Monday, August 20, 2012

On the former king and queen - Opinion by H.N.M.


Anonymous said...

He's a cutie...oh lala!
I want his ass!!!

Anonymous said...

many thanks to KI who keep doing it best to promote hatred among khmere.

Anonymous said...

And we just learnt that former Nong Chan camp was run by Youn agents.....who knows who runs KI since all are anonymous just like in Khmer rouge time.

Anonymous said...

For those who did read the history of King and Queen. Actually, the queen her father was French and she is Khmer, so she looks to French and most the Khmer still contfuse and saying that she srey 'youn'.

Anonymous said...

i want to fuck this lady too man.look this guy face like my dick.

Anonymous said...

Talking about this retarded idiot families make me piss off.
What is good about this families anyway?
#let the scum bag Hun sen treat them like it servant,Hun said left they are kneeling down and crawl to left.
# Sihaknuk slept with his aunt make three kids, I do not know his kids call him cousin or father?
#Bopha Devy the first Apsaras Khmer icon ,went around to sleep with resident s husband ( khmer KING OF COUNTRY&POP MUSICIAN) Sinsisamouth)very secretive?
#Chakrapong the drunkard prince went to kidnap the resident daughters ,and rape and in 1995 wanted to diivide khmer land in easterner part to help Hun ,because Chakrapong owed State money2-3million dollar in bad business mismanagement(He freed him self from doing this)
Ranrith the incompetent primitive prime minister and the looser for ever ,he is the pussy lover prince and have never enough from the beauty peagent pussy to his staff s wife and corrupting prince.
Present king ,under meditation hear ,see no Vietnamese and human right violation in the kingdom he is Youn daughter?.
Monique and Oumanarin(Monique s brother) back to the day help Vietcong within food, medicin,rice to feed vietcong in Rattanak kiri.
washing dirty money and received yiekcong fake bills to destroy CAMBODIA economic 30% of kingship business.
The former
helped Vietcong to united by let Yiekcong hide out in khmer s territory ,providing food,medicin shelter,joining khmerouge supporting Youn and khmer rouge to defeat America and Sihaknuk s own country .

Tomico(Sihaknuk s cousin)we can call him ah traitor ru ah sdach ot komneut. He said who call Hun Sen the traitor are absolutely wrong,he supported Hun Sen that the idea of asking to return Trol,puloponson !wai islands and Kampuchea kom back is too late ,the limitation of the legalities are expired,and many more mistakes in public to against Cambodians interest,weird thing to do if he had no idea or good thing to say just shut up,
that is ridiculous
The worms and parasite ,eating Cambodians salaries and serving the forefather ancestor enemies.

Anonymous said...

dont be nasty to our beloved king
plz be nice to them..

my beloved king, i loved u from bottom of my heart..

Anonymous said...

សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់សរសេរពាក្យ ៖ ពាក្យ៖ស្តាចម៌
នេះឧ្យបានត្រឹមត្រូវដូចខាងក្រោមនេះ​ ។

ស្តាចម៌ ចេញមកពីពាក្យ​ថា ៖ អាចម៌ ចេញពីភា
សាបាលីថា ៖ អាចៈមៈ ក្លាយទៅជាភាសាខ្មែរថា៖
អាចម៌ ។ ដូច្នេះមនុស្សសត្វខ្លាចអាចម៌ទាំងអស់គ្នា
ពេលឈឺចុះអាចម៌ហើយ គ្មានមនុស្សណា ឬ 
សត្វណាទ្រាំបានទ្បើយ តោងតែទៅបន្ទោបង់អា
អាចម៌នោះចោលហើយ ។ កាលដើមទ្បើយមាន
យ៉ាងឃោឃៅបំផុត ធ្វើឧ្យអ្នកទន់ខ្សោយខ្លបខ្លាច
វាមិនហ៊ានប្រឆាំងនឹងពួកវាទ្បើយ ។ ពួកវាបានតែងតាំងខ្លួនវាជាមេកើយដែលមនុស្សនៅក្រោមការ
គឺអាចម៌នេះឯង ។
មិនត្រូវសរសេរដូចលើរូបអាស៊ីហនុ នឹង មីម៉ុនីក
នេះទេ (ស្តេចម៌) នេះមិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ​? ត្រូវនាំគ្នា
សរសេរ ៖ ស្តាចម៌ ឬ សំដាចម៌ ឬ សម្តាចម៌ ។

Anonymous said...

the real Queen mother KOSOM Neary Roit hate this bitch to the bone ,but Sihaknuk he got her Youn Monique s woodoo.Rumor said this youn lady gave her mixed drink(monique s menstrual period with the drink)to ah LeuKeu kontoeur so that is why youn take khmer land so easily.
sdach khmer but work for youn.

