Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Honeymoon?

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Ranarith and Nhek Bun Chhay are my Dumb Dogs. I use both of them to bark and bite innocent people and I give a small piece of bone to both of them to eat. Both are very happy. You can see their smiling faces when they get bone.

Both are stupid and no brain. I told them not do any thing for their followers after I killed thousand of them in the '90 and they respect my order.

Both are my good dumb dogs!

Sam Heang aka Boon Rany Hoon Xen

Anonymous said...

I never like these two people and I don't believe in their moral characters.

They seem like the people go out to the community and asked for more money from the poor and using the poor.

I never heard they say any nice or promote the welfare of the people.

Anonymous said...

Their political parties should be to promote the progress and encourage people to growth their farms, not to worship these two clowns.

Hak Numan said...


Anonymous said...

nrp is probably worst than srp when it comes to incompetent, ineffective, outdated and primitive system, you know. i wouldn't lose my sleep over that party, really!

Anonymous said...

we all can see these smaller parties can't even get along among themselves, how could cambodia trust them to lead the country? probably all they can think about is sex, power, money, prejudice and discrimination and bias, and nothing else matters on their unethical political agenda, you know. that's why it is a good reason they stay small forever, really. nobody will vote for them again, maybe one or two chairs in parliament, that's it, no more!

Anonymous said...

we all can see these smaller parties can't even get along among themselves, how could cambodia trust them to lead the country? probably all they can think about is sex, power, money, prejudice and discrimination and bias, and nothing else matters on their unethical political agenda, you know. that's why it is a good reason they stay small forever, really. nobody will vote for them again, maybe one or two chairs in parliament, that's it, no more!

Anonymous said...

you think hun sen begs too much from the world, wait until you see this nrp party, they are worst beggars, you know. and probably will rob from the people and country as well. there's a good reason they should stay small forever, you know. no educated people will vote for them, you know. and talk about name calling, this group is a pro and expert at it, i mean worst than the srp or the cpp, etc, you know. what can you expect? after all, they are from a privileged family of people, you know. anyway, it's good to research and see for yourselves and don't say i didn't tell you already, ok!

Anonymous said...

i know, they probably make people worship them instead of serving the people. the people serve them. so be careful don't let this party win by majority.

Anonymous said...

It's very funnies Khmer politics

Nhiek Bun Chhay. No direction

Norodom Noraridh The flip flopped

Mum Samondo.the real Hun sen actor

Kem Sokha.The monies hungry family abused

Sourn Serey Ratha.The real Khmer politics destroyer and elimination.

chansary Oum said...

It's very funnies Khmer politics

Nhiek Bun Chhay. No direction Ideals.

Norodom Noraridh The flip flopped comedian politician.

Mum Samondo.the real Hun sen spy actor

Kem Sokha.The monies hungry family abused

Sourn Serey Ratha.The real Khmer politics destroyer and elimination.

The honey moon Khmer politics will continuing to served our nation until all Khmer understand how to become independent smart thinking with or without educations.

Anonymous said...

Khmer politics are like flip flop and flap. lies, decieving, cheating and robbing the poor. Very low life. We will have to eliminate them all very soon. so go on keep on fighting, because I love khmer drama. I like it when they abuse their own leaders and people hahaha

From a thai, hahaha

chansary oum said...

The best Khmer empire Ankorwat may in series danger cause by too many human visitors around the world every years.
But the world very much concerned about Khmer Citizens Organization and political parties can helps pushed their own future and country to living Hell's.