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The king and his parents are shuttling back and forth to China for medical care |
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Chea Xim seeked medical care in Singapore |
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Xok An went to Singapore for kidney stone surgery |
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Hun Neang, Hun Xen's father, was hospitalized in Singapore |
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Cambodian children lined up to desperately try to obtain free medical care from the underfunded Kantha Bopha Hospital |
PHNOM PENH - Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni arrived in Phnom Penh on Saturday afternoon after he had spent 4-week stay in Beijing for routine medical checkup and visiting his parents.
At the Phnom Penh International Airport, the King was cordially greeted by President of the Senate Chea Sim, President of the National Assembly Heng Samrin, Prime Minister Hun Sen, and the Ambassador of China to Cambodia Pan Guangxue as well as royal family members.
During his stay in Beijing, besides medical check-up by Chinese doctors, the King also visited his parents, the former King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk and former Queen Norodom Monineath.
Norodom Sihanouk has been receiving medical treatment in Beijing for a long time to battle his cancer, diabetes and hypertension.
If you understand what is Indochina Fedration is , you will understand Hun's reason why medical service in Cambodia very worse, why medical service in Cambodia always ask patient wheather they have money before medical help is provided.
The very bad of medical service in Cambodia is one of many dirty tricks for yuon Hanoi using Hun Sen to exterminate Khmer ethnics and swallow Cambdodia as yuon Hanoi already did to Champa, Prey Norkor, Kampuchea-Krom, Lao and now Combodian and Cambodia being exterminated and swallowed by yuon Hanoi.
This stupid race deserve that cursed,for example choosing the leaders which good or bad they do not even know it.
The king go to coin,fart China China why is not in his country?ot kom neut race the world donate their working money to save this race but this ot kom neut race kill it own,taking the citizen s land give it to foreigners to enrich their leaders Kama
Kama they crawl on the dirt and let the parasite leaders suck their blood to death,and what they have to say to their leaders Yes sir Yes sir ot komneut nation?
Well said KI.
This idiot family never care about the Cambidian people. The stupid Cambodian people (my people)still respect them and waite long hours just to see them.
They never learned about the 3 million death. It almost half of the population.
Please stop blaime other races for causing Cambodians to be poor. Please blaime Cambodian leaders only.
These stupid leaders flied all over the whold world to seek good medical treatment. God forbid, the regular citizens want to leave the country, they will make them pay excessvie money for their passport.
Again my stupid Cambodian people and they brought their young pretty daughter to let old and dumb Rannarid having fun with or marry with.
I can go on and on. Enogh said.
This evil king family always went to seek medical treatment in communitst China and North Korea.
Please go to You Tube and you will find out who he like to hangout with, again North Korea and communist China.
Most kings in other countries, like power and free market to encourage grouth and productivity.
This moron Cambodian like power, turture opponents, sensorship media, and limit free market.
This Xihanouk king is a communist king just like the North Korean. Just look at his bodyguards.
He is not a free enterprise leader. He is a "dictator" and a power hunger ruler over the poorest country in Asia.
Also he is a Moron!
Remember almost half of the population deaths during his regime.
to be exect 3 million plus.
May karma (bda thing) bring curse to his family for what he had caused to the Cambodian society.
but i don/t believe in karma tho'...look! who's the last long live after all, lon nol and his entourages even lots of generals all gone including Nixon...he was long gone to hell and Sihanouk outlives everybody...tell me now Karma what huh????/
right on 10:30, if karma was a right theory then it proves Sihhanouk is a good guy since he hasn't died yet while all of his opponents were already gone...no more that bullshit karma or next life whatever, people only has one life to live and try to live to the fullness of joyful life and that's what those powerful and rich people ar doing now hehe!!!lmao
this is fair to say when it is all across the board like this. so obvious, really! well, it's time to reform cambodia's healthcare system, ethics, education, etc, really. in other words, without bias, prejudice and discrimination, etc, it is fair to say so, really! like i said before nothing really new in cambodia regarding this kind habit of the rich and powerful since going back even before the infamous KR era as well, really. nothing new, really! only real reforms will change all of this. yes, the privileged always have choices, while the less fortunate ones normally do not, you know. of course, if we don't help the less fortunate ones, who will? all it takes is someone to say about something about it and then just do it, reforms it, ok! reforms in any way is always beneficial and good for cambodia, really!