Anonymous said...

ម្តាយរបស់មូនិកឈ្មោះនាង ប៉ុម ជាស្រីយួនសុទ្ធ ដែលជាប្រពន្ធចុង របស់លោកសក្តិប្រាំប៉ូលីស ឈ្មោះអ៊ុំ ដែលត្រូវជាឪពុកបង្កើតរបស់
អ៊ុំ ម៉ាណួរិន អតីតព្រឹទ្ធសភាសម័យតេជោ ។ ក្រោយមក ស្រីយួនឈ្មោះ ប៉ុមនោះ ក៏ យកបារាំង កាត់អុីតាលី ឈ្មោះ អុីហ្សី (IZI )
ដោយមិនបានរៀបការទេ រស់នៅជាមួយគ្នា កើតកូនឥតខាន់ស្លា ស្រីស្មែរពីរនាក់ ១ឈ្មោះ ម៉ូនិក ១ទៀតឈ្មោះ ណាណែត ដែលត្រូវ
ជាម្តាយរបស់ ទ្រង់ព្រ ន ទ មេគោ សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ។ កាលពីនៅជំទង់កូនស្រីស្មែរទាំងពីរនាក់នេះ ជាកូនធម៌របស់ ទ្រង់សិរិមត: .......


Anonymous said...

thank you KI, you guys have done a good job of informing us of what is going on. Thank again keep doing the good job.

Pleas don't believe anything from the troll Ex-King sympathizers. These people still think the king shit does not sting, despite, 3 million deaths.

Anonymous said...

To your Highnest Ex-King Norodumb Sihanouk, your shitty magesty of the poor Country of Cambodia.

I love to this loser king family make some film about how he was so stupid and let Pol Pot used him like a toilet paper. Pol Pot and Kiev Samphan hate his azz and he still went to the jungle and plead to be their propaganda tool.

The king and his family are definitely a moron. Please make the jungle film and i would like to see it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Thank you KI for keep us up to date.

Without KI news I would feel depress. Thanks again KI. You guys have been doing a good job.

Anonymous said...

ជាលេខាធការរបស់លោកទេសាភិបាលបារាំងនៅភ្នំពេញ បានកូនប្រុសមួយកើតនៅឆ្នាំ១៩២២ មាន
ឈ្មោះហៅថានរោត្តម សីហនុ ដែលមានឈ្មោះ
នរោត្តម សុរ៉ាម្រិត ជាអាវែកទទួលថ្មបាក់ ត្រូវគេ
ខែជាមួយយួនរួចទៅហើយ។ កូនអាយួនឈ្មោះអា
នរោត្តម សីហនុ នេះក៏ក្លាយទៅជាកូនក្រៅខោ
របស់នរោត្តម សុរ៉ាម្រិត តែសុរ៉ាម្រិតស្មានតែកូន
បង្កើតរបស់ខ្លួន ? ដូច្នេះអានរោត្តម សីហនុ នេះ
ជាយួនមិនអាចប្រកែកបានទ្បើយ ។ 
សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ជ្រាប ។ បើចង់ដឹងរឿងនេះឧ្យ

Anonymous said...

The 3 million killers.

He and his family should be trial for crime against Humanity.

This troll never admitted that he was a loser and was used by the Samlot Sar (aka Pol Pot) as their dummies.

Just like son like father.

Anonymous said...

What is the point of this post?
Just because you guys hate Youn, it doesn't mean that she's one.

KI- media, there is no mystery regarding her family background. So why keep perpetuating this falshood about her Vietnamese heritage?

You want people to know the truth, right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

gorgeous couple!

Anonymous said...

Some Stupid Khmers, we must hate. This King of pussy,we must hate. I never respect this people like King,Hun Sen,Pol Pot, etc.

Anonymous said...

It's all nationality society laws. Anybody sale the country to other, they must be killed. Like American kill American during the cold war. So, we must kill the people who betray our country to foreigners.///

Anonymous said...

303am, and you know everyone of the royal families?

and your families are saints? no bastards nor prostitutes to brag about?

and other comments here sound like KR angkar's calling.

Hate and kill, hate and kill...

Anonymous said...

