Monday, August 20, 2012

Understanding Buddhism

19 August 2012
By Bouawat Sithi

The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to attain the state of nothingness or the state of no rebirth and no death called nirvana (Nibbana in Pali) through rigorous mindfulness meditation practice or Vipassana in Pali. A person who is taught and trained this way may gain a constant awareness of one's action and could do no wrong. The end of suffering is when all one’s desire and attachments are totally extinguished.

Lord Buddha taught us that we are master of our destiny and no one else. We create our own hell and heaven; therefore, we must watch our mind before we act. If we act with wholesome state of mind we create ourselves and others a heaven (peace), but if we act with unwholesome state of mind we create ourselves and others a hell (suffering).

Buddhism is not about them; it is about us.... it is about ourselves. It is not about changing the world to be better, but it is about changing ourselves to be better and it is about selflessness, unlimited and unbiased compassion and love. What people in the rest of world do, think, act and behave have nothing to do with us, but what we do, act and behave will affect and impact the people around us.

Buddhism is not just about teaching men and women to be good people, organizing a fancy ceremonial event and making offerings to please Lord Buddha or super-natural forces in an exchange for protection, peace, happiness and wealth.

Buddhism is not dependent on blind faith that creates fear into the mind of its followers that if one does not submit oneself to Lord Buddha he would go to hell on his judgment day (the day he dies).

Buddhism is about the understanding of experience through the use of human intelligence and self- transformation through cultivation of mind leading to the ultimate end of our own suffering.

Lord Buddha taught us that everything is impermanent "Anicca". Grasping the impermanence is like grasping our own suffering, therefore we must let go all the phenomenon as that come in and go out in our mind.

In Buddhism, wisdom does not come from reading more books or listening to others. Wisdom comes directly from the understanding of our own mind and our own suffering. Wisdom comes from the understanding of the true nature of things as they really are.


Anonymous said...

Some said there're too many Buddhas, and some said only 28 they knew about. So which Buddha your Buddhists follow?
Here I copied from the link below, the names of those 28 Buddhas.
The names of the 28 Buddhas

Kassapa Buddha
Gotama Buddha

(from the Khuddaka Nikaya, Buddhavamsa)

And I wonder why Buddhas're always Indian men, and why not other nationalities?

Anonymous said...

Those men who became Buddhas were Indian Hindu.

Anonymous said...

Only Cambodians can save Cambodia from slavery. Buddhism(or any other religion) can take the back seat for now.

Anonymous said...

Think again Sithi when you say "The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to attain the state of nothingness". Why would anyone want to become a total "BLANK"? How could a "BLANK" entity be selfless or virtuous? How does a BLANK know that he/she is accumulating merit by doing good? and how does a "BLANK" knows what is good in the first place? The reason why corruption is endemic in Cambodia is because of the simple fact that Buddhism does not consider the State a living soul; and if you steal from the State you are not committing a sin. Now WHO gave this "BLANK" MORAL LAWS , and a conscience to know INSTINCTIVELY what is good and what is evil? Even the young torturers in Tuol Sleng had to suppress his conscience, before he can get used to torturing another human being. Buddhism simply DOESN'T COMPUTE. Buddhism doesn't explain why this world is full of natural beauty and the evidence of a grand magnificent design is there to see and enjoy from the beauty of a sunset along OChheuteal beach to
the glorious variety and fragrance of flowers, the intricate design of our body..etc buddhism has absolutely no answer. it simply brushes it off saying oh it's just material world that will not last and you must detach your senses from it. NO, Sithi, i assure you it is WRONG. There is a Creator who gave us a conscience and moral law; there is a Creator who created this magnificent, ordered and intricate world we live in and enjoy; there is a Creator that actually cares for good old you and me! It is He who gave us this sense of justice and desire to do good for others selflessly. Jesus is His name. I know, because i know Him. and i'm willing to give up my parents' and grandparents' buddhist faith to follow this Jesus. Do you want to know the Truth? ASK JESUS FOR YOURSELF.

Anonymous said...