the way i see it, everything that is wrong or unequal in camobdia is not the people, it's the archic system that cry out in serious needs of overhaul or reforms or changes or challenges, etc, etc, you know. this sort of thing is not new to cambodia. if not reformed, of course one hundred years from now, it will still going the way system like this. you see how lack of change or reform does to cambodia? well, you see it now. so reform the system, ok! action is better than inaction, you know!
life is about having choices, really. so reform cambodia so we all can have choices as well. otherwise, what's good from one generation to the next? same thing, different era of time? this illustrates the importance of national reforms, really! i think the system needs change, not so much the people. to me, the people from all walks of life is all on the same boat, they all are struggle, so reforms will lessen that struggle a bit, if not all across the board, really. think about it, i would do the same too if i have choices, really. people are like water, whichever way gravity takes us, we go that way naturally. so reforms the old system and make it better all across the board, ok! that's how you can help, ok! otherwise whining don't change anything unless a capable leaders took action to reform or change the outdated system once and for all, really! cambodia needs it the most, you know. cambodia must be reforms, i don't care who does it, just do it, ok!
one's belief is just a way for spiritual well-being only, and it is personal, a nation don't need that kind of belief to stay a nation. we need to think about how we can reform cambodia for better standard of living, really!
Replied to 10:30 PM
You broght a good point about Karma.
The reason Xihanouk live longer than any other rulers because this moron has access to good medical treatment and he always fled the countries when facing obstacle. However, he is still evil.
The karma will still come after him because of the 3 million dying lives. This idiot King always pray to the Great Lord of Buddha to wash his sin. 3 million to 1 is not enogh.
The karma already took some of the lives from his families during Khmer Rouge. Karma continues to work every day and in the silent way.
The point of the story is that our stupid people still believe in this moron King and they don't realize Cambodia is the poorest in ASia.
Lon Nol and Nixon were dying of old age. They area probably older than him when comparing age to quality life issue.
Some of you who wants the Khmer King's family to stay in Cambodia for medical care because you! Yes you who want the enemies to kill them. (the King's family.)
I have seen some of you who criticized all kind of Bull Shit and yet yourselves who are driving a MERCEDES or A BMW try to show off your BIG EGO, while the others people come from others countries RIDE a bicycle and still trying to HELP the POOR Khmer in the Country.You should be a shame to yourselves!
What have you done for Khmer REALLY?
To those who are the enemies to the Khmer people, BAD KARMA will hit you like shits hit the fans.
History will indicate that Norodum Sihanouk is the terrible king of Cambodia.
2) Ranarid is the incompetent priminister and he lost his seat.
3) King Sihamony is the cluless king of Cabodia. Major in dancing.
4) Hun Sin is the evil priiminister who gave away land to the VietCong in 21st Century.
The above people they are care so much about their reputation after lives; however, their reputation go as a bad leader. This is "Karma" for what they have done.
The treats to dictatorships are not the gun and bomb, but the written in the public opinion.
The History indicate that the enemy of the Khmer people keeps attack the Khmer's King since twelve century to the present.
When you were BORN from a fake you always be a fake!
The History indicate that the enemy of the Khmer people keeps attack and turture on Khmer people is the stupid King and the king family. Remember the 3 million deaths.
The king families in the past has led our people to start the revolution and they lost their lives since twelve century to the present.
Remember 200 advisers to the king Sihamony. Each one got pay over $1200. per months. Plus nice car.
In the White House less than 10 adviser people.
