Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Royalist Party out, Nationalist Party in

Sao Rany, newly elected acting president of the Nationalist Party, speaks to reporters at a press conference at NRP headquarters in Phnom Penh yesterday. Photograph: Vireak Mai/Phnom Penh Post
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Vong Sokheng
The Phnom Penh Post

The Norodom Ranariddh Party will soon be no more after its members voted for a new name yesterday – the Nationalist Party – and elected a replacement for its royalist founder, who announced his exit from politics on Friday.

NRP Secretary-General Sao Rany, part of a faction that tried to publicly oust Prince Norodom Ranariddh last month, yesterday won the support of his co-members and will lead the party to its General Assembly on August 24 – and a likely merger with fellow royalist party Funcinpec.

“I thank the prince for resigning from his position . . . in order to open the way for us to unite the royalists,” he said yesterday.

“I was elected acting president of the [new party] and will help to stabilise party affairs before moving towards a merger with Funcinpec on August 25.

We will integrate all levels of the party’s infrastructure into Funcinpec, and we will work under Funcinpec.

The NRP changed its name to the Nationalist Party following the prince’s retirement in 2008, but reverted to its former name when he returned in 2010.

Rany said the party would use the name, which is still registered, in some form until the 2017 commune elections when the last of its elected representatives end their current terms.

NRP acting president Chhim Seakleng and party spokesman Pen Sangha also stood down on Friday.

Rany said yesterday he was withdrawing a court complaint he had filed against Sangha and Ranariddh’s former adviser and cabinet chief Noranarith Anandayath. “I decided to withdraw [it] to put an end to all problems in the court, now that the prince has quit,” he said.

The latest talk of an NRP merger with Funcinpec, a party aligned with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, sprouted prior to the June 3 commune election.

“We are optimistic that this move will gain us votes in next year’s national election,” Funcinpec spokesman Tum Sambol said yesterday.

But Koul Panha, executive director of election monitoring NGO Comfrel, said NRP supporters may be put off by Funcinpec’s CPP alliance.

“Because of this position, [the merged parties] will not gain many votes in the 2013 election,” he said.


Anonymous said...

មិនចំពោះតែ បុគ្គលល្មោភអំណាចនេះទេ បើហ៊ុនសែន
សម្រេចជួយគាំទ្រហើយ គ្មានតុលាការណាហ៊ានជំទាស់

Anonymous said...

SAO RANY dollars dollars
you fucked very good rannarid and his wife .

Anonymous said...

What Nationity ?
YNP = Yuon Nationalist Party ?

Anonymous said...

You are an Azz Kisser to Ah stupid Norodumb Ranarid. Now again he fled away from you and leave you hold the empty bag. Again you stupid.

You don't learn from the past.
Remember during the civil war coup. Ah Ranarid fled the country and left his followers to fight the war. Most of his followers are still in prison and a lot were death. The followers' wives and children w/o any support for living.

This is a fake real leadership in Cambodia.

Once again you are a moron and stupid. I can't find enough bad words to say to you.

Anonymous said...


I am sorry to say that posted picture look so stupid. You must be stupid to let the low class person to use you.

This is the 21st century, why are you try to promote king and queen?

You must be a stupid person.

I would like to say more about your character but I can't write it on KI Media.

Anonymous said...

A Newly elected acting president of the Nationalist Party, Mr. Sao Rany.

I wonder how many people elected this idiot. If I remember correctly there is no more follower of the Norodumb anymore. The only people show up to the meeting if they were promissed food and money.

The King Xihanouk and his son, Ranarid had caused so many people to die. Why is this midgit Rany wants to form an organization under the Norodumb. Mind buggle me.

He should not associate any way or form with a kiing period.

Please educated me, what is he thinking?