Friday, August 10, 2012

Nature of the Mind: His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Anonymous said...

Useless teaching... better get some help and buy weapons and put them in the hands of Tibetians to resist Chinese domination. Talk is cheap, your people are being Han Chinese pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

1:13 AM
Why did you blame Dala Lama? He is Buddhist and Buddhist must not need anything but abandoning a comfortable life to be a beggar, begging for food. Buddhists cannot make war now can kill other lives, cannot drink alcohol, cannot have sex, cannot steal, cannot cheat, but focus only meditate to Nirvana.

Anonymous said...

1:13 AM
Why did you blame Dala Lama? He is Buddhist and Buddhist must not need anything but abandoning a comfortable life to be a beggar, begging for food. Buddhists cannot make war nor can kill other lives, cannot drink alcohol, cannot have sex, cannot steal, cannot cheat, but focus only meditate to Nirvana.