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Central United Methodist Church on Pacific Avenue in Stockton. (Record file 2008) |
July 31, 2012
By Lori Gilbert
Record Staff Writer
Night of Joy
- What: Cambodian concert by local musicians concluding the Cambodian National Caucus Annual Conference
- When: 6:45 p.m. Friday
- Where: Central United Methodist Church, 3700 Pacific Ave., Stockton
- Admission: $10
- Information: (209) 470-6509, (209) 423-0842 or (209) 815-8545
Seeking ways to spread their faith to others in the Cambodian community, church leaders from 13 congregations across the country will gather in Stockton on Wednesday through Friday for the Cambodian National Caucus Annual Conference at Central United Methodist Church.
"It's the biggest Cambodian Christian conference in America, or at least in Stockton," Vathanak Heang, a local pastor, said jokingly.
It's the first time the conference has been held in Stockton, which is home to more than 16,000 Cambodians.
Three days of meetings for pastors and lay leaders of United Methodist Churches will address successes and failures and different churches, aimed at helping all of them thrive. The conference will end with a concert by local musicians, open to the public, scheduled to begin at 6:45 p.m. Friday.
"The music is more contemporary music, with a little bit of Cambodian Christian rap," said Sylvia Phon, one of the organizers.
Heang will handle the rapping and master of ceremony duties and University of the Pacific graduate Ren Khath will sing two songs in English, "All That I Am" and "Hosanna in the Highest."
"Many (performers) are from Central United Methodist Church, and some of the musicians are from the Lutheran church," Phon said. "We're all friends, even though we're from different denominations. Everyone is invited, non-Christians and Christans. This is for the community we live in. We want to bring the whole community together."
Many of the visiting people will be hosted by families from the Central United Methodist Church.
Bringing just the Cambodian community together at a Christian event is no easy task. The United Methodist Church is second in popularity for Christian American Cambodians to the Christian Missionary and Alliance, according to Heang.
That group had been in Cambodia before the rise of the Khmer Rouge in 1975, but the biggest conversion to Christianity dates to the late 1970s and early 1980s when many fleeing from Pol Pot's regime made it to refugee camps of Thailand. Introduced to Christianity by workers there, who helped provide food, clothing and shelter, many Cambodians embraced Christianity.
"When they came to the U.S., a lot of them went back to their old ways," Phon said.
Some reverted to their Buddhist faiths. Others embraced different Christian denominations.
Phon practiced in a Baptist church until she found Central United Methodist, whose Cambodian language ministry is led by Kien Srey.
"(Central Methodist leaders) saw the Cambodian race needed a place to worship, and opened their hearts, opened their arms, opened their door and accepted Cambodians," Phon said.
The concert in which she'll perform is an opportunity to open the doors to the rest of Stockton.
"I want the community to have activities for children, to come together, have fun, be joyful."
Tickets for the concert are $10, and proceeds benefit the church's missionary work in Cambodia, where it helps pay for digging wells and sending children to schools, among other services.
Contact reporter Lori Gilbert at (209) 546-8284 or lgilbert@recordnet.com.
Ah Pourk Krapeu vongveng beng. phlek sasna eng. Ah pourk chhkout.
These are the stupid Cambodian that forget their real own religion:Buddhism.
8:55 AM
No Khmers had no Real Own religion. Khmers Adopted foreign religions.
First HINDU then Buddhism, all of them were not real Khmer religions. They were all from India-Nepal.
It is a good Faith that Khmers now woke up from Buddhism to see GOD. I think they should go back to be Hindu like the men who built the Empire.
Once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus!
8:53 AM
These people finally found True God, and you are lost. Do you know Cambodians have no real religions of their own?
Buddhism is not Khmer religion, Khmers are evils, T'Mils just like yourself who is so stupid and don't even know that Khmers adopted it from Nepal-India.
If Khmers stayed with Hinduism followed their ancient Varaman Lings they may not be destroyed at all.
