Please find below a few selections of Khmer Oldies song. The first one is a jazzy song by Ros Sereysothea. Quite honestly, I don’t know the exact title of this song and the one I used to label it is nothing more than the first words of the song.
This second song is Chhuon Malay, Bang Khmean Metta (You have no pity). The original song comes from a Taiwanese melodrama from the 70s (Jilted) and this song appears in the introduction of the movie. Anybody remember watching this movie when it came out in the early 70s (or late 60s?)?
The next three songs are all from Chhuon Malay for those of you who are sleepless (in Long Beach due to the scorching heat?), or are nostalgic of Phnom Penh and the Mekong River.
Chhuon Malay - Keng Min Luok (Sleepless)
Chhuon Malay - Tesapheap Tonle Mekong
Yours truly,
P. from Long Beach
You may search and watch this movie on Youtube. The movie is 'Jilte' the song sang by Tang Lan Hua. I have seen it, very depressing and sad.
former KR soldier
Mr. P. from Long Beach,
Thanks for posting these songs.I should share with the title of the sond you labeled as Beur Chet Min Smak,as amatter of fact this real mane of this song is
Oan Chhoeu Chet Nas.
Thank you to P. from Long Beach for posting these Khmer oldies.
T. from Ldn
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