Reply to Moron 2:51 AM

What is the point of this post?
Just because you guys hate Youn, it doesn't mean that she's one....
You want people to know the truth, right?" Yes and Yes

Listen very carefully Moron 2:51 AM. I know you have very limited intelligence and that is why you asked dumb question.

KI does not promote anything. KI just simply stating the fact that this idiot king was not and does not fit to be a Cambodian ruler (period). Remember the 3 million deaths, isn't that enough. Go on You Tube, and you can do research.

How this troll King made a secret deal with the VietCongs during the Vietnam war. Many Cambodian farmers were death results of this stupid king and her dumb-azz wife who provided food, medicine, and supplies to the VietCong along the border of Cambodia and Vietname. You got that, stupid.

The 2nd reason is to remind our new generations about the atrosity toward our people. Most of us may not be there to teach you any further.

If you don't understand the history, the (bad) history will repeat itself.

Stop worship the stupid king.

Do you hear me criticize the Great King of British? No. Because they were great enmpire of the West.

Anonymous said...

4:20am, this photo along with with its note, is suggesting that sihanouk's wife is vietnamese.

is she or isn't she?

If she's not Vietnamese, then why continue to tell fellow Khmers this lie?

She was born in Vietnam to a French/Italian father and Khmer mother.

You said she was dumb; are you her teacher?

Anonymous said...

Fuck off, you fucker @4:20AM!

Anonymous said...

ស្ងាន់មែនៗ!! អាហ្សីយួនកូនកាត់! ស្ងាន់លេតអាត់លេតនូម!

Anonymous said...

reply to 5:06 AM.

she does not have to be born as vietnamese but her husband and her action causes a lot of Cambodian to be death and suffering. Just like I told you, go to You Tube and do your own research.

Again 3 million deaths (almost half of the population) is not enough to call her dumb-azz?

Reply to 5:07 AM

You are a moron. You could not take the heat and why are you here, moron.

Anonymous said...

This Vietnamese whore spread her legs to this dumb king. Her mother was a Youn living in Khmer Krom. Have we forgotten about King Cheyya that allowed the Youn immigrants to annexed Prey Nokor?

This Youn whore was also used by the Youn to annexed Khmer Krom. 3 millions Khmer died for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Reply to 5:06 am

here, you go. You just answered youself your question, "She was born in Vietnam......"

I still think she is a dumb-azz and a traitor to Cambodian and American people. These loser king and his wife feed the Vietcong, gave them medicine, and supplies.

Why are you defending these incompetent leader so much?

We did not criticize the Buddah, Christian, and other religions. Because they did not do anything wrong.

I only and love to make my point of criticize the loser Ex-King and his wife. You got that. I got a kick out of it, especially when I have over 3 brothers and sisters died during the Khmer Rouge. Guess, who is their leader?

Anonymous said...

Reply to 5:32 and 5:06 am

Thank you for posting. it is a good story & well written.

"This Vietnamese whore spread her legs to this dumb king. Her mother was a Youn living in Khmer Krom. Have we forgotten about King Cheyya that allowed the Youn immigrants to annexed Prey Nokor?

This Youn whore was also used by the Youn to annexed Khmer Krom. 3 millions Khmer died for nothing."

Reply to 5:06 AM

I spent a lot of time writing the above stories, not for me, but for all of you to understand.

Love Khmer from USA.

Anonymous said...

Hay a little girl from 5:06 AM

do you understand now?

Love Khmer from USA

Anonymous said...

Ah say' uy ky nis doch the young Saddam Hussain! Best bhut!
An throav grorp nis min-you min-chub thae.

Keo Cham said...

I do not believe that the queen mother,Monique, is Vietnamese.

This is pure matter of speculation and personal attacks by those who have scores to settle with Sihanouk or people who blindly puts the entire blame of the Pol Pot disaster on Sihanouk.

The caricature of Sihanouk is sometimes disgusting - the most shameful aspect of it all is that it's coming from some very old generation of people.

People who should retire like Sihanouk, or go seek spirituality or at least foster and help promote and empower Khmer new generation. But instead, they spend day and night to perpetuate their bygone era's hatred so it continues to infest and poison our generation.


Anonymous said...

5:52am, nice bait...
You can tell gender by reading comments?

Anonymous said...

KI, worked for Vietnamese, he favored Vietnam

Anonymous said...

5:33am, just because a person is born in Vietnam doesn't make he/she less Khmer than you are.

Is Khmer Krom Vietnamese?