Hinduism believe in BRAHMA, a Supreme Being equal to GOD. But Khmers allowed the crazy man from Java took the named Jayavaraman 7 adopted another foreign religion Buddhism, then the nation went into disaster.
8:53 AM
These people finally found True God, and you are lost. Do you know Cambodians have no real religions of their own?
Buddhism is not Khmer religion, Khmers are evils, T'Mils just like yourself who is so stupid and don't even know that Khmers adopted it from Nepal-India.
If Khmers stayed with Hinduism followed their ancient Varaman Kings they may not be destroyed at all.
Hinduism believe in BRAHMA, a Supreme Being equal to GOD. But Khmers allowed the crazy man from Java took the named Jayavaraman 7 adopted another foreign religion Buddhism, then the nation went into disaster.
Hinduism built the Khmer Empire, but the Buddhism destroyed it. Hindu built a strong nation, Buddhists weaken the nation.
Jayavaraman 7 was a Javanese (Cham) not Khmer, he forced all Khmers to be Buddhists, but he himself built Bayon temple to please BRAHMA (the Suprem GOD) sadly it was too late.
Cambodia was cursed and severely punished since then after Jayavaraman 7 died.
To all khmer above, nothing bad that these khmer changed their religion. Christian is the best preacher in the world... i don't hate buddhism.... buddha is a good lord but khmer people believe buddha in cambodia this day are so stupid... just inspect the reality in cambodia right now....All HUN SEN's followers are budhhist, why de fuck are they treating their khmer people like an animal? where is the god's way? I would like to see all khmer in cambodia turn themself into lord jesus, Aman!!!!!
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see. Amen
I wonder why Buddha own country do not believe in Him?
I respect Buddha and I see clear that Buddha is a great Teacher in Dharma how to end the sufferings.
But what I saw in my visions I do not believe that the Dharma could lead humans to end the sufferings after death. I think if Buddha is still alive He would tell us to seek a salvation through Christ.
Buddha only said The greatest One will come is Preah Se-Art Metreyya", so I believe Christ is the greatest One. Chrsit's way is the way to end the sufferings if we follow Him.
I wonder why Buddha own country do not believe in Him?
I respect Buddha and I see clear that Buddha is a great Teacher in Dharma how to end the sufferings.
But what I saw in my visions I do not believe that the Dharma could lead humans to end the sufferings after death. I think if Buddha is still alive He would tell us to seek a salvation through Christ.
Buddha only said The greatest One will come is Preah Se-Art Metreyya", so I believe Christ is the greatest One. Christ's way is the way to end the sufferings if we properly follow Him.
Ah shithead 8:53 AM, if you're in the free world, don't open your stupid mouth.... use your brain,dude! Khmer in the free world aren't puk kropur vongveng beung....they just found a new beung, this beung is a new paradise for them.... beung in cambodia is hell...and that beung is belong to you and puk Ah kropur nek-ruk HUN SEN. Go ahead bite, snap, twist each other for piece of shit!
Aman, Awoman!
To 8:55 AM>
They're not stupit, I think you're more stupit than them, because you can't think what's right what's wrong.
All religions are good, they teach how to do good thing and respect. It's people problems that try to show that's they're the winner.
Lord Jesus is driving me to work..he's my driver,Awoman!
Com'on guys, Lord Jesus is teaching khmer people how to be gay like like him. Ah 10:25AM is keeping long hair like him... dress like him, walk like him, no underwear like him,and sex with the sheep's ass like him.
All people of GOD, Take your heart and strength. Be courage. Bring Good News(Gospel) to all over the world. God bless you.
Though we are far physically, but we are in the same family (God's family).
Free eggs
Free used clothes
Free lunch!
Let's join them!
Baay Kdaing
Freedom to choose what best for each person as long as he or she is happy while still alive.
After all your Cambodians have no real religion of your own. You just adopted from foreigners anyway.
