Friday, July 06, 2012

Another version of the death of Singer Sin Sisamouth


Anonymous said...

It's not Sos Math's voice.
It might be Duch Kim Hak, or Chea Savoeun.

Anonymous said...

I mean The first song Champa... is not Sos Math.

Anonymous said...

ah Choy Maray Ah Si sa Nouk Choy Sa Nouk & ah Kwak Mkhang hun sen Youn sperms drinker killed my KING SISAMOUTH and MY QUEEN ROSEREY SOTHEAR


Anonymous said...

I am, I was a Khmer Rouse soldier. Base on this video, I don't think there's no one would know and remember Sin Sisamouth's death. In the regime, we did clean and destroy of the old rule and regulation, we made up new rules for our revolution. We didn't need Sin Sisamouth for our new regime, we have had new singer who sing the revolution song. We did respect Sin Sisamouth, we didn't care who is who. Siamouth worked as other people, Sisamouth was an ordinary people like other April 17people, we were not impress and care, all we wanted is 'WORK'. I don't believe what those people said.

former KR soldier

Anonymous said...

10:02pm just reveal the true psychic of the KR soldiers and regime of that time. yes, that was how the KR regime think back then, if you study their psychology. it doesn't make it right or wrong, just my own observation. they were wrong because they look at life as cheap, etc... to them, it was about transforming cambodia and khmer people into their new regime then. that said, of course, there were weakness or downsize to that mentality as well like any thing in life, there's a downsize and and upside to everything. the killing or brutality system was something else that they KR were stupid and primitive about. i think you can have a new regime then without so much killing going on. well, that's the stupidity and primitive way of the KR regime then.

and for sin sisamouth, etc, well, every generation, there's always famous or talented people existed; it's called life; we all live life from one generation to the next one to the next one, etc... it's the cycle of life, cycle of the civilization because nobody can live forever anyway, just one generation to the next one. so, the lesson in life is to educate everyone well so the next generation is better and better, but somewhere along the way, too, people will experience what we called "glitches" of life, etc; the KR era was just any era and another generation in that perpetual life cycle on earth in different society from one generation to the next one, the next one, etc... the KR era was perhaps was that glitch in life i understand it to be. well, education can help make a difference, whatever that may be, you know. that's why we have history in any country anywhere on earth. it's called life, and everyone knows it. just educate yourself and continue to gain knowledge and help to make a real difference for all. education is important in the process of life, really.

Anonymous said...

i think if we live life at the moment, then we will be satisfied with it. if we don't, we have regrets this or that. well, war however we see it was destructive, of course cambodia was no exception. it's time cambodia moves on with the lesson in life. who's to judge this or that was wrong? it was war then. be smart, clever, wise and enlightened aobut it all, ok. make sure we are not selfish and evil. maybe they can train the new, young generation to have the same talents as sin sisamouth, ros sereysothea, pen ron, etc, etc... keep training and educate people to have the same skills as the ones before us, and stop being selfish, evil, greedy, and all that bad character stuff, ok. that's how we all can help to make a real difference for all, you know.

Anonymous said...

ok, ok, ok. really ok, ok really
ok, ok, etc....,ok, ok, really. !!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. OK!Really! You Know!Etc...!
You have given your ideas and comments in KI Media for so long.

I have been one of KI Media for so long too;and I also have had followed up all your writings.
The other bloggers followed yours.

They always have been against you;
have they been selfish or stupid?
They have brains to think before
they wrote against you.

3:19AM and below me and much much
more won't agree what you wrote.

If you have good comments,they will support your comments.
If you called them stupid,you are
the stupidest one in life and in KI

Anonymous said...


You're bustard and uneducated person. You don't have any moral and if you dare, come to Washington DC tomorrow in front of the white house. I want to blow your head with my M16.

I lived under Khmer Rouge for 4 hell years. I don't believe Ah Khmer Rouge like you killed Khmer educated people like Sin Sisamouth. Can you reproduce the people you killed? I don't care people like you death, but I cared about educated Khmer people that you killed including my relatives.

See you tomorrow in Washington DC and I will kill you as well.

Moreon and Asshole.

Anonymous said...

most khmers in KI-MEDIA are dumb and lop lop rely on SSI. That's how ah youn fool their mind and ability. Ah 10:02PM just bluffing and they believe it. how dumb!!! Can you tell?