Like or not like, wrong or right are your judge and own decision.
But please let the Cambodian people live in peace.

Anonymous said...

Bingo,we have a brave one here to speak obejectively in Buddhism.

Those who have reservations,and said Buddha was an Indian.India is not monolithic or a single ethnic country. This is the same to China or Yuon or Siam or Laos or USA.

Born in India is not necessary an Indian or otherwise.
Buddha is the honorary titlle.
Allas,Jehowah,Son of God, Lord, Jesus(He's us/not)took tittle as God or piece of God.Christ was born into Hebrew folks whose religion was Judeaism(Juda/Jews).

Nirvana is not afar from the concept of Zero.What is the definite real value of Zero? Zero is originated from India's highlearners. If one can acclaim zero concept,one would comprehend Nirvana.

The writer is on target, Being a Buddhist practioner,one does not have be foirced into the belief of the religious norms. Self salvation is a Buddhist line of thought. Simply put individual is own master in living, God does not exist in form or physique but hot air. Gautama never claimed he was a son of God or God,himself.Those don't believe his teaching will go to hell,that's not Gautama ultimate teaching and self styling.He did not say drink red wine and consume bread crumb every Sunday or Mass or eat fish on Friday you will go to heaven.Those converted butterflies shall never criticised cocoon or maggots.
They can put it to rest. Khmers turned away from Hinduism to adapt Buddhism is nothing more than the Bloody Romans turned away from Paganism or multitheism to accept the Catholicism before the breaking away to new Testament follower vs the Old Testament followers.

Quarrel between Jews and Catholics and Christians last until today.This new religion caused countless wars and dissention since day one until this hour.

Anyway, it is impressive to see young Buddhist of Khmer heritage to share view here. Congratulations!

Leave bread crumbs in the kitchen for turkey stuffing or Caesar salad. Red wine is not the mean to wash down the sins.

If that's the case Hitler(Socialist Christian), Stalin(Atheist), Shimon Peres(Jews), Ariel Sharon(Jews), Duche Mussolini(Catholicist), PM Netanyahu(Jews/anti US President Obama) should be converted to Christianity or Catholicism.

Real example,Kaing Kek Eav(Duch) was converted to a new branch of Christianity and worshipped plus drank red wine to wash down bread papers per his new God's way.

But I hadn't seen or heard Theary Seng (true coverted and Christian and Khmer for conveniences)declared her forgiveness and pray her Christ to pardon Duch from sins in killing thousands to please his demi-God Pol Pot.

There is nothing can do for you,but you can.

From a humnaist.

Anonymous said...

Answering to 12:39pm,
Gotama Buddha,the last one.
The rest of them were Buddha before
Him.Gotama Buddha was a human Being
He was not God.
Jesus Christ and Mohammed were not
God.They were human beings.They
were not son of God.

Who was God? Zero.Who was the
creator? Zero.

I am supporting the idea of article
writer and 6:07pm comments.

Anonymous said...

All Buddhas always born from Hindu according to the records they showed us.

We never heard Buddhas are non-Indian men.

Some records said this earth has too many Buddhas before not just 28 or 29. And the one after Gotama is Metreyya. Some Muslims claimed Muhammed is Metreyya. Now a lot propaganda smearing against Christ by those Muslims and Buddhists said Christ was Isa. If Muhammed is "Metreyya" as Muslims (anti-christ) claimed, then Buddha Metreyya must be a terrorist/butcher, child molester.
But whatever people claimed, I am also human I do not believe anyone but Christ. God incarnated to Christ and He is my savior.

All earthlings are Buddhas and will be all Buddhas if they practice Dharma "How to end the sufferings, no rebirth" according to Dharma cl;aimed, but I DO NOT Believe "Dharma Path" will lead humans to Nirvana or to end the sufferings. One Khmer Monk went to on the top of mountain in Cambodia and he practiced Dharma (meditation) he said. When he returned he went from one place to another place blessing people with water and predicted their future. He came to the US people run to see him, and he made so much money. He built a new Pagoda for his village (Takeo). For that I don't believe he will end the sufferings.

