Monday, August 20, 2012

A LANGUAGE IN CRISIS -- Commentary by CIVICUS Cambodia Theary C. Seng (4-Part Series)


Also at


4-Part Series
Commentary submitted to
The Phnom Penh Post
With re-post on KI-Media and Facebook Accounts

Part I
(edited version published in The Phnom Penh Post, 16 Aug. 2011)

Part II
The Written Khmer: The Problem
(edited version published in The Phnom Penh Post on 17 August 2012)
This commentary is to give non-Khmer readers a visceral feel for reading Khmer without knowing the language.

Part III
The Written Khmer: A Few Questions
(anecdotes of the problems on the ground posed in list of questions, forthcoming)

Part IV
The Written Khmer: A Few Recommendations
(a few initial recommendations of the way forward, forthcoming)


Venerable Chuon Nath's Dictionary
and other Authority

Language and National Identity
by Dr. Stephen Heder

The Khmer Bible
Edited by Theary C. Seng

As the Khmer Standard Version of the Bible, 2005 is extremely well translated in terms of word choice/vocabulary, and recently made available in electronic form on the internet, and because I am already very well familiar with the stories and books of the Bible (reading, re-reading them since I first became a Christian at the age of 9 years old--32 years ago!), I am editing the KSV 2005 with proper, consistent, and "new" punctuations as well as reformatting it for clarity and easier comprehension.

I am starting with books and portions of the Bible which contain ideas and concepts which are already familiar, even if the non-Christian Khmer reader may be surprised to find the source as the Bible, e.g. the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Sermon on the Mount, Gospel of Luke and John, Letter of James, etc.

Both Christian and non-Christian Cambodian readers will be able to appreciate these edited books of the Bible in Khmer, mainly because they rare reading materials available in the Khmer language that are clear and understandable. For the non-believing Khmer readers, take these edited books of the Bible as good literature, which they are (plus more, for the Khmer believers!).

I am currently having my staff at CIVICUS Cambodia typing two basic books on the history of Cambodia, already translated but lacking proper punctuations, so that I may edit them and make them freely available online for the public.

READING MUST BE TRIGGERED with INTERESTING materials, free of the burdens of having to fight the printed page and mangled language -- THE BEGINNING of DIALOGUE, of EDUCATION, of RECONCILIATION and PEACE.

Seen and heard on



Anonymous said...

Dear Khmers,

Here we go again.
The Khmer language is NOT in crisis, but the Khmer Nation is.

Our country is being occupied by Yuon since January 1979. The only difference between then
and today is that the same occupation became BENIGN.
The Yuon set-up regime has been giving and leasing away our lands to Yuon for 99 years.
Yuon brought in their soldiers and officers to work in those fields. When proper time comes, we all know what those "field workers" are going to do.

Let's try not to be distracted by the side shows.
After we are in control of our country, we can take care these kinds of side shows.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Theary,
I appreciate your hard work, unfortunately I don't know why I don't like the new translation of the Bible. To me it seems like not under God's direction and when I read the new version I feel no present of the Holy Spirit within me. I found that the new one is not as good as the old one. Maybe you are trying to produce another version I am not sure, anyway I read all the passages you posted here and It is still not suitable for me. You have done very good job but sometime I can see that you have walked before God. As Christians we must walk behind God and follow His footsteps properly. The most important you must pray really hard for His guidance.
May Our Almighty living and loving God be with you and help you with your work of serving Him and His Cambodian people. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Since I can't read Khmer and understand it good enough, I have no say in what Theary is trying to improve concerning the Khmer bible.


Anonymous said...

Theary's ego in constant crisis...

Anonymous said...

6:38 PM, you loudly described the trap that many overzealous christians get caught in! That They, the individual humans, are god-like and righteous! And therefor, evryone one else does not fit into their expectations.

I guess I gad something to say to the posting, that is why I am writing comment....or, should I also post commment to say "I have nothing to say?"

Dr. Phil said on his shows: "It ain't about you! Get over it."

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is a: social activist, lawyerish, language specialist, civicusis,...

Anonymous said...

Miss Theary Seng or Khmer Democrat,
Did Khmer Religion (Buddhism) have a problem too?

Anonymous said...

Ms Theary Seng,

Your COUNTRY is deeply in crisis.
Every time you bring this issue up, Khmers begin to take sides. We cannot afford the division between Khmers.
The unity is needed to fight and liberate our country from Yuon and Yuon's servants.

Anonymous said...


A woman in crisis !!
Don't worry, Theary, if no change in the direction of your country, you will need to learn and speak Yuon' s language.

Anonymous said...

Not Khmer language in crisis,but
Hun Sen in crisis.

Theary Sent goes to different direction,she must keep with
how to take Hun Sen out of power.
Then Khmer language in crisis can
Take care later on.

Fight with Hun Sen and Yuon,but
Not with Khmer language in crisis.

What kind of lady she is!

Anonymous said...

I'm taking up Vietnamse right just to get ahead of the game. Look like Cambodia is heading in that direction.
Now, I speak Vietnamese one-one.

Anonymous said...

