Monday, August 13, 2012

National Rescue Fund

Dear Compatriots and friends,

It is such an honor to keep you updated about the new democratic movement established by two the parties, SRP and HRP, which is currently moving forward to prepare its strategies in term of legitimacy, diplomacy and finance for the next coming election in 2013 in Cambodia. At the meantime, a new initiative has been established called NATIONAL RESCUE FUND to ensure that we have enough funding to support the new party and, as of for now, please let me introduce to you to know Mr. Vibol Touch, who was an old friend of mine and who was fighting actively for democracy back in 1998 in student movement. Since then, we always keep our fight on even we have moved to live in this country. As of his responsibility, he was assigned to lead the new party in Washington DC followed with the mentioned initiative. He can be reached at:

Please read his forwarded email for more information:

National Rescue Fund is an extra strategy to raise fund for National Rescue Party. And our targeting audience is very straightforward and simple. We are looking for Only 1000 pledged donors around the world who are committed to the fund to help National Rescue Party in this coming election year 2013. Beyond that we have no ambition and will leave it to Pledged Donors to decide after election year 2013 what to next. Let focus on Winning Election Year 2013.

About by-laws, chapters, and structures, we don't need to have that at the movement (please refer to my drafted report on how to approve funding, how to receive fund, who can withdraw funds etc). Let make it simple.

Let pledge now. Time is running out. We have got 10 right now. The first 25 pledged donors will be honored as Koh Tral Circle with live conference call with Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha to thank you and to recognize you as founding father of National Rescue Fund.

Let rolling the ball. Let Wow our supporters and leaders. Let Give Them a big smile with One Million Dollars Fund.

Can it happen? Is Up to you to make it happen.

You can visit our website at

Thank You,

National Rescue Fund Team


Anonymous said...

Re: "Is Up to you to make it happen."

Let's be clear about one thing - I am one of the nrp supporter.

But please speak and write better, both in Khmer and English, please?
I was at the meeting in Falls Church on Aug. 8th. I felt embarassing because we appeared not to be able to correctly speak Khmer or English for that matter.
Now at we have this ads in Khmer - "Your mother is seriously ill, need your help immediatey"??? Does it mean "Motherland" and not "your mother"???

The ads goes on to ask for $1,000 from each and everyone of us...what if we don't have a thousand bucks..can we help with just $100, $200 OR WHATEVER WE CAN?

Can we learn to do and be better than this???
Please, find somebody to help edit and quality assure that we are better than the CPP, please???

Smao Kjei

Anonymous said...

And who are they in this so-called National Rescue Fund Team that introduced Mr. Touch Vibol?

Come on guys! If one were to sollicit for a million bucks, one has to be able to write better English than this, please?

Can we do better as far as the site is concerned there please?

Smao Kjei

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am with Smao and who are these people running this website? Are these people belong to srp/na and hrp/na or these are new people?

Anonymous said...

Lack of understanding of raising money for a political party here. First, you don't say, we only need 1000 people and asking them to give you $1000 each. You already have the website that is running, you should seeking as many people as possible and it can be $ 1 person. Seeking $1000 per person is not a smart idea. This is a movement and in a movement, you need rich and poor to be a part of it, not just those that can afford $1000. Mr. Vibol who was an old friends of yours and who are you? This can be very fishy and strange, I have not heard anything from the hrp/na and srp/na about this at all.

Anonymous said...

To President Rainsy and Kim Sokha, It too fast and too early to start raising fund without clear detail objectives. We wish Mr. Rainsy and Kim Sokha both appeal directly to all Khmer in and outside the country to raise fund for support the newly created party with signatures and address that we can contribute the fund. And importantly, fund raising should not set any limit and required amount. It should start from any penny to unlimited dollar based on who can afford. Be general and open to all Khmer. We support the new National Rescued Party, but we need more detail about fund raising before we open our wallet.
We hope that when this party win, all Khmer win and our motherland survive from Viet onslaught.

Anonymous said...

Is KI-Media really a blogspot for SRP (and now nrp) or the alternative to the CPP as the CPP has been alluding to?

If so, do something about this please, okay you guys including you, Heng Soy, yes, I mean you Heng Soy!

Keo Cham said...

