It's not just grammar; it's clear thinking
The New York Times
14 August 2012
Douglas Rushkoff is the author of "Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age."
In a culture characterized less by the printed word than by YouTube
videos, it's easy to cast off grammar as if it were a quaint vestige of
some prim and proper era — a form of good manners or etiquette, like
using the right fork. But without grammar, we lose the agreed-upon
standards about what means what. We lose the ability to communicate when
respondents are not actually in the same room speaking to one another.
Without grammar, we lose the precision required to be effective and
purposeful in writing.
Yes, this is important. Unlike the grunt of pleasure or pain one
might express in the moment, written language endures over time. It
takes the place of live human contact, and stands in for the full array
of verbal and nonverbal communication passing between people who are
together in real time and space. Text extends our speech into the
future. Thanks to the introduction of text in the Axial Age, we were
able to invent contracts, the law and even the covenant that served as
the basis for the Judeo-Christian tradition. Our civilization owes its
notions of ethics, progress and human rights to the durability and
accountability of text [written word]. For better or for worse, a person's ability to
participate in the culture of the past thousand or so years has depended
on his or her ability to read and write.
In most jobs, the ability to write clearly and unambiguously remains
an essential skill. It distinguishes the worker who takes direction from
the boss who can leverage the power of text to write down instructions
and leave them for someone else. Only the writer skilled in grammar is
entrusted with representing a company in a letter or an e-mail. Only the
entrepreneur who can persuasively express a new idea in writing can
craft a business plan that will win the faith of partners and investors.
Language is no less exacting than math. As the book title “Eats,
Shoots and Leaves” demonstrates, a single comma can change a sentence
about the diet of a panda to one describing the behavior of a
dine-and-dash killer. The emergence of digital technology makes
precision in language even more important than before. As the grammar of
standard English extends to the grammar of code, our errors find
themselves embedded in programs and replicating further and more widely
than previously imaginable. Even a poorly constructed tweet reflects a
poorly constructed thought, while grammatically lacking e-mail messages
have become the hallmark of password phishing scams. Without command of
grammar, one can't even truly read, much less write.
So yes, an employee who can write properly is far more valuable and
promotable than one whose ambiguous text is likely to create confusion,
legal liability and embarrassment. Moreover, a thinking citizen deserves
the basic skills required to make sense through language, and to parse
the sense and nonsense of others.
The grammar,words,and styles of
writing,all these could help writers
to do well in writing.
Reading a lots of good books also could help expressing their ideas to write.
Ouch! I don't care to lick Englich. My gramma is not as good as your gramma. Never had the nick for Angla. I'm bigger tremble can't spoke Angla can't spice Khmer. Think had better joint the gangster.
My gramma is not so good, but she loves grampa!
This must be Theary's slow day!
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