May be before Hindu entered, your ancestors were naked and worshiped souls and evils. Then when the Indian defeated your half naked queen (Soma), they taught her and her Khmers how to dress up.
Then they built the empire for you, helped you to be civilized people. Then you went on killed each other again and again, so another foreign guy took the throne and changed a new name Jayavaraman 7.
He forced every Khmer to worship another foreign religion Buddhism.
Then you Khmers went down shit in hell until today.
Lazy and ignorant and killed each others again and again, you are good at it.
10:36 AM I'm with you my friend.
I heard, Jesus awoke from unconscious beating. He escaped from dead sense and went hidding a secret place. He live as a simple life then he died an old age.
The Hindu built the Khmer Empire, The Buddhists destroyed.
I don't care what kind of religious you belive. May Buddha bless you all!
12:21 PM
You heard or read it from the anti-Christ is normal. But in History the Roman were afraid of Christ's resurrection may cause revolution against the Roman empire.
Pontius Pilate was a ruler of Judea (Israel) over the puppet King Herod the Great under the Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus strictly ordered Christ's crucifixion. Roman soldiers were guarding surrounding Christ's Tomb. Three days later, the Tomb was emptied. The Roman were great conquerors back then and they were not stupid as you Cambodians. They persecuted all Christ's followers, but they were finally defeated.
12:32 PM
Buddha cannot bless any body, Buddha left the Dharma for anyone who wants to follow or practice.
I think if all Cambodians turn to Hindu or to GOD they and their country may be saved. If Buddha's own people like Nepalese and Indians choose Buddhism, their countries would be destroyed like Cambodia and Tibet.
Buddhism or Christ are almost the same believe, just both believes did not have the same felling and have a different thinking.
I don't blame the new Khmer Christian, but their aggrssive behaviors, mind and brain make us very sorry and said.
Khmer Christian are more aggressive, than Muslim or the real Christian beleived people.
1:41 PM
How aggressive are they? They may be proud their new faith I think they found.
I just wonder why Buddha's own people (Nepalese-Indians) do not believe in him?.
Why the foreigners like Khmers are so fanatics going crazy?
Those great heroes who built the empire were Hindu, then why all of the sudden the Khmers turned their backs on their great ancestors who built them a nation?
I think the Khmers are cursed by their Hindu ancestors.
Go ahead to convert everyone in the world but don't go put your foot in Cambodia. It's going to be a religious war soon. I rather stay under Viet than to be converted into a Christians. Stay out of Cambodia!
2:05 PM
But Yuon about Half of their population are Christians. Don't you know?
Christians rise in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and China. Why don't you piss at them?
I rather stay as Hindu following my great ancestors than to be a lazy, killer and stupid Buddhist.
Hindu and budhist is not khmer religion. That is correct but u have to understand that cambodian civilization did not created by Christians either. We khmer already adopted a religion and we don't need another one. Stay out of Cambodia. If you really need to go around to convert, you need to pray really hard to ask your DOG to create another world and country so you can fulfill your desire to convert.
2:14 PM
Kingdom of Cambodia was not Created by Buddhist, but by Hindu
You are not the only one. I was blind also and now I know christian destroy culture around the world and create all kind of wars with other religions and cultures. I also know that Jesus didnt rise from the dead and descending to heaven as some dreamers claim but go to live a full life in Kashmir. Stop fooling yourself and the world. The world is beautiful because of many cultures and religions. Stop your insanity of wanting other people into one religion. Matter of fact, settle with your own kind and ask your God for the right religion first before trying to convert other. If your god can not answer your prayer, don't around disturbing and be a pest to other cultures.
2:26 PM
You don't have to prove too far about wars and destruction in this big world of Christianity ruled over, just look at two small Buddhist countries Thailand and Cambodia. The Buddhism destroyed the Hinduism, and the Buddhists are evils in both sides.
