Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cambodia attracts 51 new factories with $327 mln investment in 6 months

Xinhua | 2012-8-13

Cambodia had issued operating licenses to 51 new garment and footwear factories with the total investment of $327 million in the first half of this year, according to a report of the Council for the Development of Cambodia on Monday.

The report recorded that 40 are garment factories, 8 are shoes manufacturers, 2 are sock makers and 1 is textile factory.

During the January-June period this year, China was leading in the garment investment here with 16 factories, following by South Korea with 12 projects, and China's Taiwan with 11 projects.

Other investors in the sector are China's Hong Kong, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Singapore, India and Japan.

Garment industry is Cambodia's largest income earner. Currently, the sector consists of more than 300 factories, employing some 335, 400 workers--91 percent of them are female, according to the Commerce Ministry.

During the first six months of this year, the country exported garment and textile products in equivalent to $2.1 billion, up 9 percent if compared with the same period last year, the Commerce Ministry said.


Anonymous said...

Great, now the university gratuates have a place to work: factory workers.

Anonymous said...

Be sure, to stop ah Rong Chhung & chea mony, Virak,
Not to create more problems,

Those guys , are trouble makers

Otherwise, Khmer 's peoples will out of jobs soon.,

Anonymous said...

I understand that the employees want to get pay higher on salery. However, if the empployers don't make enough profit and how are they going to keep pay the employess.

The employees should learn how to grow food on the side and never totally depend on the foreingers. Save every dollar as you can and manybe someday you can open your own business.

Please don't start the riots. If these companies decided to go to Burma and Srilanga, the Cambodian employees will be in big trouble.

$60 to $80 is better than no job at all. Please becareful what you wish for.

Love Apsara.

Anonymous said...

Hold a job ,the salary did not supported oneself. It's like not having a job at all. These job took full of your time and thus you can not do any side activity therefore is not good for you.Do something else that can support oneself and perhaps some extra for the other necessary.Don't be slave to these foreign with enough salary. Please!!!!