Your hatred of anything Youn makes you blind to the fact being laid out in front of you.

It's no secret that Sihanouk was being overplayed by the Vietnamese. Criticizing him based on his records is fine as long as the argument is factual and civil.

No one knows how influential she is over her husband and what you've offered is heresay. Do you have evidence that proves her involment as you've claimed?

I am not defending or condoning Sihanouk. But for KI to post this photo with a little note alleging her Vietnamese's tie just to incite the emotional responses, is irresponsible.

Perpetuating gossip/rumor is tabloid journalism. I care about our country too and would like to participate in worthwhile discussion based on facts that matter.

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believes there are many Viet Cong are on this Blog and Trying to attack Khmer.
Here are the Viet Cong tactics, before they wants to kill Khmer, they turn Khmer into Youn First then they kill.
Do you see these Cowards dare to attack youn.And there are some Youn who Play as Khmer Rouge are on here too.
To Those Who are call the King's wife is Viet, you are Viet yourself.

Anonymous said...

to 6:22 Am and 6:17 AM
Reply to 6:22 AM

Yes, I believe the writter is the female because just the way her tone of writting and her sympathetic to the other useless female queen.

Also because of my job experience.

Reply to 6:17 AM

question #1)
You said, "personal attacks by those who have scores to settle with Sihanouk"

question #2)

And also you said, "The caricature (character) of Sihanouk is sometimes disgusting"

question #3)
You also said, "I "believe"... about the Queen."

Answer 1)
Have you ever heard the word "accessory to the crime". You don't have to commite crime but if you helping, assisting, lying to prevent the truth, obstructing to the investigation, etc, to this magnitude of 3 million people death is "not" a small thing.

It is not a personal score. It is a message that I want to send out to the young generation out there (not poison). This magnitude should be and it will be trial in court of public opinion or/ and physically trial court against " the killer for "Humanity: war crimes." That day is coming.

Answer 2) you said his charater somethime is "disgusting." I have "no disagreement" with you on the 2nd question. See we got something in common afterall, girl.

Answer 3) I don't talk about "believe". I am stating the fact, from other history books or/ and You Tube. You can see the Ex-King and his wife all dressed in black with black wheel tire shoes and cheering and shaking hands with Pol Pot and Keive Samphan, etc.

Am I right or what?

Khmer from oversea.

Anonymous said...

she is no viet/youn. it's probably was originally labeled by her rival, the hater, the jealous people who jealous of her beauty, her intelligent, her clever and smart way. in many ways, she was a proper khmer lady. if you know khmer way, most khmer, especially political like to call everybody as "youn" due to those politicians youn paranoia and nothing more. so they go around calling me, you, her, him, etc all youn; it's like stupid people who try to promote youn or something, if that's not stupid, tell me what is it, really!

monique is not youn, she is khmer, her mother was khmer, her father was french/italian businessman who came to the then french indochina to work for the french gov't there. so even though she was born in prey nokor, remember prey nokor then was under french colonizaiton, not youn, so it reality, she was born in the french territories call prey nokor. so stop promoting youn this or that like a stupid, outdated, primitive person, ok. her family happened to move around with her french/italian faother named francois izzi. her mom's name was pompeang izzi, she was a khmer lady married to a french/italian businessman, and monique was born in prey nokor where her father work and her mother stay with her father in prey nokor then. just because she was born in prey nokor, some politicians called her youn, when in reality, monique and her mom and her family never even speak a word of youn. it's all lies and racist and hate and jealous of monique, you know. just like some khmer who had american fathers were born in america, does that make them not khmer in origine? shame on those stupid, incompetent, ignorant, primitive, outdated, racist, biased, prejudice, discriminatory politicians who go around calling everybody youn this or that as if blindly and stupidly promoting youn without realizing they are doing just that, really. that is so stupid and ignorant, really! god bless monique and her royal family always.

Anonymous said...

monique is what khmer people called "kon kat" or eurasian person. her mother and her side of the family were all khmer and her father and his side of the family were french/italian business people who happened to come to french indochina which was a french colony then and worked for the french gov't then. so, get it right, she was a mixed offspring of real khmer mother and french/italian father. her father was a tall, dark, handsome, long nose french/italian with curly blonde haire and slim figure; her khmer mother was a beautiful khmer lady from an aristocratic khmer family. they were not viet/youn at all, really! so stop trying to accuse her mom's side like that, ok!

Anonymous said...