Here she goes. She thearyseengs again. If she cannot get thing in her way, she will thearyseng to the end.

Stick to what is you are good at Theary. Leave this issue to other that they know best. Every day you tries to influx the Bible theory in KI to show who you are, but it just like you wear your swim suit to the funeral.

Anonymous said...

Here she goes. She thearyseengs again. If she cannot get thing in her way, she will thearyseng to the end.

Stick to what is you are good at Theary. Leave this issue to other that they know best. Every day you tries to influx the Bible theory in KI to show who you are, but it just like you wear your swim suit to the funeral.

Anonymous said...

To Theary Seng,
If it's not broken, don't f**king fix it!
There are other agenda's that Cambodia need to be seriously address. And this is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

សាសន៍ទេ វារកគ្រប់យុទ្ធសាស្រ្តដើម្បីសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ
គឺសម្លាប់វប្បធម៌ ការបង្កើនបញ្ជូនអន្តោប្រវេសន៍
យួនមកកាន់កម្ពុជា រឹបអូសដី ទ្រព្វសម្បត្តិពីប្រ
ជាពលរដ្ឋ បណ្ដាលឱ្យមានចំណាកស្រុក និង
មានវិធីផ្សេងៗច្រើនទៀត ដើម្បីសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ៕

Anonymous said...

Trying too hard to be an expert when she can't even speak Khmer correctly. I went online and I laugh seeing her speaking broken Khmer and claim to be an expert on Khmer language. I suggest focus on other areas in our society that is in crisis. Focus on justice, Yuon encroachment, etc.

Anonymous said...

Dear Meh oun sreymom Seng Theary! Khmer language is not a problem but Khmer society is in deep shit. As for you a lawyer, as a genius person.. Please...please find other solution to solve it, period!

Takeo said...

Please stop insulting your own people right or wrong Khmer language is still in crisis because young people are not learning and speaking Khmer properly and clearly like in the 1960s. Every Khmer is responsible for your own language, people and protecting your own country from the Vietnamese expansion.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Theary Seng please do your job profession as a lawyer.You are not a Khmer literature linguistics.Let some one do their professional job as they had spent years in Khmer School.You live in modern country in which people can choose their profession through special Schools.etc. for example an eye Doctor can not treat nose patient.Stop being so stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 9:12!
Another example; Youn is intruding on Khmer land. Focus on that!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Theary Seng please do your job as a lawyer. You are neither a Khmer literature professor nor a linguist. Let some one do their job professionally as they have spent years in Khmer School. You live in a modern country in which people can choose their profession through special Schools. For example an eye Doctor can not treat patients having problem with their noses. Please, stop being stupid and soiling your reputation.

Anonymous said...

8:17 PM
Oh you now bring a man who makes money through Oprah';s skirt. Your Dr. Kvess Phil became famous through Oprah Winfrey, the queen of talk show who now after has about 2 billion dollars became racist arrogant bitch. You won't get me on your side this time.

I don't care what Theary Seng says or keeps herself busy along the way of her death, I care only how am I going to have enough food to eat and how to avoid this great calamity may hit this earth according to many scientists raising their concerns. Population keeps rising, and crimes also rising.

If war breaks between Indian and Chinese, I hope these two who are good in machine making babies may reduce from 2 billion to only 200M only.

Anonymous said...

2:58 PM
TheaySeng is genius? kekekeek...:))) genius in what way?
She'd better off become a Pastor in her old agae in her own Church than be an expert of Khmer language. Let it to elders: Dr. Khing Hocdy, Dr. Yim Guechse, Dr. Carime Abdul Naser, ....and Prince Sisowath Ravivaddhana Monipong who are experts take care this issue. By the way my good friend Prince Ravivaddhana is the youngest among those elders, and he is in Italy.

Anonymous said...

Yuon alphabets, Malaysian, Indonesian, Brunei and Phillipines alphabets are new. We Khmers can create new words without screaming online.

Read below:

"Send us your words, says dictionary: New edition will allow public to make their own submissions".

One of my colleagues created a new word and his word has already published. I will ask him how he did it and why the world dictionary accepted his.

I just found out Khmer languages are not among "Translate referenced", but Siem and Yuon have.

Anonymous said...

What's matter with Theary being astute? She doesn't claim that she is a linguist but she can see that something is weiry about the language issue, and that no one that is smarther(?) then her is addressing this issue.

Perhap this issue contributes to foreigners taking advantage of people's land for their business enterprises because in the misunderstanding of the language.

Will this lead toward people debasing themselves without correct language useuage? From what she cited, it's a big posibility, if not already the case.

I give Theary Seng credit for raising this awareness because it's for the good of the people and the nation.

Anonymous said...

My beloved 12:34AM!

If I unconscientiously or completely agree with her profoundly unreasonable or insulting statement{Khmer Language in Crisis},therefore American Language is evidently also in crisis, cuz a lot of Americans are speaking implicitly Getto style?
In additional, can I, an uneducated man who socially speaking a broken English,publicly complain about American Language in Crisis?

