Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"China bought the chair [Cambodia], simple as that"

Asian Leaders at Regional Meeting Fail to Resolve Disputes Over South China Sea

July 12, 2012
The New York Times
Cambodia receives large amounts of assistance from Beijing, including new military aid that it got a few months ago.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Disputes in the strategically important South China Sea proved so contentious here that an annual regional gathering has ended without even a basic diplomatic communiqué, which appeared to have been blocked by China.

The host for the conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Cambodia, a close ally of China, refused to play the customary role of seeking agreement among the 10 participating countries, thus undermining the possibility of an accord, a senior diplomat from the association said Thursday.

China bought the chair, simple as that,” said the diplomat, who declined to be identified publicly according to usual protocol. The diplomat pointed to an article on Thursday by China’s state news agency, Xinhua, in which the country’s foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, was quoted as thanking Cambodia’s prime minister for supporting China’s “core interests.”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who met with foreign ministers at the conference of the Southeast Asian group, said in remarks clearly aimed at China that it was important that the disputes be resolved “without coercion, without intimidation, without threats and without use of force.”

A last-ditch effort to reach agreement on a watered-down communique failed after Cambodia, backed by China, refused to agree, the senior diplomat said. The foreign ministers of Indonesia and Singapore tried to persuade the Cambodian foreign minister, Hor Nam Hong, to go along with a compromise, the diplomat said. But the Cambodian declined, saying it was a “matter of principle” for the association not to take sides in bilateral disputes.

Vietnam and the Philippines, the two nations with the current disputes with China over the South China Sea, had agreed to the compromise, the diplomat said. After some additional efforts at persuasion by the Singaporean and Indonesian foreign ministers, the Cambodian picked up his papers, and stormed out of the room, the diplomat said.

The influence of China, which was represented here by Mr. Yang, hung over the behind-the-scenes deliberations on the South China Sea in many respects, dividing countries that are beholden to China and those that are willing to stand up to the Chinese.

Cambodia receives large amounts of assistance from Beijing, including new military aid that it got a few months ago.

Indonesia, which has no territorial claims in the South China Sea, tried to forge a last-minute consensus at the meeting but without success. The Indonesian foreign minister, Marty Natalegawa, praised Mrs. Clinton for “showing interest but giving space” in the effort to reach an agreement.

The Foreign Ministers of Indonesia and Singapore tried to persuade the Cambodian Foreign Minister, Hor Nam Hong, to go along with a compromise, the diplomat said. But the Cambodian declined, saying it was a “matter of principle” for the association not to take sides in bilateral disputes.

Vietnam and the Philippines, the two nations with the current disputes with China over the South China Sea, had agreed to the compromise, the diplomat said. After some additional efforts at persuasion by the Singaporean and Indonesian foreign ministers, the Cambodian picked up his papers, and stormed out of the room, the diplomat said.

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea have increased in the last several months between the Philippines and China, and between Vietnam and China. One conflict, which lasted for months, involved a standoff between lightly armed vessels belonging to China and to the Philippines at the Scarborough Shoal off the coast of the Philippines. Another dispute centered on a law enacted in Vietnam claiming sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands, which China also claims.

As the long-dominant United States and the fast-growing China both seek to increase their naval power in the Asia-Pacific region, the disputes have become more threatening.

China has repeatedly told American diplomats that the energy-rich South China Sea is none of Washington’s business.

But the Obama administration has made clear that freedom of navigation is at stake in one of the world’s most important bodies of water for commerce.

In her statement to the news media, Mrs. Clinton said, “The United States is a resident Pacific power,” a term intended to signal to China and the countries of the region that the United States is staying, and even increasing its presence.

“No nation can fail to be concerned by the increase in tensions, the uptick in confrontational rhetoric and disagreement over resource exploitation,” Mrs. Clinton said.

“We have seen worrisome instances of economic coercion and the problematic use of military and government vessels in connection with disputes among fishermen,” she said. The mention of economic coercion appeared to be a reference to China’s decision to stop importing Philippine bananas and to clamp down on Chinese tourist groups.

China has made clear that it wants to deal with the South China Sea disputes with each country individually, and not through any regional forum. That stance has made the future of a code of conduct to resolve disputes in the South China Sea unclear.

Asian diplomats said Thursday that the main elements of a code of conduct, which the United States has urged the Southeast Asian group to adopt, had been agreed upon at this week’s gathering. The diplomats declined to specify the content of the proposed code.

The spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly said that China is willing to discuss a code of conduct only “when conditions mature.”

Last Sunday, Mrs. Clinton began a tour of Asia that is intended to show that the administration’s shift to that region reaches beyond military engagement.

