Thursday, August 16, 2012

What Good Writing Indicates, and Doesn't

What good writing indicates, and doesn't
14 August 2012
The New York Times
Brock Haussamen, a professor emeritus of English at Raritan Valley Community College in New Jersey, is the lead author of "Grammar Alive: A Guide for Teachers."


"Good writingwriting that is clear and interesting and free of most surface errors [if this is the litmus test of "good writing", how much reading materials are available for the Khmer population?]— is a reliable indicator of certain job-related abilities."

"The most important job-related ability that an employer can assume when looking at a well-written cover letter is that the applicant can read well. A good writer is always a good reader. This is important, for even in jobs that don’t require any writing, reading — of forms and instructions at least — is usually essential. Good writing also suggests, though it hardly guarantees, that the applicant is capable of thinking clearly and has a solid work ethic."  



Anonymous said...

My brain is no so big to hold more books with holes in about ears come out wrong gates nose can tell wat belly burl has worms tickly bout oozing smelly beans armpits smell leek prohok rotten fesh why peopl comsume maggots. Period,comma, slash, dash - o -diddle do dog chewed homework without ethicsa....

Anonymous said...

fuck you asshole 10:17AM!