How many years did she traditionally attend Cambodian School? Did she academically earn her Master or PhD in Khmer literacy? Or she just only learnt in a few year in America?

In short, all the High School, college, and university of Cambodian must be officially closed, cuz all the Khmer students don't urgently need any higher education in order to explicitly comprehend the ultimate problem of Khmer language?

Theary Seng is not only unashamedly insulted Khmer language, but also the entire Khmer nation and her beloved people who initially created language in a first day!

Son of a Farmer.

Anonymous said...

12:34 AM, Don't worry you and Theary Seng
will soon claim Vietnamese in Crisis !!!

Anonymous said...

All of these times I had no idea that theary seng is Christian believer and follower. She should get together with another young Khmer scharlor prach ly and try to educate young Khmer people in America about ghetto English languages.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps they should get together and lecture us about corruption in Cambodia and the KR. Or go one step further, promote democracy in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Ah lop, mi lop 11:42 PM, it is not about the shrink Phil, it was the quote that "it aint about Theary, and she should get over it?" She claims to be all intellect, while she is not even matured. She got no credential (job/work experience) here in the US, and neither has she done any big things there in Cambodia. Every time she tries to make any presentation, the fucking "punctuation" always show in her tensed-up voice tone and body gesture. She is trying too hard to be someone she is not!

Anonymous said...

If the novels that Soth Polin wrote are still available, Theary should pick some and read them. Particularly, some steamy, dirty fictions. However, she may not have the capability to understand that khmer writing, and the novels might not affect any of he sensuality. But, boy, some of those novels sure di "charmed" my young snake! Heheheheh. Fuck, they were always crises for me back then! No cold shower, so it had to slowly simmer down on its own.

Anonymous said...

When you use English to understand Khmer, it always comes out with that result. Theary Seng don't have the language feeling in Khmer.

Anonymous said...

If I am not wrong, Theary declared that the Khmer language is in crisis was based her comparison between Khmer and her native English language. To suit her well is to write Khmer by inserting spaces in between words as English does. It makes sense. I just wondering if Theary could answer these following questions:
1- Thai, Lao, and Burma have the same type of writing as Khmer are their languages in crisis?
2- Chines read vertical line top to bottom does Chinese language is in crisis?
3- Arabic writing from right to left and read from right to left and from the back to front page (compare with Khmer or English way of book reading)does Arabic language is in crisis too?
Come on Theary, Grow up!. You know, sometimes event you earned your Phd in law, it doesn't really make you a smarter person.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Okay, beer and foolish bravado style talking aside, it would be more productive if the approach was more of a collaborative way to propose for enhancement/improvement, instead of forcing it down the throat with self-righteousness and gospel truth condemnation.

It sure would provoke the counter points of view when the dialogue started with "the language is dying and in severe crisis" and "weird without the English style gramatical rules."

Many languages in the world have experienced some loss of usage and importance due to different reasons in the realm of economic and diplomatic conveniences.

Yes, English has been the current predominant language that is commonly preferred in the commercial and diplomatic world communities, but that did not mean that other languages must now adapt to the structure and format of the English language. The opposite should happen so that the other language should be preserved and enhanced in their own unique ways. Why would it be good to change letter characters and sounds, and especially the way a language is spoken and written to like English? You can just then abandon the old native language and completely adopt English completely and officially.

The same is how some non-whites are trying to make themselves look white, which make them look ridiculous. The diverse peoples, cultures, and yes, faiths, make this world more interesting and worth living to see and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

everything that is adopted and changed is in crisis, khmer is no exception, you know. reason? the comfort zone was disrupted, chaos of life is what makes our world goes around and around, you know. the earth is meant to constantly moving, not stay put, really. same with cambodia way, we must evolved with time, especially in a competition world out there, you know.

Anonymous said...

I see a majority of us here are oppose of Theary Seng's illiterate idea.
So we ask KI-Media to please not repost this ever again.

My advice to Theary Seng; she should focus on the Khmer Rouge trial and seek justice for her parent. After all, she lose both of her parents to the KR.

Or could it be the death of her parents are no longer relevant to her as she is too busy in trying to fix an unbroken Khmer language that our ancestor have pass to us from the beginning of time?

What ever it is, she should leave this to the scholar.

Anonymous said...

Khmer language is too difficult for young generation to understand.

This mean that our great monks who specialized in changing the way of our language process don't think.

They need to make it "simple" and "easy to understand" or otherwise the young and the older going to other lanuage and adopt as their own.

Think again

Think and make it simple and easy to understand if you want to survive.

Anonymous said...

simlify and eliminate some of the letters when not needed so much.

Wonder why so many illiterate people in CAmbodian. Wonder why no one respect these so called "expert"

simlify. Moron.

Anonymous said...

Dear all of you that are trashing/dissing Theary and Theary's ideas,

Can you make yourself heard with your counter-argument somewhere of significance first such as the Phnom Penh Post or any media for that matter and not continue to be making a fool of yourselves by claiming to be an expert as evidenced by your very poor English writing skills please?

Calmly yours,

Anonymous said...

Idiot, she posted her stuff here. So, it is expected that people wiil respond here. What is so difficult to understand?

