Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Prince Ranariddh Says He's Quitting Politics

Funcinpec’s secretary-general Nhiek Bunh Chhay, left, standing along side with Prince Norodom Ranariddh.
Support for the royalist parties has waned in recent elections, with both the Norodom Ranariddh Party and the Funcinpec party.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer

WASHINGTON DC - Prince Norodom Ranariddh, the one-time rival of Prime Minister Hun Sen and the head of his own royalist party, claims he is giving up on politics.

In a statement issued last week, the prince said he will now serve the public by helping his brother, the current king, Norodom Sihamoni, as an adviser.

"I would like to declare that from now on, I cease politics, and I will not take any responsibility for any of the work or declarations of the Norodom Ranariddh Party," he said.

The move signals the prince's inability to gain seats in parliament for his royalist party, said Ou Virak, head of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights.

It also means the retirement of a one-time co-prime minister, whose wide popularity made him a major political rival of the ruling party. He was unseated in a bloody coup in 1997 and never politically recovered. He was also accused of corruption and spent time in exile before he was allowed back for elections in 2008.

Support for the royalist parties has waned in recent elections, with both the Norodom Ranariddh Party and the older Funcinpec with poor showings in the 2008 national elections and this year's local commune elections.


Takeo said...

Funcinpec party was Sihanouk party Ranarridh took over and screw up everything. Now too many small political parties in Cambodia make people so confused. Should only 2 parties in a small country like Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

What a clown!
So much for a khmer prince.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and his master, Viet must be laughing their head of now.

The reason the Viet made hun sen staging the coup in 97's Because if Rannarith was still the prime minister after 97's, most of Viet's plans to swallow Cambodia would be foiled.

But every things has been working in Viet's favor as plan with the help of hun sen and other Khmer who keep destroying their own kind.

Anonymous said...

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

What choice does he have considering that he has run out of options?

Cambodians should learn a lesson not to vote for a person because of his father`s name, but should use their heads to vote for a candidate based on the quality of leadership he or she possesses!

The King of Cambodia will add another incompetent clown to the whole bunch of useless advisors made up of losers, mostly of royal origin, who cannot find decent jobs in foreign lands!

Love to see these royals work in America and to see what kind of jobs they can get and hold longer than a few months!

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

Advise your king brother how to find a woman. Show him how to stick his king gun into some pretty khmer lady's hole and push and pull until something happens.

The king may not be gay, he is a little shy that's all. If he has a gay lover, introduce the lover to the khmer people. Could it be Hun San?

Anonymous said...

Since the king of Cambodia does everything the Cambodian Government asks him to without slightly questioning what he is asked to do such as pardoning a heinous Russian pedophile, one should question the role of a myriad of advisors surrounding him and that of the king himself.

What a waste of public money!

This money does not belong to the king; it belongs to the Cambodian people and thus should have been used wisely to help the poor Cambodians instead of wasting it on the royal losers whose fart stinks much more than the ordinary citizen of the kingdom.

Pissed off

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

ទោះបើមិនចង់ក៏ត្រូវតែចង់ គ្មាននរណាខ្លាំងជាង
ហ៊ុនសែន ជាមួយខ្មែរចង់ចង្អុរឱ្យឆេះ បើជាមួយ
អាយួន និងអាសៀមវិញខ្លាចគេដូចខ្លា។

Anonymous said...

Replied to 5:00 AM

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Well done, I like your comment.

Our country do not need kings and queens. After all they are useless.

Anonymous said...

Replied to 5:00 AM

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Well done, I like your comment.

Our country do not need kings and queens. After all they are useless.

Anonymous said...

Remember the during the uprising. This fool led many of his followers to Prey Say Jail and got killed. Leaving their children and wives without any support.

Of Course this fool fled to French and enjoyed the Life Style of the Rich and Famous, until the money ran out.

Make sure you don't let him borrow your money because you may not get it back.

Anonymous said...

Like father like son.

The leaves don't fall down far from its tree.

He is lying too much and he does not know which one is the truth.

How can he be an adviser to the King when he can't even keep his job.

Anonymous said...

The parties above are just the parties of selfserving individuals who plan to help keep cpp in power for years to come, so watch out all Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

This CPP dog is turning 70 soon but still sucking the Khmers money. Being an advisor means he will be earning more then $1200 per month including Lexus as a bonus. Khmer currently has over 300 advisors to the CPP and to the current gay king. Why would the gay King need a useless 70 years old man.