Cambodian people got pay $60 to $80.00 per month.
This is injustice. This indicate that this king and his families are incompetent. It is all about self serving families.
Become a democratic society just like American. I won't talking smack. You got that old moron.
Replied to
12:27 AM
"The History indicate that the enemy of the Khmer people keeps attack the Khmer's King since twelve century to the present.
When you were BORN from a fake you always be a fake!"
Your mother must be fake just like you. How can this family king is great? Answer me you fake man.
2) Cambodia 's traffic look like a zoo and cluesless. Hundred people die for no reason.
3) no public bathrooms and the country are so filthy. Most tourist criticize Cambodian people and government for dumping trash onto the sidewalk and street.
3) too many public servants in the building and they are doing nothing. They drained resources for nothing. The money could have gone to better use for the people.
4) Too many dumb Khmer like you who salute the dumb king and voted for the dumb priminister.
5) it will take me 30 days or more to finish what I have in mind.
please educate me fake man, for thinking highly of the stupid king?
Reply to
12:27 AM
Norodum Ranarid can use your young daughter beacuse of you thing highly of the king?
To all khmers that believe with the feudalism Sihaknuk is not a real blood stream,Trosak Paem was a regular of khmer s empire like us and the re anything special. Secondly Sihaknuk mother had the affair with the royal palace cook (Chinese man)so that is why this damn King Sihaknuk careless about his koun Chao.
We are all know our mother land turn to be blood bath tub because of China competing with Hyenas vietnam to control Cambodia,now this kind of the competing to control repeating the cycle once again. So khmers race are falling in to that miserable strategy again.
This time even worse
One Said "If you're with a thief, you will be labeled as a thief" until you're proving guilty.
I don't care who is in the past, but if you involves with Khmer Rouge or Hun Sen regime. You're labeled as a criminals or traitor as well.
Khmer Rouge killed innocent Khmer people and Hun Sen granted Khmer land to Youn. Still a lot of stupid Khmer support them. If you support them, don't cry that you lost land to Youn.
Hun Sen's master is Em Soursdey who lives in Cambodia. He is a master of Hun Sen who Hanoi sent to oversee Hun Sen.
If Khmer have conscious, they won't work for Hun Sen.
One day our country will be changed the regime. Nonthing lasts long in this world.
Read the news recently. America plans to brind 15 more people to the Khmer tribunal that includes Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Pol Saroeun, Ouk Benchhoeun, Sihanouk, etc... No one will be above the international law. Don't think Hun Sen is above the law. If you kill people, you will be in jail. Look at the world history in this century, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libia, etc... whose leaders are dead or in prison. They only killed in a thousand only.
Later on the Khmer prosecutors like You Bun Leng, Chea Leang, or Ney Thol will be trialed in the Khmer Rouge tribunal too because they obstruct of justice against the trial. They don't know their crime against humanity. These people are working for Hun Sen's interest.
To a Fake Loser,
Stop insults the World and the Khmer people.
I'm not on any side. I only on the Khmer side.
If the King' s families have done like what you stupid losers have said, the world' s Court would have them on trial right now. You got it DUMB SHITS!
Khmer Rouge are Youn, they comes in to kill Khmer for the lands. At this moment the Viet taking almost 1/5 of the Khmer' s lands from the Khmer they had kill.And you Dumb shits is so coward and so afraid to attack the real enemies (Viet) so you attack your own kind.
What have you done for Khmer? You Stupids.
This is a very good point to bring it up.
Just because they can afford to go abroad for their the best healthcare, they must not ignore the care for their own people. Or do they?
For my observation: The government is lacking far more than I thought they could do to improve the healthcare for the average Cambodians. Why do the Cambodians have to resort to go abroad for health check? Why do it have to be this hard just to go to a hospital? Why do we have to waste money somewhere else on healthcare? Or do our politicians don't care when they can afford to go somewhere else for their own?