Anonymous said...

The PP Post is a newspaper, it posts all kind of "opinions" even the ones as absurd as condemning an old language. However, this newspaper owned by a non- khmer speaking owner cannot pretend to be the Khmer language authority or specialist.

Posting your opinions in a newspaper does not equal to proving that you have credential or expertise in a subject.

Anonymous said...

Well said!! Some people just can't except other people's opinion if it is not highly positive compliment of them.

Anonymous said...

Replied to loser 2:41 AM

" making a fool of yourselves by claiming to be an expert as evidenced by your very poor English writing skills please?

Calmly yours,

There is a lot of people write perfect and speak perfect English still have "no" job or "sleep" in the street. This is a conversation blogs. It is not a writing blog, Moron. Your point is not well said.

I agree with Ms. Seng 100%. Our Cambodian language was not in touch with the current 2012. Our language is very difficult with too many letters and with so many vowels. Have you ever anybody want to learn Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

Well, let's see if you idiots can have your counter-aguments published on the PP Post, if you idiost are that smart...


Anonymous said...

Replied to loser 2:41 AM

I was born in Cambodia almost 50 years ago. Let me tell you.

Cambodian is a dying language, and it is a very useless, compare to other language such as English or Chinese.

Think. You are all the expert. Please change it for the young generation. Our Cambodian is out of touch with the real world. My families' children don't want to learn this useless language. They said it was very difficult.

Good Job Ms. T. Seng. Keep up the good work. thanks

Anonymous said...

3:54 AM,

You are too old (or OAS = old as shit); No wonder why you don't understand a thing about what 2:41AM's comment meant or is all about!

Quit drinking and hit the temple/pagoda and pray hard for the better future of Cambodia, will you?


Anonymous said...

still did not get it...

What can posting in PP Post prove or do? Passing-by needs to keep on passing! She did not get enough attention at PP Post for her opinion, that was possibly why she re-posted her opinions here again, and again.

English and Chinese strive because or the economic and political prowess of the countries that use them. That does not mean these languages were changed to be like other languages. You can say the same thing about other languages that are "very useless" and "dying" when compared to English and Chinese.

Too bad if any of your children do not want to learn the language because it is difficult. They have the choice of not learning it. But they have no right to distort and mangle someone else language. Ms. Seng is trying to impose her prefernce of the western language structure on Khmer written and spoken language.

Anonymous said...

khmer writing lack a uniform system of romanized writing say like japanese for instance. japanese is difficult for foreigners to learn when they try to say or read in japanese kanji writing, but i know japanese they have a way of writing their language into romanized spelling with a standard and uniform throughout so anyone who want to learn japanese can do so by just reading and learning to say japanese words or phrase by study japanese romanized spelling without the hazzle of tryint to study or learn the japanese kanji writing as difficult as chinese, i think. this is what i think cambodia needs is a system of romanized our khmer language so foreigners can read and pronounce khmer words by way of romanized scripts with a standard and uniform system like the one japan used for japanese, really. i think this is what cambodia needs for khmer language as well like japanese had. look at japanese romanized words, this is exactly what i think cambodia needs, like in japan system for foreigners to learn khmer, although khmer language itself is not that hard to learn, just confusing and lots of rules as well for beginners, that part is hard and confusing, but once you understand and learn more advanced khmer, it will become easier, actually. so don't get discouraged when learning khmer language, writing, reading, etc. khmer language do have rules and exceptions just like english or french have it, so once you master that, khmer language will be a synch for all who want and have the need to learn, really! try learning khmer language, you too will like it and become good at it with practice, really. god bless khmer language always.

Anonymous said...

លោក@ 2:12 PM

១-សង្រ្គោះជាតិតាមការបោះឆ្នោតរបស់គណបក្សប្រឆាំងបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចវាមិនឈ្នៈអា ហ៊ុន សែនទេ!
២-សង្រ្គោះជាតិតាមមធ្យោបាយរបស់ចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទើបអាចអោយអា ហ៊ុន សែនចេញពីអំណាចបាន ក)-ប្រើច្បាប់ធម្មជាតិ គឺពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរងើបឡើងប្រឆាំងទូទាំងប្រទេស ខ)-ប្រើច្បាប់អន្តរជាតិ គឺដាក់ពាក្យប្តឹងពីបទឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មប្រឆាំងនិងមនុស្សជាតិទៅកាន់តុលាការអន្តរជាតិICC ហើយពួកគេបានប្តឹងរួចហើយកាលពីទី២២ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១២កន្លងទៅនេះ, តាមដែលខ្ញុំសង្កេតមើលគឺគ្មានមធ្យោបាយណាទៀតដែលវាប្រសើរជាងមធ្យោបាយរបស់ចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ឋខាងលើនេះ។

Anonymous said...

For example of Theary's lack of depth in her knowledge of Khmer language was what she wrote in her commentary piece in the PP Post. She said how it is difficult with using the colon (in Englinsh) because it is a Khmer vowel (srak ahss." So, do we have to delete this vowel from Khmer language? Also, how she wrote in Khmer for CIVICUS would sound like CIVIC-GUS if you pronounce the "ha" and "kor" sound combination. The right pronounciation would be employ just the "kor" for CUS.