I agree with everyone, it's very exclusive, rude, and demeaning to Khmer everywhere who wishes to participate and help out with the new moment with language like "after 1000, we don't have any more ambitions", and "we need just 1000" people.

Make up your mind, are you going to be the party of the rich and spoiled like the CPP or the party of the people- Poor, destitute, jobless, landless, disenfranchised, as well as wealthy?

I am shocked at the campaign and fundraising message and feel personally offended for myself and all other less "rich" or even poor Khmer and Cambodians who wish to chip in all their capacity to contribute to this new moment.

I appeal as a Khmer person to the leader of this new movement to change that message revised and the tone of arrogance that it assumes.

It is completely contradictory to the spirit of unity, and national rescue mentality that we want from the new movement.

Perhaps it was done with haste and excitement of the new movement, but we must be absolutely resolved in our determination to build a new democratic Cambodia for all Cambodian, and it first must start with the messages we send out to each others as members and participant of this new historic movement.

Keo Cham

Anonymous said...

I see a bunch of idiots keep questioning, reluctant, suspicion, and nonstop complaining.

Can you do something? can you create something? Can you raise money? If this one is so bad. Can you create another one to make more than perfection?

Go for it National Rescue Fund Team.

Anonymous said...

so when someone is not agreeing with you, you call them idiots? This is involving money and if you are seeking money and support, people have every right to ask questions, especially from a bunch of people that we don't know anything about. There is no press release about a National Rescue Fund Team yet. HRP and SRP has not released or appointed anyone or make any positions just yet. The name calling should not be a part of any discussion, personal attack has no place with the NRP, keep that job to the CPP.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just contact them directly? Look like you never got involved.

Anonymous said...

8:20 AM,

Quit being silly and rude, please?
That kind of attitude of yours wil get you nowhere. Do you want to insult me, fine - go ahead. I am Smao Kjei. What's your name, 8:20AM? Are you part of the Team of NRP? If you are in DC I will go and visit with you...just tell me when and where, please? I will find a way to contact Rainsy and/or Ms. Suchua about you...

I agree wholeheartedly with Keo Cham.

This is to save our homeland from the bloody hands of Hun Sen and the Viet, and we'd better damn serious about it! I will work two jobs if necessary to get moneys to support the nrp!!!

Hey 8:38 AM, have you read/seen their

Smao Kjei

Anonymous said...

we'd better be damn serious***

Anonymous said...

Can KI-Media make this one a sticky for a good while to come please? Thanks.


National Rescue Fund Team said...


I just know that the National Rescue Fund is posted on KI. I see a lot of comments and suggestions.

I really appreciate that very much. I encourage you
drop your comments and suggestions on our contact form or post on our blog page. We will respond appropriately.

This site is just born 4 days ago and a lot of work need to be done. The good news is we received twelve pledged donors to the urgent call from our both leaders. If you want to be on board, the National Rescue Fund team is more than welcome.

Best regards,

National Rescue Fund Team

Anonymous said...

Dear National Rescue Fund Team,

A serious suggestion of mine is that National Rescue Fund must also have bank account details for people to donate into by bank transfer/ deposit and the postal address for people to send donation by check or money order to if they so choose. As not all people have credit cards or PayPal accounts. And clearly list the above-mentioned details on the homepage of National Rescue Fund Website.

Thank you for taking my suggestion seriously,

Anonymous said...

Is KI-Media really anti-CPP/Viet Hun Sen as it had been claiming and for SRP/NRP, or is it the other around???

Can any of you at this freaking KI-Media tell me something, please?

How come any of you elite at KI-Media including but not limited to "School of Vice", "Pissed off" and a boat load of other Old Farts KI-Media warriors didn't even bother to lift a finger to help with the message for contribution to the National Rescue Party of Sam and Kem???

Tell me, scorn me, curse me if you all want to, but please do something about it, if you all want to rescue Khmer from the bloody hands of HUN SEN and the Viet!!!

Anonymous said...

The other way around*

Anonymous said...

Dear National Rescue Fund Team,

Please also advertise and link the National Rescue Fund website to the SRP website and HRP website to help advertise the National Rescue Fund Team and confirming the alliance of SRP and HRP that the alliance of the two Parties is alive and Strong.

Anonymous said...

We all can see the true color of KI-Media now!!!