He should be prosecuted for creating the coups in 1997 along with the Vietminh Hun Sen and all the Vietnamese forces that butchered hundreds of Khmer politicians.

Anonymous said...

Replied to 5:31 AM

Well said 5:31 AM. Thanks for your comment.

You said, "currently has over 300 advisors to the CPP and to the current gay king."

The White House in American (over 50 times bigger than Cambodia) did not even have 100. Corection, not even 50. Corection, not even 25. You got my point. So many free loaders, wonder why the country is poor.

Get back to the point:
This fool and his whole family should be on trail for the 3 million death.

Start with the Ah Norodumb Xihanouk
2nd Ah Ranarid.
3rd Ah Xihamony.
4th Ah Phay Siphan
5th Ah Hun WestPoint Maggot
6th Ah Hun Sin
7th Ah Var Kim Youn Hong

After that our country will be happy forever.

Now I feel better after expressed my thought. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Great great comment !!!


Anonymous said...

An Chkaer nis ot gaet aight tae wheuy!
This dog doesn't wipe his ass!

Anonymous said...

It is a sad day for me. I am deeply hurt inside. The reason is for the following:

When a massed murder family went on unpunished for the 3 million death and still got pay atlease $1,200.00 per months, and his family was awarded with an SUV Lexus (estimate at $80,000.00 plus out of door). In the mean while Cambodian peasants (farmers) get $60.00 to $80.00 per month. They were working a lot harder and longer days in the farms and in the factories.

On top of that our "beloved" government of Cambodia kicked them out of their land and forced evicting them and took their home.

Don't they ever learn anything from the past? When You give people no peace and you shall recieve "no" peace yourself.

I am not advercated for war. We had enough war. Look like it comming eventually.

Love Apsara.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Our Cambodian people don't follow this useless king and his families any more. That why he is quiting because no one wants to hear anything this idiot and his family has to say.

During the uprising riot, this fool had sent many of his followers to be in jail and be killed. Prior to flee the country, this fool sold the communities property for his own profit in million of dollars.

This fool has never apologized to the followers' families of the victims that had lost their lives by the One Eye King 's armies.

If I have to chose between the two evils, I rather chose to be with the One Eye King. Don't misunderstood, I don't like the One Eye king neither.

This Norodon Ranarid just evil as his father Sihanouk (remember the 3million death.)

Love Apsara.

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting and destroying each other, dumb Khmer, soon every things will belong to Yieknam, if already do.

What else that the Viet has not owned in Cambodia?


Chairman & CEO:
Mr. Trinh Ngoc Thanh

Chief Quality & Safety Officer:
Mr. Le Xuan Duong

Chief Operation Officer:
Mr. Nguyen Anh Duc

Chief Commercial and Service Officer:
Mr. Nguyen Hoang Anh

Chief Technical Officer:
Mr. Mai Dinh Toan

Chief Financial Officer:
Mr. Tran Van Huu

Anonymous said...

Invest in Cambodia Topic?

I have a lot of money. I don't mind invested in Cambodia.

If I remember correctly my mother and father lost several homes when we lelf the country. We were told that we can't get them back.

I remember when I was young. Many of the armies,polices,governments, and students, etc. "constantly and again constantly" asking, bagging, or harrassing my family for donations or else. They would not dare to do that to other foreigner ethnic groups.

Now you want me to go back and lose all the money all over again, just like revisit the Khmer Rouge regime. I still have a night mare.

Just imagine when you go shopping at the Cambodian store in Long Beach. As you walked into the store, homeless persons asked you for money. As you walked out the store, the same homeless persons asked you again for money. Again, he followed you to your car and asked you again. You scard if they are going to spit at your car or damage it and you reluctanlty gave them money so he can smoke marijuana again.

That why smart people would not go back to Cambodian to do business again. Good for them.

Sorry I can't swellow that bitter pills again. If you were me you would have done the same.

I can tell you more stories about some people lost money in Cambodia from Long Beach. but I'm not. You got my point.

Love Apsara.

Anonymous said...

ranaridh happy holidays spent with his young wife
frankly he deserves to be assasinated .
I will tell my friends to find their houses to say hello and kiss ouk Phalla and fuck her