Each of us chose our own path, to believe what we want to believe, but I do not believe in "BUDDHAS"' paths, I only believe CHRIST is the only way for our salvation.

Peace be with you

Anonymous said...

Let Faith takes the LEAD. Not all of us will go to heaven, or hell or purgatory or stay as evils for ever.

If our FAITH leads us to stay sufferings then we are/will. If FAITH leads us to paradise, then we will.

I chose Jesus Christ's Path, because I saw 800 years sufferings of Buddhism in my country, I am fed up. To me Buddhism is a selfish and back-ward's path.

Anonymous said...

2:15 PM
Buddhists cannot save the nation, and the result is already shown. Buddhists in Tibet were in exile, Nepal and Indian were chopped off their heads and the Hindu and Muslims took the lead. Laos is a dead nation, poor and backward country. Hindu and Buddhism in Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia were defeated by Muslim troops. Buddhists in Afghanistan were dead long times ago.

Cambodian Buddhists are fake.

Of course the Buddhism cannot save the nation, but the Christians CAN. Results: Pope John Paul II freed his native country Poland from Communist Stalin butcher. Portugal also freed from Stalin, and so many countries in the world.

If Buddhism is so good and strong, then why India and Nepal did not elevate it as the states' religion? All Buddhas were Indian men. Because Buddhism is weak, and it makes people lazy then corrupt later on.

Anonymous said...

i think any religion is never a bad thing. it's there to help guide and educate people since going back before education in higher institutions were available like today. it is how people abuse it or misunderstanding it, etc that make religion bad, not the origine of the religion itself is never bad intention, really. even buddhism is good religion if you study it and understand it, instead of biased, prejudice or discriminatory about it, really! i do support tolerance of all religious believes, i don't care what it is , it is about tolerance and respect for others who happened to be different from your upbringing, etc, really! god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens always.

khmer, Love said...

"We are master of our destiny and no one else."
No brainer - If all are the master of their own destiny, all will never have a parent and each one must be come out from black hole some where? Simple as that.
If "we are master of our destiny and no one else" Simple as this - you don't need to go to school to get educate
from some one else - educate yourself. Stupid article.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Cambodia has almost achieved the state of,'nothingess'. Keep Buddhism going so the Vietnamese don't have too much blood on their hands to account for, oh, I forgotten, that there is no justice in 'nothingness'.

6:11 AM Good one!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is better: Cambodia has almost acheived the state of 'nothing-left', because of Buddhism practicing.

Anonymous said...

I have seen a lots about some ideas of our ki stars in KI. I am not confused about the ideas of the Buddha. Philosophy of Buddhism is founded by the Buddha what he taught to all beings in the past and present and till the future is reality oin the world, on one can change all ihs teachings wehther is changed by one trespaas in each of any one is really have fault fall on oneself like Binla den u all seen largely,.

Anonymous said...

"The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to attain the state of nothingness or the state of no rebirth and no death called nirvana..."

=When I was borne to this world and I have nothing only naked body and ugly baby face only a mother could love! I just don't see a reason why I have to give up everything in life to gain nothingness! Life is something people must experience and make the fucken mistake and learn from it and this is the human nature!

If these Buddhist want to gain nothingness then they must remove themselves physically and mentally to outer space or go to live on the Moon or even on Mars where there is nothing! Only then these Buddhist will attain their enlightenment so called nirvana! ahahhahhah

As long as these Buddhist are Earthbound and they might as well enjoy life on Earth and the beauty of nature, the serenity on mountain top, and the rain fall in form of love and hate all in one! To be Buddhist is not to be human?

Thomas said...

The difference between Buddhism and Christianity is that Buddhist believe in Karma while Christians believe in "grace."

Buddhism teaches personal responsibility, that we create our own destiny, step by step, with our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Christianity believes that we are victims of fate, and only a supernatural intervention from a "almighty god" can save us.

Buddhism teaches wisdom. Christianity teaches superstitious "blind faith."

Buddha's teaching is liberating and full of understanding.

Khmer people should not blaspheme the sacred heritage of their ancestors.