The example of the colon and srak ahss demonstrate why she should not apply English, or any other foreign language writing rule on the Khmer language. For progarmming convenience, the colon key on the key board could be use as srak ahss if you just write the way the Khmer would write.

Anonymous said...

Who care!!!! Someone can't read bible in khmer.Less then 1.5 percent of cambodian people are christian any way.Ms T seng stop worry about it, no other khmer people want to read it like you DO.

Love khmer

Anonymous said...

Just-passing-by @ 2:41,
Just keep going don't stop! Your opinion is irrelevant here. Go back to PP post and see if you can blog the shit out of it. You scum!!!

3:54 AM,
You said your family children's don't want to learn because it's too hard?
So, because the language is too hard your family let them get away with it?
Sorry, that's not a good parenting. Your family is what I called a typical Cambodian's parent.
Take the easy road and not challenging your kids.
That's why they run around gang banging. Sad, so sad!

4:14 AM, you hit the nail on the head! Good job!

Anonymous said...

Reply to 4:14 AM

"Too bad if any of your children do not want to learn the language because it is difficult. They have the choice of not learning it. But they have no right to distort and mangle someone else language. Ms. Seng is trying to impose her prefernce of the western language structure on Khmer written and spoken language."

Are you dumb? we are trying to help our people and we suggested to the so called "expert" that was not in touch with the reality. We don't want Cambodian to be a dying language.

Even latin changed to Spanish, English, Germany, etc.

We are talking about adaptability by making it simple of unnecessary vowels.

Why are you constantly attack some one else suggestions. You stupid Khmer. You make all of us look bad for your dumb.

Did you know Cambodian is the poorest country in Asia? You moron.

Anonymous said...

You all don't get it, do you?
Khmer in Cambodia including Hun Sen and cronies, is not the same Khmer as you and I are right now!!!

They speak and write different Khmer (Viet/YUON/Khmer?)...for better or for worsse....God only knows...

Maybe Theary wants to bring to your attention and that of the world that KHMER language is dying!!!

Get it now, you jackass Khmer?
So insult me, scorn me, trash me, diss me all you want...but IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!


Anonymous said...

Do you believe that Khmer language is dying because Theary Seng is having difficulty in speaking, writing (using keyboard) ???? Because she could not have the same punctuations as used in English??? Get real, buddy! ah lop...

Anonymous said...

Reply to Just-passing-by @ 2:41,

"Just keep going don't stop! Your opinion is irrelevant here. Go back to PP post and see if you can blog the shit out of it. You scum!!!" You dumb khmer and your statement is irrelevant on KI too.

"That's why they run around gang banging. Sad, so sad!"

You are a dumb Khmer again. Your sons and daughters wanted to be a gangsters themselves. We are talking about language and you moron went off on a tangent.

So many moron like you, wonder why the Cambodia is screw up.

Pay attention, moron. Don't make yourself look bad on KI.

I don't like the stupid king, ah hun sin, hun westpoint maggot, vietcong, and you, the stupid Just-Passing-by.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you are going to stay for a while, not just passing by...

Anonymous said...

It is what it is, just leave the shit alone! Now you got it?
I see you just didn't pass-by, you stop. Why? Keep going!

Anonymous said...


Are you still there? you moron. I hope you wake up and smell the coffee in Your pathatic shithole in Cambodia.

I tried to help you and your moron family and you did not get it.

I can lead a moron hourse like you to the water, but I can't make you, the moron drinking it.

Anonymous said...


Theary did not want to bring to anyone's attention about seriously solving anything, she just shamelessly whined and begged for people to see her as an expert on a subject she has no expertise on. And it still ain't about her!

Anonymous said...

So all of you is Hun Sen's fan? So you don't care if ah Hun Sen and cronies are changing Khmer's language? Tell me, all of you bright people, please?

I may hang around for a bit and see whether all of you bright people may want to take up Viet/Yuon's language also...because Yuon maybe the official language in Cambodia if not already spoken and used by a good number of the officials in the Cambodian's government!!!

Anonymous said...

Kekekeke I live my Khmer people. This is much better than watching Jerry springer lol.

Anonymous said...

Are you coherent, just-passing-by?

Anonymous said...

I typed "love" but ki changed to "live", wth??

Anonymous said...

Hey are you ah "BAC" ah kekekek?

Anonymous said...

You guys want to play? let's play!

Anonymous said...

Okay អាjackass ខ្មែរ!

ដូច ធារី និយាយអញ្ចឹង។ តើសសេររបៀបនេះ ស្រួលមើលទេ?


Can all of you smart Alex tell me what's wrong with it please?

Thank you jackass!!!

Anonymous said...

reply to Thank you jackass!!!

You are definitely a Jackass and ah moron.

You 're a moron who wrote Khmer and made no space. It was difficult to read.

You moron said if you write like this w/o space and it would be difficult to read.

You moron did not think I could read Khmer. I even translate for you, moron. Maybe they can bring you back to America from deportation.