2:26 PM
I heard the same thing from Buddhist monks in Srilangka. I think it has something to do with Jesus Christ left Judea to India when he was 12. The book wrote by a woman named "Elizabeth Clare Prophet" with references noted from a Russian Scholar who traveled to Tibet monastery. The book called "The Lost Year of Christ". Christ was known as Saint Issa traveled to India. It was in Persian sacred history. About Christ escaped death and hided and lived til old age contradicted the Roman ruler history, those rumors were form Christ's haters own mouths.
People never stopped hating, killing each others. But with a strong FAITH in GOD they may be able to live in peace.
I belioeve Buddha was a great Teacher, but I don't believe in Buddha's path can help humans to Nirvana (Heaven).
I believe in Christ can save humans to reach Nirvana through His salvation. In spite of attacking, cursing, persecuting, GOD will victory at last. I am not worried of a small numbers who cursing and attacking GOD (Christ). I don't care whatever they do attacking and creating story about Christ (GOD). 92% American believe in GOD whereas 8% don't let them be.
Each of us choose our own Faith.
DON'T Fight EACH Others because of Religions. This 2012 China will attack India. At this moment about 5 to 600,000,000 Indians have no electricity, because they lost the 2nd power grid.
China will pay North Korean to shoot the missile to India.
War is coming between T'Mils of North Korea and Hinduism of India.
Einstein's thought on future religion: The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. (Albert Einstein)
The reason why Buddhism no longer exist in India because of Muslim. Muslim invaded the world and pushed the Buddhists out of india. If there is anything at all, Muslim is to be blame for this. Now its Christian's turn to convert the world. Both religions are evil. Both will continue to fight each other until the end of time.
2:11 pm,
it doesnt matter if Viet is Christian or not. I rather live under the viet colony than to live in a Christians - especial a half breed christian. You guys are nothing but a maggots to other religions. If you want your gay jesus fuck you in the ass, and let Marry fool you by claiming the she was screwed by god, its your problem but dont go around and convert other people. Your religion is not a peaceful religion. Peaceful religion have respect for other religions. When they hvae respect for other religions, they dont go around and convert them. Respect them means accept them as who they are not what you want them to be. Religious was will be coming soon! This time the world will be against your fucking jesus christ.
Oh dear, Khmer people are not able to accept and respect one another. It is a big trouble and dangerous for the nation of Cambodia. Many of you are living in the free countries and you all enjoy freedom but you still have dictatorship and domination in your hearts. Did you study Dharma or Bible scripture properly?
Have you overcome yourself?
How much patient do you have towards others?
Do you have forgiveness to others who cursed you?
Matthew 6:14,15
If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your father will not forgive the wrongs you have done.
Many of above have failed the test. Still the big temptations soon will be coming in your ways.
Keep God's words within you always in order to resist temptations (sin).
Swearing, cursing, arguing, stealing, cheating, hating, gambling all are sins not yet to mention the criminal ones.
Buddha is a great teacher and a great philosopher. Jesus is the Son of God and a living God. Both teachings are similar of moralities. No one can be forced or forbade to believe or not to believe. It is the freedom of choice, The UN has introduced this rule to all people in the world.
Not just Buddhist monks collected
money,but churches knew how to collect too.
In San Jose,each member payed $50.00 per month.
All of religion founders are great,
but the followers are bad.They make
money from religions for business.
7:26 PM
Don't talk of Einstein whom you ignorant Cambodians knew too little. Einstein was Jews and he believed in GOD, but he was angry with GOD for allowing Nazis killed 6 million Jews. His clear remarks "GOD did not play dice with the Universe".
7:31 PM
India is a Hindu state, never been Buddhist state. The Muslims are still less than Hindu in India. The Nepalese are also Hindu. The Indian and Nepal will never adopt Buddhism as a state religion because Indian and Nepalese people do not believe in Buddha's ways.
7:42 PM
All fanatics say the same as you do. Attacking others are your best evil performance. Well Cambodia will change in due time, and it is not you or I will have the power to stop. You need not to worry. More Khmers knew that Buddhism destroyed the empire that built by their Hindu Ancestors.