Khmer's government and Khmer' s Health cares are control by the Viet, if any of you don't know these.
Rplied to 2:28 AM
"To all khmers that believe with Secondly Sihaknuk mother had the affair with the royal palace cook (Chinese man)so that is why this damn King Sihaknuk careless about his koun Chao."
Very wells said. You absolubely right. Xihanouk is evil and dumb.
reply to loser 3:48 AM
"Stop insults the World and the Khmer people.
I'm not on any side. I only on the Khmer side.
If the King' s families have done like what you stupid losers have said, the world' s Court would have them on trial right now. You got it DUMB SHITS!"
The world is in the process of bring this moron to justice. The reason the international court did not start immediately because they don't want riot. You got that dumb loser man.
Xihanouk is a former Khmer Rouge. Xihanouk let Youn stay in Cambodia when the American dropped a lot of bombs in Vietnam. I can go on and on.
Go on to You Tube and find out. Xihanouk is a bad politician and so is the killer VietCongs. They all want to kill Khmers and had already killed Khmer people.
Stop worship the stupid Cambodian king. You got that Dumb Cambodian loser.
Think what I had just said in the following:
1) Cambodia 's traffic look like a zoo and cluesless. Hundred people die for no reason.
2) no public bathrooms and the country are so filthy. Most tourist criticize Cambodian people and government for dumping trash onto the sidewalk and street.
3) too many public servants in the building and they are doing nothing. They drained resources for nothing. The money could have gone to better use for the people.
4) Too many dumb Khmers like you who salute the dumb king and voted for the dumb Viet Priminister Hun Sen .
Dumb Khmer like you, love the loser king and that is why Cambodian is screw up.
You got that dumb fake man.
To a Fake Loser ,3:48 AM
"Stop insults the World and the Khmer people."
So you are a loser and a sympathizere just like King Norodumb Xihanouk. You love the king family too much and why don't you go back to Cambodia and give all his sons a "BJ"
You said, What have you done for the country?
This is your opportunity to give your dumb king a good service.
Fake man loser
maybe they go for medical care overseas anywhere because medical care in cambodia is understand international standard or something. or maybe medical care in cambodia is unethical. it sounded like an issue of trust and confident in medical cares, perhaps, you know. it probably has nothing to do with these leaders, just they wanted the best medical cares for themselves and their families, etc, really. maybe when cambodian medical cares become more competent and internationalized in standard, then maybe they all can trust and have confident in the khmer medical cares in cambodia. so, i don't really blame them for seeking overseas medical cares until cambodia have international standard of medical cares and healthcare system for that matter, really. i told you, it is the lack of in cambodia that drive many influentical person to seek cares elsewhere; it probably has nothing to do with hating cambodia, or other prejudice, etc, really. it's more to do with gaining trust, having confidence in khmer healthcare system, etc... of course, when people have choice, they say they would go seek medical treatment elsewhere with their peace of mind, ok. that is so truth in cambodia because of lack of and primitive or outdated system, perhaps, you know. even people in other countries sought medical treatment overseas as well, not just khmer people, really! get educated already, really! and stop bashing cambodia, ok! instead, do something to help train cambodia and khmer people so we too can have international standard of medical treatments and care in cambodia as well, so people wouldn't have to go overseas for cares. so who's fault this that? well, stop hurting and bashing and prejudice and discrimatory and bais and look down on cambodia then cambodia will have the same standard of care like the world as well, you know. if people continue to bash and hurt my country cambodia, then how can cambodia can become better? they said you reap what you planeted, so true, really. cambodia needs help and we all can help to make a real, lasting difference in cambodia once and for all, really! if you want cambodia to become better and improve, etc, then start training and helping cambodia, if not, then stop whining here, there and everywhere, ok! may god bless my country cambodia always.