You really possess a leadership skill for a moron from Cambodia. Wonder why the Cambodia is so screw up. so it is 815 in the morning in Cambodia now, ha Jackass.

I lead the horse like you to the water but I can't make you drink.


Anonymous said...

9:21 AM,

Stop your arrogance right this second. What makes you think that I am in Srok Khmer huh jackass?

អាអត់ពូជឯង ដឹងខ្លួនថាតើអាឯងជិតផុតពូជហើយ
ឬនៅ អាផុតពូជ???


Anonymous said...

No JACKASS 9:21 AM, it's now 11:39 PM (the East coast). Now you know where I am. Any more questions, Jackass?

Anonymous said...

Reply to 9:21 AM,

អាអត់ពូជឯង ដឹងខ្លួនថាតើអាឯងជិតផុតពូជហើយ
ឬនៅ អាផុតពូជ???

You family line almost exting yourself because you are talking arrogance and had no dicipline in the family, ah Jackass

Puto Jackass, comprende.

Anonymous said...


You sound like an old idiot. I know you are not going to live long because you love the king too much, puto Jackass.

You are no longer Just-passing-by.


Anonymous said...

To Just-passing-by:

You are no manner. I hope someday they deport your sorry azz back to Srok Khmer. So you can live with the dictorship king of your.

Jack azz are you still there?

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

In the last few centuries, Cambodia has declined steadily, in part because of our written and speaking language.

The major cause of the decline stems from bad and crazy leaders such as Sdach Lob Sihanouk and Samdach Yuon's slave Hun Sen.

In written language, we should adopt comma, semi colon, point and the Roman numbers (1, 2, 3,....) to our language.

In speaking language, we must abolish many and unnecessary words.

For example:

The word EAT, how many words do we have in the words eat.

The word SISTER:
We have Bang, Neak Bang, Lork Bang, etc...

We should use only "BANG", no more, no less.

The Ranking:

We have Ek Udom, OK NHA, OK NHACH, Dek KUN, Dek Kouk, Chum Teav, Chum Teav Thom, Chum Teav Prar Hong Thom, Sam Dach, Sam Dach Kwack, Sam Dach Kwen, etc...

Too many shit to mention, but ironically Cambodia is a satellite of the expansionist Yuon.

What a shame of the ranking Shit.

My own opinion:

For the word EAT, we should have only the word "SI", which applies to every social classes, including the monk, the Ting Moung King, and animals.

Am I an extremist? I don't think so.

Look at the English and French language. How many words do they have for EAT and Manger?

For the ranking:

We should use only one word:

For female: Lork Srey

For Male: Lork

No more Ek Udom, Oknha, Ok Nhach, Samdach Lob, Samdach Li, Samdach Lear, Samdach Kwack, Samdach Kwen, etc...

Let's face the reality and spend time to ponder only the real vital issue such as the "Vietnamization", etc...

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

reply to 11:35 AM

Bun Thoeun

I agree with you 100%. Your statement is very articulated and well thought. Thank you for posting on KI.

We need to adapt and even Latin language has extinged and changed to Spanish, French, German, English, etc.

Second topic about the Ex-idiot king Sihanouk.

The Ex-Cambodian King has said in his films:
"Do not revolt again your destiny"

You should make a film about how you was so stupid and let Pol Pot used you like a toilet paper. Pol Pot and Kiev Samphan hate his azz and you still went to the jungle and plead to be their propaganda tool.

Ex King, You are definitely a moron. Please make the jungle film and i would like to see it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Reply to 10:42 AM "JACKASS 9:21 AM, it's now 11:39 PM (the East coast). Now you know where I am. Any more questions, Jackass?"

You Jackass stated, do you want to play, now you scard and complained of late knight. Moron, if you can't stand the heat why are involved the first place.

I know a lot moron people like you. I believe you are loser moron on KI.

Anonymous said...

8:15 AM
I agree with you on the way you write.
“ដូច ធារី និយាយអញ្ចឹង។ តើសសេររបៀបនេះ ស្រួលមើលទេ?”
But this is the way Theary wants it to be written, the English way.
“ដូច ធារី និយាយ អញ្ចឹង។ តើ សសេរ របៀប នេះ ស្រួល មើល ទេ?”
And that is what people here disagree with her.
By the way how do you know where to space and where not to space in your writing: “ដូច ធារី និយាយអញ្ចឹង។ តើសសេររបៀបនេះ ស្រួលមើលទេ?”

Anonymous said...

You can't talk about How many Youn are in cambodia right now and how many land Youn take and you talk only lost language and KI it look go along with her and all you know when the country gone and everything is gone. Ha Ha Ki worry
about lost language more than theary but can change nothing.and why kI make it hard to make comment?
your letter is hard to read Please make it easy to read it .

Anonymous said...

It's just a bunch of worthless yappers and pretenders who can barely write Khmer and/or English where nobody in the right mind cares to give a rat ass about it...

Why all of you clowns try to make a name for yourselves first like Theary did, then we'll talk, okay you clowns?

Until then keep your yap shut!

Anonymous said...

