Mu Sochua
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What kind of education background does Ah kim Sokha have? He and Mee Mu Sokhua want to be superior when their party is won.
Koun ah nah niss chleuy maless? Doesn't matter what kind of education he had, apparently he is better than you or your family can ever do for cambodia.
Ouy! What kind of language is this?
7:57 PM, What kind of "EDUCATION" do you have?
ជយោអញ ជយោអញ
I am laughing, you guy make me laugh. Well let see, I am acquired my degrees from the university, college in Phnom Penh, I have gone to many school before I became police officer. I just can’t stand to see those people want to be superior, and run the country. We have quite lot of educate people especially young children. I am not against any of those people, but from my point of view is that they don’t have the ability to run the country even if they are well educated with skills. A person that I cant’s stand and hate so much, Mee Mu Sokhua, since she filed complaint against Semdech Hun Sen. Do you understand?
7:57 PM was me.
Former KR soldier
I thought Khmer Rouges hated police officers political conflict back then. Today police officers are Cop of Phnom Penh. (sic!)
Ah Khmer Grawharm nis lop maen thaen!!!
Lee ler maen ah niss!!
Bong p'own ghom niyay jumoy veer.
Ah Khmer Grawharm niss l'nguong chiang Hun Sen thiat.
Former KR soldier:
It make me more laugh when hearing a Khmer rouge soldier go to college, that they normally prefer to live in jungle.
Anyway what school did you go, an insulting-school? :D
7:57pm and 8:53pm,
Your derogatory languages convey your lack of respect and civility toward your fellow Khmer. They make your comments seemed rather thugghish in nature no matter how many degrees you possessed.
Former Khmer Rouge soldier
I attended school at College Toul Sleng and transfered to college Boung Trabek with Hor Nam Hong was a director.When I completed those colleges I was assigned to the Killing fields and got a PHD of killing and guarding prisoners.Because of this background experience my Samdech sichor provide me a police officer job.Thankyou Samdach to provide me a right job to the right people.i will served you til the end of my life.God bless you Sam ach
អាចង្រៃកូនឈ្លបរបស់អាពតមួយនេះនៅមិនទាន់ងាប់ទៀត។អាពួកនេះនៅមិនចោលពុតទេ យើងគួរយកក្បួនវាមកប្រើវឹញទើបសម ទុកក៏មិនចំណេញដកចេញក៏មិនខាត។កាលសម័យខ្មែរក្រហមវាសម្លាប់បញ្ចវ័ន្តក្មេងៗអស់ ដល់ឥឡូវវាថាគួរទុកក្មេងៗឲ្យទៅជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ។
បងប្អូនកុំជឿវា វាមិនមែនជាទាហ៊ានខ្មែរក្រហមខ្មោចយ៏អីទេប៉ុន្តែវាគ្រាន់តែជាឆ្កែកញ្ចាស់ដែលមេវាលែងមកឲ្យរំខានខ្មែរអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ឈប់ព្រូសនឹងវាទៀតទៅ។
Former KR Soldier, how many Khmer did you execute during that era? You are so proudly identified yourself as Khmer Rough who participating in the atrocity over 2.7 millions of his own people. Your low life uneducate scum bag behavior have no shame to be on this site. Your thuggish attitude is no different from your Dad, Dech Cho Moha Scum Bag Hun Sen. For you to identify yourself as Khmer Rough, it is no different from saying that you are an "Animal." Animal can also be identified as subhuman, meaning less than human or failing to attain the level associated with normal human beings due to lacking of intelligence or morality.
Bravo Kem Sokha.
You win by your patience.
But Sam Rainsy is not clear when he reply to question of his guilty.
Does Sam Rainsy accept Kem Sokha to be President of this new party when he can't return back in Cambodia?
Troll alert!
SRP had supported Hun Sen to change the Constitutions 50+1
HRP was created by Hun Sen,remember the conversation between two men by phone.
So one day will come; Hun Sen makes these parties fighting each others.
8:15 PM
Please don't the man (7:57PM.) He just come out off the jungle.
You are educated from Vietnamese jungle gangs who are destroying
Cambodia . SRP & HRP are united to send you and your boss to be burnt in deep deep HELL .
Now I understand your reason of hating strong opposition party . if you
are a Former Khmer Rouge Soldier , you should be in your retirement
age . Thank to your corruption , you are able to bribe your boss at MI to
let you be in active . You' re so proud with your bought college degrees !
You reveal yourself to the whole world that you are communist turned to
corrupt . therefore ; you're sure one greedy land grabber , destroyer of
national resources , traitor ...Very soon General , you will be sent along
with you boss to be burnt alive by your angry victims and you Hanoi boss
will laugh at you .
Khmer Rouge Terminator ខ្មែរ-អ្នកស្រែ
it is so funny the dog all ways changes plant to make money,who give them money< because a chair>rigth...
When I listen to these two scams opposition answered to the questions its sound so funny, they both answered to the question and they didn't got to the point that asked for. They said that they wanted to removed ah Hun Sen's regime but they didn't tell us the strategies how to change. For me personally I don't believe that these two oppositions will have any new strategy to remove ah Hun Sen from the power. The only way to remove a dictatorship is ride-up the Khmer people through out the country against them and use the International criminal court for their crime.
There were 2 types of Khmer Rouge,
all Khmers knew this story: 1) Khmer Rouge for China and 2) Khmer Rouge for Vietnam. But both are Communists, and the murderer during the Killing Fields, 1975-79. Now Cambodia is under the leadership of 2), the difference is only of economic reform planning economy to market economy arbitrarily, but
the idiology remains the same.
They know only one Sell, Sell, Sell, what the country must to be later, for them is shit egal.
To 8:53 PM>
"I am not against any of those people, but from my point of view is that they don’t have the ability to run the country even if they are well educated with skills."
I think the whole world think that you're dumbest police cop as you alway. Just because she file a complaint against ah Hun Sen, and hate her? Anybody can file a complaint.
Your problem is - if she got elected, you might run out of job because all your corruptions shit, am I right?
Phnom Pench college? I heard there is a lot of bribe for diploma or just to pass a test, how's that sound to you? So the conclusion is: Your diploma is a piece of shit!
Khmer Rough Killa,
To 9:36 PM,
Confused? The answer is simple: Since ah Hun Sen is former Khmer Rough so he has to hire all Khmer Rough, otherwise, nobody is going to do dirty work for him.
Like people said: Criminal help Criminal, and bad people hang around with bad people, by nature.
7:25 AM,
I'll be heading home soon, I am sleepy. Listen up my friend, in our country we have lot of smartest people, school is another issue, do you think, the people in Cambodia who have attended college, university are dubm and stupid school as you stated? MAN!.. I don't want to argue with you, I can speak English and write well compare to the other, I may not be perpect but at least I have tried. You live abroad, so you are fluently in speaking and writing.
I see some folks here using the same name 'Khmer Rouge terminator and Khmer Rouge killa, that's fine.
former Khmer Rouge
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