Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lon Nol's curse on Hun Xen: Let Hun Xen pay the Khmer Republic debt from his corrupt pocket!!!

Cambodian foreign minister Hor Namhong meeting with US Senator Jim Webb at the Senate on Wednesday, June 13, 2012, during his official visit to the United States. (Photo: Kimseng Men, VOA Khmer)

Foreign Minister Meets US Senator Over War-Era Debt

Friday, 15 June 2012
Men Kimseng, VOA Khmer | Washington
“I have also suggested a review on the possibility of renegotiating on the schedule of payment on the debt and its arrears in a fair way so that we can completely solve the debt between the two countries.”
Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong met with Senator Jim Webb, of Virginia, this week, to discuss how Cambodia might be forgiven war-era debt to the US or find a better way to pay it off.

“I proposed through the senator to urge the US government to send a delegation to negotiate the debt issue with the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance,” Hor Namhong told VOA Khmer in an exclusive interview after the meeting on Wednesday. “I have also suggested a review on the possibility of renegotiating on the schedule of payment on the debt and its arrears in a fair way so that we can completely solve the debt between the two countries.”

Hor Namhong is on a swing through the US this week, during which time he has met with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other US officials.

Cambodia owes nearly $450 million on pre-Khmer Rouge borrowing. Cambodian officials have said they should not have to repay the money, which was loaned to the US-backed regime of Marshall Lon Nol. It was used for the purchase of cotton, tobacco, cooking oil, flour and rice.

Hor Namhong told VOA Khmer he also requested tax-exempt status on Cambodian exports to the US. “I told the senator that economic development in the past few years was due to exports to the US,” Hor Namhong said.

Cambodia currently exports around $2 billion in goods to the US, while importing around $200 million in goods each year.


Anonymous said...

F .. Lon Nol regimes,

very poor politics, poor ideal, poor performances, F .....

good that, he went hell ...

Anonymous said...


Better be listening to your Viet's wify there, Jimmy!

[ស្ដាប់ប្រពន្ធយួន Jimmy ឯង ទៅ ប្រសើរ ជាង!!!]

[Vaudrait mieux d'écouter à ta femme Viêtnamienne là, Jimmy!]

អាខ្ទឹម បារាំង

Anonymous said...


Better be listening to your Viet's wify there, Jimmy!

[ស្ដាប់ប្រពន្ធយួន Jimmy ឯង ទៅ ប្រសើរ ជាង!!!]

[Vaudrait mieux d'écouter à ta femme Viêtnamienne là, Jimmy!]

ហ៊ុន សែន
Hun Sèn

Anonymous said...

Reposting 3:

Better be listening to your Viet's wify there, Jimmy!

[ស្ដាប់ប្រពន្ធយួន Jimmy ឯង ទៅ ប្រសើរ ជាង!!!]

[Vaudrait mieux d'écouter à ta femme Viêtnamienne là, Jimmy!]

Hor Nam Hong

Anonymous said...

How about asking the US government to pay restitution to the destructions of Cambodia during the bombing campaign and the illegal invasion of a neutral country. God damn gook should go to hell for dragging Cambodia to War. Damn gooks. If I were the leader this will never happen. I will not let the gook and the yankee outsmart me.

Anonymous said...

How to ask the US government of hiding out the criminal Vietnam and Khmer
Rouge to defeated the USA that debt interest and punishment shall be 150%more from the old debt?

Anonymous said...

It is not our business and we don't have to talk about it.
Mr. Soun Seraratha is the new leader of Khmer Republic. He will have to take care this problem.

Anonymous said...

How about posting you name Mr. big talk Anonymous 12:40 so that everybody can vote for you in the next elections amd we will never be outsmarted by the yankees and gooks again?