Friday, July 06, 2012

Authorities Find No Name for Cambodian Mystery Illness

SOS Children's Village

05/07/2012 – International and national health authorities working in Cambodia have ruled out an alphavirus, dengue fever and influenza as causes of the unknown illness that has claimed the lives of at least 61 children.

Cambodian and international health authorities are trying to get to the bottom of a mysterious illness that has so far claimed the lives of more than 60 children in the country since April of this year. The youngest of the children was three months while the oldest was seven years old.

Symptoms of this “undiagnosed syndrome” include severe fever, respiratory problems, swelling of the brain and, sometimes, neurological problems. Respiratory functions are reported to deteriorate rapidly with most of the children dying from symptoms of pneumonia within 24 hours. The rest died within three days.

At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) is unsure of whether or not a new or established disease is responsible for the deaths.

So far, dengue fever and the mosquito-borne Chikungunya virus have been ruled out as causes of the deaths. It is also unlikely to be influenza, says one health official.

“This can be a mixture of a number of known diseases—virological, bacterial or toxicological—which have been reported as one syndrome or something new," Dr. Nima Asgari, of the national WHO office informed CNN.

Only one of the 62 infected children has survived, according to one press release. That child is still in hospital. However, a doctor at the hospital where the first cases were discovered recently told Al Jazeera that the number of cases reached 66 with two surviving.

A joint statement by the WHO and the Ministry of Health said that they first became aware of the disease from a doctor at the Kantha Bopha Hospital. The healthcare facility is in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital located on the Mekong River coast in the southern part of the country. All of the sick kids came from 14 provinces in southern and central Cambodia, though the disease has not clustered in a particular area.

The identification of the disease is expected to take some time. However, it does not appear to be contagious, as neither staff nor people around the hospitalized children have contracted the elusive illness.

But, one doctor worries that drug interactions and incorrect treatments are behind the deterioration of the lungs and untreatable pneumonia, local media reports.

As per global health regulations, neighbouring countries have been made aware of the situation. The investigation by health authorities in Cambodia, supported by the WHO, is ongoing.


Anonymous said...

"But, one doctor worries that drug interactions and incorrect treatments are behind the deterioration of the lungs and untreatable pneumonia, local media reports."

=This is fucken incompetence Cambodian doctors trained by the Vietcong! Shutdown all the fucken clinics that related to the death of any child and hold those doctor deaths that are responsible in the court of law!

Anonymous said...

maybe they need to consult with doctors from all over the world to find the name for it. there's no name because perhaps it's new disease or unprecedented disease there, you know. ever thought about that? anyway...

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are using medication from vietnam that are not safe for the children. Cambodia drugs are not strictly regulated, I bought pills that were well past the expiration dates from a pharmacy while I was in cambodia. Gave back to the clerk and he told me that was label wrong. Another problem with cambodia health facility, they are too quick to administer ivy to a patient without properly diagnosing the patient illness. Cambodia health care is very dangerous for their citizens that's why middle class cambodian cross border to thailand and vietnam for treatment.

Anonymous said...

shut up idiot, stop bashing cambodia, ok! there are more to cambodia you and i, ok! you have bad personal experience, doesn't reflect on cambodia as a whole, stupid, so go whine elsewhere in vietnam or thailand for a change, ok and leave cambodia alone; cambodia don't need whiners like you, ok!