Monday, August 13, 2012

ស៊ុនចាន់ថុល៖ សែនឲ្យដីយួន! ហៃអើ! ហៃអើ!

ស៊ុនចាន់ថុល រៀនបានសញ្ញាប័ត្រ ពីស្រុកអាមេរិក តែភ្លើចាញ់បោក ក្មេងគ្វាលគោ

ស៊ុនចាន់ថុល បានសម្តែងនូវការគាំទ្រនូវ ប្រសាសន៍សម្តេចតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន នាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ជាពិសេសលើវីរភាពរបស់ សម្តេចក្នុងដំណោះ ស្រាយប្រកប ដោយសន្តិវិធី ជាមួយប្រទេស ជិតខាង ជាពិសេស លើការបោះបង្គោល ព្រំដែន ជាមួយ ប្រទេស វៀតណាម។ (DAP-news)


Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរថាដល់ពេលបណ្ឌិតក្លាយជាពាល គឺសែនអាក្រក់
ជាក្រៃលែង។ថោកទាបម៉្លេះលោកបណ្ឌិត ស៊ុនខាន់ថុល។

Anonymous said...

to blogger reader,

All the universities around the Globe have nerve teached the students to act the bad things in the socity. But in the natural law, it has always two kinds of academician:

1) most of them are good after them finished universities. The good academician have mostly very good note and their behaviors are also good.

2) the other group of them are absolutely bad after them finished universities. The academician have mostly very bad note and their behaviors are also bad, no moral.

Anonymous said...

បក្សប្រជាជនក្លាយទៅជាបក្សអបគមន៍កាត់ទឹកដីខ្មែឲ្យទៅអាយួនយៀកកុង !

ស៊ុន ចាន់ថុល..ក្លាយទៅជា...ស្វាចុយភ្នែក
ស៊ុន ចាន់ថុល..ក្លាយទៅជា...ជនក្បត់ជាតិ

ជនក្បត់ ស៊ុន ចាន់ថុល ​នឹងខ្វាក់ភ្នែក​​-​ឆ្កួតល្ងី​ល្ងើ
ភ្លេចមុខ​ភ្លេច​ក្រោយ​ យ៉ាង​ទាន់ហន់.......

Anonymous said...

វាមិនចាញ់បោកហ៊ុនសែនទេ។មនុស្សស៊ុន ចាន់ថុលនេះជាមនុស្សឱកាសនិយម  បានក្បាលសីុក្បាលបានកន្ទូយសីុកន្ទុយ។ មនុស្សវាអាណាក៏ត្រូវដែរ អោយតែបានប្រយោជន៍ដល់វា។  វាមិនខុសគ្នាពីពូកបនCPPទាំងអស់ប៉ុន្មានទេ។ 

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sanha Bath Chanh Sanha Bork!!

Anonymous said...

Is KI-Media really anti-CPP/Viet Hun Sen as it had been claiming and for SRP/NRP, or is it the other around???

Can any of you at this freaking KI-Media tell me something, please?

How come any of you elite at KI-Media including but not limited to "School of Vice", "Pissed off" and a boat load of other Old Farts KI-Media warriors didn't even bother to lift a finger to help with the message for contribution to the National Rescue Party of Sam and Kem???

Tell me, scorn me, curse me if you all want to, but please do something about it, if you all want to rescue Khmer from the bloody hands of HUN SEN and the Viet!!!

Anonymous said...

the other way around*

Anonymous said...

It not about the trick of Hun Sen, it is about money. If you in his shoes you would do the same. They go for two things: money and power.
PM Hun Sen is a smart guy.

Anonymous said...

12:06 AM,

How do you know that all of the people including the old farts you mentioned are not helping the new party formed by the union of SRP and HRP?

I can bet their names on the visa or cheques are not "School of Vice",.... "Pissed off", ...etc.!

Anonymous said...

Don't praise Hun Sen for peaceful solution to the border issues with Vietnam!

Anyone can find that solution if you are willing to give to Vietnam whatever Vietnam demands!

Sun Chanthol, you are not that stupid, are you?

You should have said that for the sake of power, your PM is willing to cut off any Cambodian land and gives it away to Vietnam without using a proper channel and treaty (Paris Peace Accord) to resolve this conflict.

Even A Chey who has never gone to school can do it with 2 eyes closed!

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

5:27 AM,

I know.