Bun Thoeun 11:35 AM

You better go to Khmer school to learn Khmer literature.Then you'll
find out how Khmer words are plenty of rich in culture etc.
Please don't try to eliminate Khmer
while you are not invent or create new things for Khmer.You are not different from Pol Pot era who has
change completely such as for example eat(Hob) they forced Khmer to use that word.Don't be too extreme about that.I think later on,your guys will complain that why the Khmer ancestors has built Angkor Watt is so complex to understand.It's not a matter of Khmer language is dying is what yourself is dying because you never trying to study and research Khmer culture.Khmer has enough grammatical and unique way for writer to use,to speake etc.,
those are call punctuation(Vannayuth).Do more research before posting your comments.You really don't know Khmer why are you wanted to change Khmer?.Stop being too ignorance and stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Reply to loser yapper 11:32 PM

This is a conversation blog. Moron, Your are a yapper yourself who can barely write Khmer and/or English.

Who care? You did and that why you wrote on this blog. FI, your writing is not great neither.

"Until then keep your yap shut!"

Anonymous said...

Reply to moron 12:58 AM

I agree with you that yourself is being too ignorance and stupidity.

We were talking about adaptability and simplify thing for the better. We have to change and culture do change over time.

Latin language is no longer exist. The new language is English, Spanish, German, etc.

"You really don't know Khmer that is why you don't want to change Khmer language"

You, Stop being too ignorance and stupidity.

I tried to lead the horse like you to the water, but I can't amke you drink. You got that moron.

Anonymous said...

It is not necessary to impose Western word spacing and punctuations on the Khmer written language. The Khmer writing system is based on southern Indian Brahmi scripts and goes back as early as the ninth century AD. Thai and Lao scripts are based on Khmer scripts. Khmer is written from left to write just like English but without spacing because of the structure of its written vowels being on the left, right, top or bottom. No punction is needed and spacing is sometimes equivalent to a comma. Sometimes Western people misunderstood Khmer and try to impose on Khmer people how to use the Khmer language as in the recent controversial "Yuon" term. To Khmer "Yuon" is a normal term for Vietnamese and a foreigner misunderstood this term as being derogatory. The English language newspaper like the Phnom Penh Post has no authority on the Khmer language. Let the Khmer people dictate what is correct. As a note, Khmer use a divide symbol (÷) in place of a colon (:) because a colon can be mistaken for a Khmer vowel. When Cambodia was a colony of France, the French tried to convert the Khmer people to use the Roman alphabets in place of the Khmer writing system. Khmer subpreme monks revolted. That was how we continue to keep our writing system to the present day. I do believe much is needed to alleviate the Khmer keyboard writing system and make it easy like english so that Khmer people can access and communicate the internet like the rest of the world. We need to come up with a better keyboard and fonts that are legible onlines. This can be done by a tech group to correct the fonts and make it easy to type like english. I have to admit that the current keyboard is ineffective. For this reason, many Khmer internet users opt for typing in Roman alphabets for Khmer words. Much can be improve but costs money to improve and we can do it together. Any language changes in time and obtain influence on others. We, however, cannot accept a complete change just because and individual misunderstood or lack the understand of Khmer. Khmer is a unique and beautiful. It takes time to learn and to master it. Khmer people should be proud of its heritage and culture...we should learn to safeguard it for many generations to come.

Khmer Surin

Anonymous said...

1:46 am, yes, i gree with your comments. i think it is ok to modify our khmer language where deemed necessary. khmer language is fine the way it is since ancient time. modifying it here and there ocassionally is ok as well. it is indeed healthy for khmer language to evolve with time. i' sure since its conception, khmer language has been evolved and modified numerous times already, so, modification here and there as needed is fine, really, especially in technical terms, medicinal terms, economical terms, etc, etc... a language that has room to be modified is a good language to have, take khmer language for example, it is a good, beautiful language on earth to have, really. the world is lucky and rich to have khmer language on this planet, really. god bless khmer language, khmer writing, etc.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Surin 1:46 AM

Thanks so for posting a most and valuable comments.You can ride the
horses to fight the invader into the water or clamming the mountain.You are my hero,my friend keep up the good work.I salute you.The grass is
greener on the other side off the hill.

Anonymous said...

Most of the fuckers here on KI-Media can't even write English let alone Khmer.

Yet those fuckers pretend to know it all by giving out advice, preaching, coaching, citing proverbs, and fucking each other in the ass etc...etc...

I'd say - Fuck them all!!!

Anonymous said...

reply to 3:08 AM

"...fucking each other in the ass etc...etc..."

You have been fucked in the ass, too?

You again have been missing the whole point on this blog. This blog is about brainstorming of new idea and venting so we all can improve. If you smarter than us tell us what to do, instead of , "f" this "f that.

I waiting your English major.

Anonymous said...

Reply to loser yapper 11:32 PM

This is a conversation blog. Moron, again you are a yapper yourself who can barely write Khmer and/or English.

Who care? You did and that is why you wrote on this blog. FI, your writing is not great neither.

keep your yap shut and now you said " "F" all"

Anonymous said...