Buddhists destroyed the Khmer Empire built by the Hindu.
Let face it, and it is the fact we all cannot deny it.
(i) Buddhism destroyed Khmer Empire built by Hinduism.
(ii) Buddhists in Cambodia are 99.99% EVILS, the rest of non-Cambodians are OK. They are not evils like Buddhist Cambodians.
I agree w/ 7:42 PM.
Why spent most of your life tried to convert others to your religion? If it is in fact better than other religious shouldn't everybody jump in the banwaggon already by now?
Isn't there anywhere in your Christian pamphlet that says respect others belief?
You don't see Buddhism go house to house and recruit new member. Everyone should be able to pick and choose what their beliefs are without being coerce into one.
I say pray to who is that you prayed to and at the end, it's you and your God.
10:06 PM
You are so right. I am Hindu after I learned that my native land was destroyed by Buddhists.
An Empire of Kingdom of Cambodia, the land that my Great Ancestors "Varaman Kings" built was destroyed by the Buddhism.
12:18 AM
Every living being has her or his own experiences in life, some of us visioned of meeting GOD (Jesus Christ) and some visioned of meeting Angels through light while they are nearly death. There are trillion unexplained things occurred on this tiny planet earth.
About this person 7:42 PM blasphemed a Holy Virgin is coming from Hate and Jealous (Madness).
No one knew 2000 years ago about what happened to Mary, Christ's Mom. The haters always try to blaspheme Her. There are countless miracles in the world the apparitions of Mary and Her prophetic words. She is an instrument of GOD and she serves Him until the end.
GOD incarnated to a Holy child Jesus, GOD manifested to a human, they called Him "the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
I am Buddhist by birth not by choice. I believe that Buddha was a great teacher, but I don't believe Buddha's way is the way to Peace or to Heaven.
I am not a Christian yet but the more I learn/read and seek for the answers, I see that I will find peace and serenity through Christ. I called this "FAITH" in Khmer "Mean Nisay".
I need no ONE to convert me, it is the time I am seeing the light and Peace through Christ, the living GOD, many old people told me "Preah Rouss" or "Preah Se-ASr-Metreyya".
Peace be with Everyone
Jesus said: I am the only way to the father. You can only go to the father through me.
God said: You can not put any other god before me.
Based on this believe, anyone who doesnt accept jesus as their savior will consider as devil worshipers. This is the reason why Christian can not co-exist or have respect for other religions.
God, the omipoten, omipresent, and omiscience, created Lucifer? Knowing before hand that Lucifer will turn against him and cause a lot of destruction to mankind? This is the reason why Einstein said: The good and evil come only from one source.
According to the bible, if god only created adam and only created Eve just to be a companionship to Adam in this world, how does other people come about beside Abel and Cain had to sleep his mom Eve?
According to the bible, God created man and man is the center of all beings. Darwin with his scientific discovery asserted that man is not a center of all beings but part of other beings. Through natural selection that other beings came about to adapt and to survive base on the environmental factors.
According to bible,and indirectly, earth is the center of the universe until Capernicus disproved that...the sun does not evolve around the earth but earth rotate around the sun.
If god is a living god and answer prayer, why dont all the Christians pray to God and ask God for a one true religion instead of Cathoic, Methodist, Momen and a bunch of others? This way it will be much easier to convince and convert other heathen! The heathen like Gandhi and Dalai Lama.
In the old Testament the God is very angry, violent and destructive god to the point that is is very hard for most people to know if god is a compassionate god. In the new Testament, however, God become less angry and sometime a compassionate god and sometime dont. Does god has mental problem?
According to Bible, god give man a choice. But when man choose to excercise his option, why he punishing them to eternal hell or burn in eternal hell?
In short, your own ass is not so clean either. So does other religions. However, at least other religions do not go around belittle others and make every atempt to convert them.
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