The trip drew negative coverage in the Chinese press on Thursday. People’s Daily wrote that a trade agreement that Washington is seeking, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which excludes China, was an effort to weaken Asian integration. China Business News referred to “those hyping up the South China Sea issue,” a veiled reference to the United States.

The meeting here was held in a white-pillared conference hall, called the Peace Palace, that was built for the occasion by the Chinese government. When a Cambodian reporter asked Mrs. Clinton about American assistance to Cambodia, she made a reference to the difference between Chinese aid and that provided by the United States.

“We can’t point to a big building,” she said, indicating that American aid was directed at feeding people in need, ensuring the survival of women who give birth and trying to improve people’s lives, especially those of children.

Bree Feng contributed research.


Anonymous said...

As we the cambodian american, we don't give a damn about godamn south china sea. All we care is to condemn Ah sva HUN SEN BY boycott any of his cambodian products.

Anonymous said...

USA and the whole world should know by now that Cambodia is not independent, it is under both viet and chinese controlled for more than 400 years up until to these present days. So stop blaming on Cambodia about its incompetent. In addition, all the superpower nations are the main causes to ourselves destruction mainly because you all helped to kill most of our educated people, so that you all can benefit from our loss. The truth always comes out in the end, so stop playing game about who faults is it? don't play dumb and blame on us the victims. You ruined nation and country and then you said we owed you, it is like what the...? hmmmm

Anonymous said...

“China bought the chair, simple as that,”

=This is pure bullshit statement! Tell me who was or what ASEAN member was an ally of Cambodia when Thailand invaded Cambodia?

The whole ASEAN forced Cambodia to deal Thailand invasion as bilateral issue! Cambodia was left out in the cold to confront Thailand and the ongoing border conflict still continues to this day because of the fucken bilateral talk! Where was ASEAN when Cambodia needed them most?

Now the table turns and some ASEAN members such Philippine and Vietname want to blame Cambodia for everything because they can't get their way! I say fuck them!

Cambodia was once a victim of Thailand naked aggression and don't force Cambodia to be a victim again by forcing Cambodia to take the blame!

Anonymous said...

Be responsible ! Are you strangling HUN SEN or choking poor & innocent
Khmers ? As Khmer survivors , any kind of policy that hurt Khmers just
as Pol Pot did .


Anonymous said...

Remember!!! Pen Sovann was in the way of Vietnam interest , he was called to be
jailed in Hanoi . If Hun Sen is blocking Vietnam interest , he'll be called for Health
Check up or brain implant soon .

Anonymous said...

Why do some countries expect ASEAN to act like a little NATO?

ASEAN should focus more on integration and exchange of development of economic well being to promote this region's potentential and to alleviate the poverty.

If the Philippines and Viet nam think they are readyly to confront the Chinese, then they should form a military bloc like NATO for SouthEast Asia.

Stop bullying Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

just because china help cambodia and give assistance to cambodia, etc, people blindly jumped to a conclusion that cambodia is a colony of some sort. shame on these uneducated, uninformed people. even countries like china helped cambodia, you know. where were others when cambodia need help? you all ran away and abandoned cambodia. when cambodia is better and developed now, you want to come and and claim that from cambodia and china? shame on you all for bias, prejudice, discrimination, ignorant, etc, really! cambodia don't care who helped us, we just like all of them. so if you don't help us, of course, we simply look elsewhere for help. and so far china is willing to help us, so we like china more, that's how we are, ok. get used to it. why complain about cambodia now? why don't you all come to cambodia to help cambodia so we can like you too, ok! that's your fault for bias, prejudice and discrimination against my country cambodia, ok. not cambodia fault, ok! god bless my country cambodia always.

and why can't you be like china when it comes to helping cambodia? why? didn't you all know by now that there are more to cambodia than you and i, really. shame on you all for ignoring and pretend not to know cambodia when we need help, now that we are strong and developed again, you all want to come back and whine about it. well, cambodia don't care about you all anymore, ok! you made us the way we are, be grew out of it and become stronger now. thanks to china help, you know. where were you when we ask for help, you did not come to help us and let that stupid KR regime hurt us and kill us and starve us to death, now you want to come back and whine about our success? god will punish you all for your hate, your bias, your prejudice and your discrimination against my country cambodia, really. didn't you know god always love cambodia. god help protect and guide cambodia, so if you hurt cambodia again, god will punish you all sooner or later. god always bless my country cambodia, you know. thank you god.

Anonymous said...

don't mistreat cambodia again, god will not forgive you second time around, really. god love cambodia and wanted the best for cambodia to grow and develop because cambodia is god's children. so, the world has to treat cambodia right or god will see to it that they cannot get away for their bias, their prejudice, their discrimination, their hate and their mistreatment of cambodia, you know. god bless my country cambodia always.