Reply to 7:32 AM
"To Those Who are call the King's wife is Viet, you are Viet yourself."

answer # 1
You are way out line. Just read your own statement over and is that make sense to you?

Reply to

You said, "KI to post this photo with a little note alleging her Vietnamese's tie just to incite the emotional responses, is irresponsible."

I am not defending KI. KI is the only Cambodia news that I enjoy reading and can go to in just one place and obtain almost or all info related to Khmer people.

KI just stated the fact. Go to You Tube and will see them shaking hand with the khmer Rouge and Vietcong....go girl.

It is "irresponsible" for you to attact KI as an irresponsible news to incite hate. We can't incite hate if there is no source.

I can't say "you" as an evil person because I don't know you. Am I right?

Khmer from oversea.

Anonymous said...

it's like accusing obama as born in kenya or something. monique mother was a khmer lady, ok!

Anonymous said...

Reply to 7:46 AM

The issue with me is not whether she is "Kon Kat" or not. I don't disagree with you that she was "pretty" at one point in her life.

Half or more of the population in Cambodia is mixed with other races just like America. I am very successful in my business and I understand jealousy very well.

That is not the "point" we are "not" talking about pretty, Kon Kat, and jealousy. I am talking about their "actions."

and Action alone, no more or no less, period.

No brain washing too.

From Khmer from Oversea.

Anonymous said...

Reply to 7:49 AM

I would like to spend my time with Cambodian music on You Tube.

The more I am educated you, the more you young people probably think we brain wash you. Good night young lady.

Khmer from oversea

Anonymous said...

របស់វា។ ឯពួកអាស្តាចម៌ខ្មែរ ពួកអាចង្រៃ ពួក
អាឈ្លើង ពួកអាចោរម្សៀតទាំងអស់នេះវាលក់ជាតិ លក់ទឹកដីរបស់ខ្មែរដើម្បីស្រីយួន គឺដើម្បីតែ
កណ្តួយស្រីយួនតែម្យ៉ាងគត់ ៕

Anonymous said...

For example this whore not youn ,why SIHAKMONY see no youn in srok khmer? Or Sihakmony in fafor of youn?
Is it youn must site with the youns?
I am racist to the nation that have been killed my khmers people
she is youn hundred percent draw her DNA to match with the youn slave Hun SEn you are all will notice it.

Anonymous said...

This to 1:00 am . I love them too , but from the bottom of my ass.

Anonymous said...

This woman isnt a Youn whore. Sihanouk isnt responsible for 3 millions dead Khmer. And people living in Khmer Krom are all Khmer.

Is this why Khmer are the DUMBEST nation in Asia?

How about we see Sihanouk going to the Khmer Rouge trial and sit in as a witness, what is this DYING King scared of.. The logner he lives the more Khmer suffer under his gay son.

Anonymous said...

Hay, a little girl pay attention:

You had said Queen Monique's father side is from French and Italian (about 50 percents.) The other 50 percent is from a mother side who was born in Prey Nokor (same as Vietnam.)

The above statement are your words.

Let break up the DNA for a second:

1) 25 percents (father side) is a loser French during WWII to German.

2) 25 percents (father side)is a loser Italian lost during WWII to American Marine. Musolini was hanged.

3) 50 percents, you said she was born in Prey Nokor, which is Vietnam (former Vietcong took over the country)

Now You can see the results of my logic of the DNA of Former Queen Monique:

50 percents losers from Europe.
50 percents is Vietname.
Total is 100 percents not "Khmer."

Stop give too much excuse for the killer family. You must be in the cage for so long that is why you did not know.

Lady and gentleman, I rest my case.

Love Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Leave the King and Queen alone, you imbecile bastards!

Anonymous said...

11:11am, you have not shown us any genetic breakdown that would lead us to a conclusion that she was not Khmer.

All you did was moving the percentage around while adding your snark comments as if they were relevant.

The genetic makeup of a child passing from a father and a mother is independent of the location where the conception takes place.

Khmer couple can have sex anywhere on this planet including Vietnam and their child genetic materials can only come from that couple.

Location and DNA are quite different things.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is an ugly rat, hiding in China after 3 millions Khmer died.

Monique is a Youn whore. She spread her legs the same way her Youn mother spread her legs when Youn stole Khmer Krom.

Now they produce a gay son to rule the Cambodia. The gay son got a PhD in ballet dancing. He must make his Youn whore mum very happy.

Anonymous said...