also, perhaps too medical confidentiality has something to do with why influential people of cambodia like to seek or go for medical treatment overseas like in france, singapore, china, japan, etc, etc, really. they don't want others to know about their medical condition due to weak confidential law or patient privacy law in cambodia. when they seek medical care or medical treatment overseas with doctors or people they don't know or don't speak khmer, they feel more at ease. i think it has to do with trust issue and confidentiality and confident, morer than standard of care, really. because today even in cambodia, medical cares and medical training and medical treatments, etc are competent and internationalized. maybe for these people, they have choices and they chose those choices for themselves to seek medical treatments overseas because of their free choices, really! i wouldn't bash cambodia because of this, though, especially when you don't even know or understand the truth, and you go around bashing cambodia or biased against cambodia already, that is so unprofessional and unethical of people who always like to bash my country and khmer people just because we do things differently than you, really! i think it's about people having choices and they choose those choices where they want or as they medical needs dictates, they go there, really. even in america, some people have can afford and have choice will seek their medical cares or medical treatments overseas in unlike places like india, thailand, singapore, japan, china as well, etc, you know. so why just bashing cambodia for this!
Or maybe the old geezer just need to sacrifice his life for the poor Cambodia for once. Really!
Money spent to fly him over to China would saved alot of Cambodia lives. Really!
Reply to 5:39 AM and 6:09 AM
You missed the whole point, we are not hate Cambodian people.
We just don't like this old hyprocratic king who had caused millions of Cambodian people to die. That is also included my families, too.
He flew to China and he chartered the whole plane. It costs so much money. People like that, the king family don't care about the people of Cambodia. He could take the business class with other passengers and the rest of money used to help poor people. We are talking about mismange as usual in the Kingdom of wonder. He had done so much damage to this small pathatic country and he has not changed. The stupid Cambodia (my people) still salute and reveer him.
Rely to
6:52 AM
You made a good point about this idiot king.
Most of these people who made comments believe in KARMA, but then they keep cursing the King's family.
Don't you all know you are part of the past KARMA you created? How do you know you were not butchers in your past life?
How people dies for kedny replace to SOK AN between SOK AN kedny problem a lot people dies for loss kidny
Reply to 9:21 Am
hay, ah khmer sckort, why are you protecting the killer for 3 million people?
He does not deserve to be respected.
I am doing very finacially well in America, and that why I know I was not a butchers like you, moron.
Ah ang nis kbott cheat and srolang ah sihanouk. Can you read that, moron?
Reply to 9:21 AM
"Most of these people who made comments believe in KARMA, but then they keep cursing the King's family.
Don't you all know you are part of the past KARMA you created? How do you know you were not butchers in your past life?"
your logic of thinking is not normal. you meant we can not pass a judgement on the massed murderer.
You are absolutely 100% moron.
One of N.Sihanouk's film titled "Do not revolt again your destiny " កុំប្រឆាំងនឹងវាសនាខ្លួន
He is a predeterminist.
So, if you're born poor, you are still poor no need to change your life.
His view make some Cambodians to revere him as a God King and they're blindly died for him.
កុំប្រឆាំងនឹងវាសនា កុំតវ៉ានឹងព្រហ្មលិខិត?
Is that how they say it, 10:04 AM?
I would say "អាចមន៏ គោញី" lol!
Reply to 10:04 AM
"So, if you're born poor, you are still poor no need to change your life.
His view make some Cambodians to revere him as a God King and they're blindly died for him."
You brought a good point about this idiot king. I don't believe anything he said. He is stupid.
When I came to America, I was poor a little boy and all I have is a pair of sandles and clothes on me. 30 years later I have a good job and get paid about $100,000 plus per year and own many many houses. More than I can dream off.
I am greatful for what I have because of hard working and dedicated to my job. Now you can see, I just prove the Moron Cambodian King wrong.
I Love KI and I agree with KI that King Xihanouk is an idiot.
