Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sacrava's Political cartoon: My 3rd Baby

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

the longer the name, the more useless the office.

Anonymous said...

If president or prime minister
stay more than two terms,he is
a dictator.

Will ah Hun Sen put his son to
be Secretariat for Land Disputes?
Yes,he will.
Because he is a dictator.

Anonymous said...

Politician and diapper should be change regularly.

Anonymous said...

agree, but make sure to use the rule of law to change it or you are no good if you use violence, you're not smart, ok! if you are smart, one way is the create the terms limit law for cambodia, so this way, no one can stay in office forever. the other way is the rule of law for everyone no matter who they are, they should not be allow above the rule of law. and stop whining already, ok! and stop being a hypocrite, ok! maybe same greed, different people, you know. cambodia needs a strong, capable, competent, educated leader, not the weak, flip flopping, incompetent, ineffective, primitive mode type, really. that is so outdated already, really.

Anonymous said...

Dictator like Hun Sen can override law . Fair and justice law will allowed unless it benefit/ he like .The law of his absolute power or personal...Shame!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mexican students stage mock election — complete with bribery
Published on Wednesday June 27, 2012
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Myles Estey/For the Toronto Star “People should vote for candidates because of their proposals, not because they give gifts,” said seventh-grader Santiago after his mock election campaign.
Myles Estey
Special to the Star

MEXICO CITY—The assignment for grades 6 to 9 at Westhill Institute, an English-immersion school, seemed easy enough: pick a partner, create a campaign and run for president in a mock election.

With Mexican presidential elections slated for July 1, kids would get a hands-on feel for how local politics really works. Especially with the catch thrown in by teacher Juvenal Lopez as part of an English-class unit on propaganda — bribes were fair game.

Expecting that kids would maybe trade lollipops or make false campaign promises, he decided to sit back and watch.

It started small, handing out candies and hanging homemade posters.

But soon, kids at the affluent private school on the outskirts of Mexico City had contracted their drivers to bring gifts of pizza, Krispy Kreme doughnuts and snacks of all kinds. Live-in maids helped prepare goodies.

One girl in Grade 8 spent an estimated $300 making T-shirts and chocolates individually wrapped with foil bearing her campaign logo. Lopez even heard kids offering each other cash for votes.

“It really got out of hand,” said Lopez, who recalled a sixth-grader saying, “You can’t win an election if you don’t give people things.”

These student politicians were getting cues from the real ones. Bribery and corruption continue to be highly criticized realities of Mexican politics. Though the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has the dirtiest track record, all parties have been accused of large-scale gift-for-vote exchanges, often targeted at the country’s poor.

Analysts and observers point to everything from metal roofing or cement, to cash and even food. Parties hurl accusations that the other’s rallies are attended only by people paid to be there. So much so that “no vengo por mi torta” — “I didn’t come for a sandwich” — is a common chant of ardent supporters at rallies for the 2012 candidates.

This bribing culture, it seems, comes naturally — even to those far below the legal voting age.