Monday, September 10, 2012

3 boys die trying to break up rocket in Cambodia

Soldier toting a B40 rocket launcher
September 10, 2012

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — Three Cambodian boys have been killed by a B-40 rocket left over from the country’s 1980s civil war.

District police chief Keo Tann said Monday the boys found the rocket in a northern forest and tried to smash it apart, hoping to sell its pieces as scrap metal.

Two of the boys were 8 and the other 9.

They were killed Sunday in Oddor Meanchey province, a site of intense battles between the former Khmer Rouge regime and government forces.

An estimated 4 to 6 million land mines and other unexploded ordnance from more than three decades of armed conflict continue to maim or kill Cambodians each year.


Anonymous said...

Stupid idiot!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

who is stupid ?
not the boys but the gov.

Anonymous said...

The conflict ended more than 30 yrs ago but Khmer still get killed and maimed from left over bombs.

These children should be taught at school not to play nor touch theses bombs and report it to the authorities when they spot them.

I'm sadden every time I read this kind of story.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

8:27 PM, it is about stupid CPP government that has not done anything to protect the children and provide kids with welfare and education. Those Khmer kids who tried to survive to do those dangerous things. CPP is very corrupted. It is a blame to CPP regime.

Anonymous said...

The government failed these kids miserably. Cambodian government doesn't do enough to teach rural kids about the danger of unexploded ordinance.
Of course these kids just like any other kids, they thought it's old and no longer working.
It so sad to lose kids to something that could've been preventable.
My condolences to the family.

Anonymous said...

Blame their parents who not keep an eyes on these kids. Yes, poverty can drive you to do thing that you would not like. Most kids in Cambodia knew that these things can kill. School and village chief should have taught the villagers about these things.
Such ashamed to have their lives ended so young.