Friday, August 17, 2012

Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Tribunal hit by cash crisis

Cambodia's Khmer Rouge tribunal is running out of money, but there's hope yet.

16 August 2012
ABC Radio Australia

Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Tribunal hit by cash crisis (Credit: ABC)
That's the assessment of the funding crisis gripping Cambodia's UN-backed crimes against humanity hearings, from United Nations' special envoy to the court, David Scheffer.
Mr Scheffer is urging international donors, including Australia, to honour their pledges immediately or see the tribunal run out of funds within a matter of weeks.
Presenter: Bill Bainbridge
Speakers: David Scheffer, Special Expert to advise on the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials; Bob Carr, Australian Foreign Minister; Tom Fawthrop, journalist and co-author of Getting Away with Genocide? Elusive Justice and The Khmer Rouge Tribunal


Anonymous said...

stop then. needless, it;s just a group of unemployment international lawyers trying to take advantage of khmer clown judiciary. just a waste time and money.

Anonymous said...

ECCC in Cambodia?

Who really have been behind this ECCC in Cambdodia?

ECCC in Cambdodia has been belong to Uncle Ho and Uncle Sam.

Uncle Ho and Uncle Sam who have been behind this ECCC in Cambdodia have cutting and editing real Khmer historty.

This ECCC in Cambodia is Hanoi-US ECCC to cover up their own Genocide and war crimes as follow:

- Indochina Federation to swallow and exterminate Cabmdoian ethnics.

- Yuon Hanoi K 5 plan in Cambdina during 1980s.

- US B 52 carpet bombing in 1960s-1973 ( 200 days and 200 nights whic killed so many Cambodian and left mass atrocities of war .

All these Genocide and war crimes took place in Cambodia before 1975 and after 1979 that why this Hanoi and US ECCC in Cambodia not allowed Noun Chea and Khieu Samphan to talk what has happened before 1975 and after 1979 to cover up their genocide and war crimes in Cambdodia before 1975 and after 1979.

So Uncle Ho and Uncle Sam have gain from this ECCC.

Anonymous said...

Cash crisis is an excuse. The root of the problem is dragging on and on look at Cases 003 and 004 as Hun Sen said those who want to go ahead with Cases 003 and 004 must pack up their belongings and leave Cambodia.

Why Hun Sen and Hanoi opposed strongly to Cases 003 and 004 ?