Fuck all of you who say shit about the King and Queen. You are idiot Khmers who should be united under the King to return to Cambodia and take the government back from the tyran Hun Sen. You idiots don't know the word respect for the Queen. She is considered the mother of KHmerland. In the old days, you idiots should get your head fall on the ground to set good examples. YOu are uneducated spoiled little men.

Anonymous said...

Fuck all of you who say shit about the King and Queen. You are idiot Khmers who should be united under the King to return to Cambodia and take the government back from the tyran Hun Sen. You idiots don't know the word respect for the Queen. She is considered the mother of KHmerland. In the old days, you idiots should get your head fall on the ground to set good examples. YOu are uneducated spoiled little men.

Anonymous said...

KI is youn try to pretend to provoke hatred among Khmer

Anonymous said...

អានាមិក 1:05 AM ជាទីរាប់អាន យើងស្អប់
ស្ដេចក៏ពិតមែន តែយើងកុំក្លាយខ្លួនជាអ្នកស្អប់
ឬសម្លាប់វប្បធម៌ខ្មែរដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួន សូមអរគុណ៕

Anonymous said...

The Youn whore has a fanboy from Vietnam. Keep screaming fanboy, see if the 3 million dead Khmer can hear you.

Scream abit louder your Youn whore from Vietnam might give Prey Nokor and Khmer Krom back to Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Attention my Khmer compatriot
It doesn't mater that she is youn or not,even Thai king borne in America he got dual citizen but as long as the heart is Cambodian,but this whore youn is not. Sihaknuk knows youn are crocodile but he hate to see youn are splitter
By hand out to youn ,so youn are very grateful
to Him(what Sihaknuk said)Sihaknuk got help from youn,Khmer rouge got and getting train to kill Khmers from youn 3plus million die because Sihaknuk,Khmer rouge and youn,Sihaknuk ,youn get all kinds of excuses that is Right.
The whore youn Monique smuggle food,medicin,to youn .
Pom Peang (Monique mother)Oumanarin Monique
Brother smuggled the weapons and wars Equipments from kg Som port to yiekcong to disable
his own country ,this action is good for your all Khmers to support this families?
Lately ah Tormeko refused to show up ,and mm
Make some clearafication on Hun s
Sen speech,that Hun is not a traitor,but this coward Tomico hiding ,afraid to appear at the round table s Khmer post radio .
Oop stop waste your time and support and respect these parasite ,useless and ending up with embarash Khmers face in the world international stage.

Anonymous said...

Why dont you schedule an appointment to see the King and his wife then ask them about what went wrong in your country. And why you keep blaming my people, your people killed your people. Leave us alone for your stupidity. Vietnam has nothing to do with your people but your people always begged us for let set its priority straight.

Khmer Krom married to VN woman.

Anonymous said...

4:34oh just shut up youn troll ,
Return Kampuchea kom to Khmers
Return Champa to Cham people would you stop terrorize and rob the regions and claimed as yours .Stop acting like an angle now all us Khmers know you are youn are the master mind of killing field,and Khmers killer at Vinhte'cannel in Kampuchea kom, your killing action not get away because now we are all educated .

Anonymous said...

Dear KI team, Your word with this stupid Ah Sihanouk is really appropriate work that you have given to Ah Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

Americans tried to cover up the carpet bombings that had killed over half a million Khmer. The Vietnamese tried to cover up the Khmer Rogue training, the weapons supply's and let's not forget the 5 millions land mines that were soon to be planted on the Khmer soil after the Vietnam invasion.

This Vietnamese whore that calls herself a Khmer queen done nothing to help the Khmer or the Khmer Krom. She did however last year, supports CPP by joining Bun Rany Hun Sen and make a public speech to encourage the nation to support Hun Sen.

This Vietnamese whore that calls herself a Khmer queen dares to spread her legs at 80, when requested by Hun Sen and his gangbangers.

Anonymous said...

Reply to 12:53 PM

"Monique is a Youn whore. She spread her legs the same way her Youn mother spread her legs when Youn stole Khmer Krom.

Now they produce a gay son to rule the Cambodia. The gay son got a PhD in ballet dancing. He must make his Youn whore mum very happy."

Very good. Excelent thought. I love how good your writting and you made the point very well.


Reply to 8:29 PM

"...... This Vietnamese whore that calls herself a Khmer queen dares to spread her legs at 80, when requested by Hun Sen and his gangbangers."

