing innocent people is just his part of the manipulation. In other words, trying to make the opposition busy on one account and forget about the other account. Hun and his clans are very bloody dirty people the face of the earth. US is the one from the being to end of supporting such crimes. US is can be considered as criminal number two. evil world with evil people but soon the truth will come out and they will pay for what they have done to all khmer innocent people. POOR KHMER just hang on. God bless innocent cambodian
3:17 PM
So Chamnan told her story from her experiences which supports Major Mark A. Smith's document, the SEA expert who knew deeper inside the Khmer Rouge of Yuon faction as well as the Chinese faction. Hun Sen accepted to be fathered to Sam Heang's son and has power. It showed us that every countryside, most Khmers were brainwashed by Communist Yuon. She became Hun Sen (Hun Nal)'s wife in 1979 but Manet was born before 1979. Manet's bio is also bogus as well as the bio of his step father (Hun Sen) whose bio wrote by Yuon intelligence.
Hok Lungdy was a Yuon of Yuon origin, Sok An was a Yuon of Chinese origin (according to his last name Hoa. Hoa is always a Chinese name). Sok An is always an opportunist.
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