Just FUCK'em all!!!

Anonymous said...

3:08 AM
We've heard WORSE, but from BETTER people !!!

Anonymous said...

reply to 3:08 AM

You give up already?

Show me your leadership skills?

Anonymous said...

3:37 AM
All, this includes YOUR mom too ???

Anonymous said...

Just your mother only, you mother fucker@3:41AM!

Anonymous said...

Are you mad bro?
It is unhealthy to be mad all the time.
Also, it takes too much energy to be mad. But, be happy required no energy whatsoever.
Try it bro!
Best wishes! Hope you don't get passed-out.

Anonymous said...

reply to Just-passing-by,

Yesterday you told me you have to go to sleep. Now you back, ha?

You lost your debate with me. Now you preached to other, not to be mad.

I still think you are a loser from eastcoast.

Anonymous said...

reply to 5:05 AM

"Just your mother only, you mother fucker@3:41AM"

When you are talking shit to other and you could not take shit back. You resort to profanity such as mother "F"

You are a incompetent and a loser.

Anonymous said...

Youn knew Khmer mentality,they just take little bit to poke into it,then they (Khmers) will fight each other like hell.It's worth trying to swallow without using any bullets or blood to get their land.

Anonymous said...

Youn knew Khmer mentality,they just take little bit to poke into it,then they (Khmers) will fight each other like hell.It's worth trying to swallow without using any bullets or blood to get their land.

Anonymous said...

Just FUCK'em all!!!

Anonymous said...

Reply to 5:17 AM

Loser and moron

Anonymous said...

5:11 AM,

I am 5:05, I am NOT Mr. Just-passing-by!
You're mistaking me for Just-Passing-by!

If you notice, there is a comma after his name, which mean I am responding to him.

No disrespect but we should leave the profanity to the professional/uneducated people like Hun Sen.

Keo Cham said...

I wonder if Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, and Hindi are amongst the languages in crisis. I must be mistaken, but I cannot make out a comma at all in these script.

I am of course not against the uses of comma or the revision of the written language to include more expressive punctuations and clear emotive or sense evoking marks.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Keo Chan,

Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi have some Western punctuation but not extensively. Chinese uses (o) in place of a (.) same as khan for Khmer. Most of these foreign languages including Khmer use (.) (,) (") (!) (?) etc. Thai and Lao which adopted Khmer writing system also do not space their words and also have the above basic punctions. Khan (ฯ) in Thai uses as abreviation of words only, not as period like Khmer. Again, Khmer do not need full revision of its language to match a Western one. Khmer is unique and we should learn to improve the correct writings in terms of word usage but not change the written way. Khmer people should learn from notable writer like Biv Chhay Leang, Soth Polin, etc. before he or she makes gross comments like our language is in crisis.

Khmer Surin

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, Ms. Theary Seng can learn a few things from Khmer Surin.
After all, you can't get any more real than Khmer Surin.

Anonymous said...

Theary, I think you are in Crisis because you join christianity and I think you wants to convert Cambodian temple to Church. You need to learn more and not because you are Immigration Lawyer you all know everything. Do you know accounting or computer language, shit know. You only knew a very few words from Bible, the simple words with improper use of its translation. Don't be a hore in Cambodia, you got fucked up then you said "I am right". Language is language where every nation fight to keep from generation to generation. If you are good you should go to temple and study more, dont be so selfish and blame every thing that you don't know, This is called ignorance. My advise, you should get the hell out of Cambodia before Cambodian people throw you into a hore house.

Anonymous said...

Whore not hore

Anonymous said...

ll khmer people in srok khmer speaking so root or and very rough word. for exmple yok chinda and other khmer host in tv they either yell or very loud speaking. in hangmeas when they talk god i could listen to them because they re yelling n root speaking voice un pleasant to my ear there fore a bun of my friend n me never buy any hangmeas dvd don't like the hosted voice they dump n stupid like Yok chinda she fucking yell all the time don't know what to say. she saying kitha,,,dombey alot of these stupid word out of her mouth to much using the same fucking word all the time s same as other fucking male hose the tv they are dump the ctn should change the tv host. they should hire some one like wife of Bonyong teach these stupid tv hosted learn how to speak properly khmer. if you watching Yok Chinda interview bonyong's wife and compare to Yokchinda oh gost so shame of yokchinda n other male tv host. they all looking dump.

Anonymous said...

i'm sick and tired of that bitch.

Anonymous said...

fuck you 6:20am you said theary seng can't speak khmer how about you fucking writing start with bitch or swear word how could you swear to theary seng when you dump stupid head do not how to speak proper khmer language? Theary seng see it wrong try to corrected it but people like you do not want to change your fucking mistake keep make yourself as and a dummy or the ignorant people all over the country.

Anonymous said...

fuck you 6:20am you said theary seng can't speak khmer how about you fucking writing start with bitch or swear word how could you swear to theary seng when you dump stupid head do not how to speak proper khmer language? Theary seng see it wrong try to corrected it but people like you do not want to change your fucking mistake keep make yourself as and a dummy or the ignorant people all over the country.