Beutiful writting. Good job. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Reply to 1:53 PM

"Fuck all of you who say shit about the King and Queen.... She is considered the mother of KHmerland.... you idiots should get your head fall on the ground... YOu are uneducated spoiled little men."

You are the uneducated little moron yourself and a dumb. How do I know how thtat you are an educated little person because the word "F" over and over on difference paragraphs.

I hope the queen let you lick her.


Anonymous said...

Reply to 1:53 PM

I hope your Mother Queen taught you some maner, not to use profanity.

You just like a loser Kwack also

Anonymous said...

Reply to 12:03 PM

"......Khmer couple can have sex anywhere on this planet including Vietnam and their child genetic materials can only come from that couple.
Location and DNA are quite different things."

Hay little girl, You could not accepting the "defeat" even though the analysis are overwelming that the Queen just like a loser genetic French and Itilian during WWII. The other 50 percents South Saigon lost the war to the North Viet. It is a 100 percent genetic Loser.

You kept go around and around w/o stop. You need to find a new boyfriend to keep you happy.

KI is a good media for Khmer people. Please stop attack them.

Hhmer from oversea.

Anonymous said...

Reply to 12:53 PM

"Sihanouk is an ugly rat, hiding in China after 3 millions Khmer died.

Monique is a Youn whore. She spread her legs the same way her Youn mother spread her legs when Youn stole Khmer Krom.

Now they produce a gay son to rule the Cambodia. The gay son got a PhD in ballet dancing. He must make his Youn whore mum very happy."

Wow. Very articulate and you know how get to the point.

Keep the good work. So we can educated young Khmer people. Thanks

Anonymous said...

11:23pm, calling someone a loser requires no analysis or science for that matter. You don't need to use DNA argument when you yourself can't provide any data.

Using simple percentage masquerading as complex genetic evidence is an insult to science.

You don't seem to be able to distinguish between constructive criticism and outright attack and yet claim "victory" over your flimsy DNA argument. Do you even know what DNA means and how it's being used? or do you just use the term to impress and fool everyone here?

If you just hate Youn and don't want to learn anything else whether it's science or history, then go ahead and spew your venomous obscenity.

Spreading ignorance is not helpful to Khmer even for KI media.

Anonymous said...

Loser Family.

3 million deaths. They fled to China to hide behind their crime.

Now they accused Pol Pot and Ing Sary, etc, as the killers, excepted themselves.

If the International court bring trail to these loser King and Queen, I bet they flee the country as usual.

King and Queen Khmer are good at flee the country unlike our enemies, ThaiLand and Viet. Their leaders stood up and fight with their troops. This give them energy to fight with the loser Cambodian King and queen.

Cambodian leaders fled the country again and again. Go to History book for further.

Go to public library and you can do research.

I am supprised the Cambodian country was not exting yet.

Anonymous said...

ThaiLand's King and Queen rode the elephants and went to war with Cambodian people in many century ago.

Dumb ancestors of the King of Cambodia sent the troop to fight alone and they fled toward VietNam.

In 1997 Norodum Prince Ranarid organized his followers to fight with the half blind Somdec Dec Cho Hun Sin (sen). Many of his fellowers risked their lives for deaths and some were sent to Prey Sar Jail, leaving their children and wives w/o supported.

Again Norodum Prince Ranarid ( the great Cambodian leader) fled to French and enjoyed the luxury live style.

Over thousand years later, It has not change in Cambodia. Loser tend to be loser again.

Love from Khmer oversea

Anonymous said...

All These Khmer attackers are Youn.
They play the same games as the Khmer Rouge (Viet.) did to the Khmer people.It just the DUMB STUPID Youn who can't create anything, but to steals, kills and robbed who ever they are contacts with.
No one as low as these cheats and liars.
You Think you can FOOL the world. You stupid Funk!

Anonymous said...

Reply 1:19 AM

"You Think you can FOOL the world. You stupid Funk!"

Your mother is stupid funk!
You must be youn because your stupid king and queen killed 3 million and your mother still defending them.

Your mother and you is a loser like them.

Anonymous said...

ThaiLand's King and Queen rode the elephants and went to war with Cambodian people in many century ago.

Dumb ancestors of the King of Cambodia sent the troop to fight alone and they fled toward VietNam.

In 1997 Norodum Prince Ranarid organized his followers to fight with the half blind Somdec Dec Cho Hun Sin (sen). Many of his fellowers risked their lives for deaths and some were sent to Prey Sar Jail, leaving their children and wives w/o supported.