Reply to stupid king:
you are an idiot. Look at what you just said in your films
"Do not revolt again your destiny"
You should make a film about how you was so stupid and let Pol Pot used you like a toilet paper. Pol Pot and Kiev Samphan hate you azz and you still went to the jungle and plead to be their propaganda tool.
You are definitely a moron. Please make the jungle film and i would like to see it. Thanks
there's no such thing as you born that way. there are only a few exception like handicapped people, etc. in reality, it is all in your mind. we can change our own mind if we remove what is holding us back, especially taboo, you know. for instance when tiev's mother said " nom min del thom chheang nil" or the cake is never bigger than its container. well, not true anymore because nowadays, the bakers can use yeast to big the cake grow bigger.
Talking about thisbretarded idiot families make me piss off
What is good about this families anyway?
#let the scum bag Hun sen treat them like it servant,Hun said left they re kneeling down and crawl to left.
# Sihaknuk slept with his aunt make three kids I do not know his kids call him cousin or father?
#bopha Devy the first Apsaras Khmer icon ,went around to take resident s husband (sinsisamouth)very secretive?
#Chakrapong the drunkard prince went to kidnap the resident daughters ,and rape and in 1995 wated to diivide khmer land in easterner part to help Hun Sen.
Ranrith the incompetent prime minister and the looser for ever ,he is the pussy lover prince and have never enough from the beauty peagent to his staff s wife and corrupting prince.
Present king ,under meditation hear ,see no Vietnamese and human right violation in the kingdom.
Monique ,Oumanarin(Monique s brother) back to the day help Vietcong within food, medicin,rice to feed vietcong in Rattanak kiri.
helped Vietcong to united and killed Cambodians his own people.
Tomico(just the old king s cousin)we can call him ah traitor ru ah sdach ot komneut. He said who call Hun Sen the traitor are absolutely wrong,he supported Hun Sen that the idea of asking to return Trol,puloponson !wai islands and Kampuchea kom back is too late ,the limitation of the legalities are expired.
Bad bad bad that is ridiculous
The worms parasite ,eating Cambodians salaries and serving the forefather ancestor enemies.
Reply to 1:58 PM
Very well done. Thank you for brought the good information to all of us.
I did not know about this idiot king. However, I know about the 3 million death caused by this troll Ex-king.
2nd Info about the Ex-King:
We did not believed in the "Ex-king Sihanouk's destiny concept."
He believes lives can't be changed.
My Cambodian neighbors came from the Aran Refugee camp to America in 1980. We were all had a pair of sandles and an old clothes. We were all speaking with broken English and still speaking with broken English.
Now my good neigbors live on top of Signal Hills (where all the rich white people live) and driving SUV Lexus. I live in the 1/2 million dollars neighborhoods and the home is paid off, too.
Once again, the Ex-King is wrong.
THIS IS sihanou or monkey ?
this is hun sen father or money? that why we dont understanding about hun sen.
you knowed why the king of hun sen not too much hair ,because his mother fuck with with vietnamese boy frient.so the son look like ho chi minh.
Thank KI for posting and keep us inform about the monkey families.
You guys have done a great job.
I don't care about a Kwack or Ah Vietcon Xihanouk who let the Viet stayed in Cambodia during Vietnam war, were not happy with you.
ដើម្បីអោយពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរមានជីវិតរស់នៅសមរម្យជាមនុស្សដូចជាជនជាតិដ៏ទៃបាននោះ លុៈណាតែយើងដេញពួកអាចោលម្រាយ ហ៊ុន សែនចេញពីអំណាចបាន! ដូច្នេះយើងត្រូវតែងើបឡើងទូទាំងប្រទេសប្រឆាំងនិងក្បាលពួកវា យើងមិនអនុញ្ញាត្តអោយពួកវាមួយក្រុមតូចបន្តសម្លាប់ខ្មែរទូទាំងនគរដូច្នេះឡើយ។
This is the legacy of AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave achievement! AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is good at give more land to the Vietcong while he steal more from dirt poor Cambodian people to make himself rich!
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