Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cambodia pays its China dues

By Milton Osborne - 17 July 2012
The Interpreter

The fact that Prime Minister Hun Sen led the Cambodian participants in the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting held in Phnom Penh last week in resisting the release of a post-meeting communiqué dealing with tensions in the South China Sea, and the fact that no agreed position was achieved, should scarcely be a surprise.

For at least a decade now, Hun Sen has routinely referred to China as Cambodia's most trusted friend. China is by far Cambodia's most important aid donor, and the Cambodian Government did everything it could to keep the South China Sea off the agenda of the ASEAN Summit held in April of this year.

So Cambodia paid its dues, or, in the words of a diplomat quoted in a New York Times report, 'China bought the chair, simple as that.'

Despite the sharp reaction of the Philippines, with Indonesia taking a more measured approach, commentaries that stress the extent to which Cambodia's behaviour at this meeting might undermine ASEAN unity will surely have to be judged in the longer term. After all, it is worth noting that there is already an underlying lack of unity among those members of ASEAN which have conflicting claims in the South China Sea.

In any event, it is interesting to see that the Bangkok Post has been ready to carry an editorial suggesting that keeping the South China Sea off the agenda was probably the right thing to do since it would not be desirable for ASEAN to take a position in a dispute that now has clear major power overtones involving both China and the US. To the extent the editorial represents Thai official thinking, it of course reflects the fact that Thailand is not involved in any of the South China Sea's claims and counter claims, making it easy to adopt a detached position.


Anonymous said...

when we have border problem with both viet and thai, where is everyone?. why expect cambodia to help solve the problem when no one wants to help us when we have these major problem? ASEAN summit good for what? all full of bias, prejudice and the bigger the nation, the richer the nation, more superior they become. all of them treat each other more like competators, instead of befriend, it is like money talk, so evil and so nasty in the eyes of the poor.

Anonymous said...

"Cambodia pays its China dues.."

=This is pure bullshit statement! Tell me who was or what ASEAN member was an ally of Cambodia when Thailand invaded Cambodia?

The whole ASEAN forced Cambodia to deal Thailand invasion as bilateral issue! Cambodia was left out in the cold to confront Thailand and the ongoing border conflict still continues to this day because of the fucken bilateral talk! Where was ASEAN when Cambodia needed them most?

Now the table turns and some ASEAN members such Philippine and Vietname want to blame Cambodia for everything because they can't get their way! I say fuck them!

Cambodia was once a victim of Thailand naked aggression and don't force Cambodia to be a victim again by forcing Cambodia to take the blame!