Again Norodum Prince Ranarid ( the great Cambodian leader) fled to French and enjoyed the luxury live style.

Over thousand years later, It has not change in Cambodia. Loser tend to be loser again.

Love from Khmer oversea

Anonymous said...

Loser Family.

3 million deaths. They fled to China to hide behind their crime.

Now they accused Pol Pot and Ing Sary, etc, as the killers, excepted themselves.

If the International court bring trail to these loser King and Queen, I bet they flee the country as usual.

King and Queen Khmer are good at flee the country unlike our enemies, ThaiLand and Viet. Their leaders stood up and fight with their troops. This give them energy to fight with the loser Cambodian King and queen.

Cambodian leaders fled the country again and again. Go to History book for further.

Go to public library and you can do research.

I am supprised the Cambodian country was not exting yet

Anonymous said...

reply to 1:19 AM

Your loser mother as low as these cheats and liars like Khmer Rouge (Viet.)

You stupid Funk! Remember the 3 million people deaths. You got that Moron Dumb Khmer.

Anonymous said...

reply to 1:19 AM

"All These Khmer attackers are Youn."

You idiot attack KI and good Khmer people who tell you the truth. You idiot the one who attacked other people.

You don't get it you must be the dumb Khmer Rouge. I think your mother is an idiot like you too. Dumb Khmer rouge

Anonymous said...

Replied to 2:23 am

"All These Khmer attackers are Youn."

You are the idiot.

Anonymous said...

Reply to a little lost girl 12:31 AM

"Using simple percentage masquerading as complex genetic evidence is an insult to science.

Do you even know what DNA means and how it's being used?
If you just hate Youn and don't

Spreading ignorance is not helpful to Khmer even for KI media."

Before I know you was niave. Now I know you are dumb.

Do you honestly think your god mother, the loser queen, going to let the science sticking the cotton swabs "Q-tip" into her know what?

Since you have been so nice with her and asked her if the science can do it. If she do, let me know.


Anonymous said...

Reply to a little lost girl 12:31 AM

The science should also use a "Q-Tip" on you and why out why you so retard?

Did you go on You Tube like we told you too? I guess not.

You just love to go around and round. Remember we told you that the idiot king and queen dressed all black clothes and shook hands with the killers / Viet?

Oh you forget, How convenience it is!

I hoped the killers pay you good money to propagandize to other people.

Remember you used to say, you know?

Anonymous said...

ឆ្កែ!!!! កុំខាំគ្នា!!!! ចាំអញ់ដាក់បាយអោយសីុ!!!

Anonymous said...

Getting my Ex back was something that i couldn’t imagine will be so easy. I’ve known speck for years, When we finally got together,things were so weird so we broke up in February 2011.In June 2012, he and I recently got back together and we were together until march of 2013 of which he told me he was not interested in the relationship again, for a reason she didn’t say. During that time my mind was completely at a state of unrest, I wasn’t eating, neither was i sleeping,talking to anyone was even more difficult, I cried,I was so depressed and stressed out that I was scared and was even planning to end it all but a friend of mine named Lucas Scott who passed through same situation adviced me to contact Dr.okakagbe to help me.because I Love and care about him deeply and I just want us to be together again, i contacted him reluctantly. I never used to believe in spell casting but i gave it a try and it was a positive result. Today we are happily married and blessed with two wonderful kids. To you all out there faced with the same problem or similar to this, you can contact Dr.Okakagbe via email address once again thank you Dr. for bringing back my love. call +2348156885231

Unknown said...

I have been in great bondage for almost 2 years suffering in the hands of a cheating husband,we were happy and leaving well until he meant his old time gilr friend and he started dating her outside our marriage before you knew it he stooped caring and taking care of his own family it was to the extent that now he was planning to get married to her and divorce me his own wife, i have cried and reported him to his family but he never listened to any one but to cut my story short i came in search for a real spell caster who could destroy their relationship and make him come back me and our 2 kids on my search i saw people making testimony on how their marriage where restored by Dr.Trust i pick his email and i narrated my story to him and he agreed to help me and after performing a spell on the third day they both had a quarrel and he beat his girlfriend up and he came home begging for i and my little kids to forgive him that his eyes are clear now that he will never do any thing that will hurt his family again and promise to be a caring father and never cheat again.I am so so happy that i did not loose him to the girl all appreciation goes to Dr.Trustfor you are a Great spell caster and to whom this may concern if you have a cheating husband or wife you can as well email him on ( or you can call him +2348156885231.