Friday, September 21, 2012

Drawings of Bun Heang Ung: Life under the Khmer Rouge 1975-1979

Australian National University

About the drawings

This is a collection of 88 original artworks by Bun Heang Ung of his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975-1979. It is a series of black and white drawings in Indian ink on art paper. At the back of each of the works is the caption written in English and some with handwritten Khmer script. 60 of the original 90 pieces were published in The Murderous Revolution: Life & Death in Pol Pot's Kampuchea in 1985 as a co-publication between Ung and Martin Stuart-Fox. In 2008, 87 drawings were uploaded onto Ung's blogsite ( with text recounting the event to accompany each image.

Each piece of artwork in the collection is a detailed representation of the conditions of work and living under the Khmer Rouge regime. Hardship, affliction, despondency, desperation and varied other emotions are vividly depicted in the characters drawn. The textured story-telling in both the foreground and background of each piece furnishes a fuller and nuanced impression of the times and circumstance.


These pieces were drawn between 1980 and 1981, shortly after Bun Heang and Phiny arrived in Brisbane (and then later in Sydney) as refugees from Cambodia. Due to his limited language capacity at that time, drawing was the best means for Ung to communicate the trauma he and Phiny had undergone. In an interview for New South Wales' Migration Heritage project, Phiny recounted "We have no photograph and we worry we may forget. So it's sort of an archive". ( So every night during those months, they recorded their experiences in ink. Ung wrote later that each drawing took twelve hours to complete:

Using Bun's skills as an artist we began charting our personal experiences from the day the Khmer Rouge took power on 17 April 1975 until we left Cambodia. We talked while he sketched with pencil to ensure that, although we had no photographs or documentary evidence, we correctly remembered every event. (Statement to ANU, May 2012)
Stuart-Fox wrote in his preface to the 1985 publication:
Ung has the visual memory of an artist. What remained etched on his mind was a series of indelible images: - the stunned disoriented mass of people evacuating the capital of Phnom Penh; the brutal arrogance of Khmer Rouge cadres... (1985: vi)
He continues:
Drawing them was a kind of catharsis, an outpouring of pent-up emotions. Day after day with untiring compulsion he drew these stark images in Indian ink, with no colour, until the record was complete. (ibid.)
In total, Ung drew 90 pictures, and 60 of them were published in The Murderous Revolution with Martin Stuart-Fox. Stuart-Fox wrote the text to accompany the drawings and weaving into Ung's personal story the historical development of that period in Cambodia. The book proved to be very popular resulting in many unauthorised re-publications of it.

In 2008, 87 of the drawings were republished on a blog site ( with a preface by Ung himself, additional captions, accompanying texts, cartoons and images. The graphic collection is titled Khmer Rouge and its Evil Revolution: drawings by Bun Heang Ung. Each uploaded image is accompanied by a caption and text that elaborates and clarifies the graphical depiction of the experiences and conditions under the Khmer Rouge reign. The image and text, together tell a compelling story which is both personal and educational.

Bun Heang and Phiny wrote later: "We are concerned that younger generations of Cambodians are being taught only part of the truth about what happened", and expressed their hopes that this present collection at The Australian National University will "bear witness to the catastrophic history of the Khmer Rouge, and will accurately record [our] shared experience... [and] many others who were murdered during this terrible period". (Statement to ANU, May 2012)



Anonymous said...

លោកប៊ុនហ៊ាង គាត់ពិតជាងគំនូរមួយរូបដែលមានថ្វីដៃល្អពិសេស ​។ គាត់ពូកែគូររូបកំប្លែងត្លុក បានសមល្អណាស់ ពោល!​គឺគាត់អ្នកគំនូរដ៍ពិនប្រសព្វណាស់។
លោកប៊ុនហ៊ាង គាត់មានប្អូនស្រីម្នាក់ឈ្មោះ ប៊ុនរ៉ានី ដែលសព្វថ្ងៃមានស្វាមី ដែលជាបុរសពិការភ្នែកម្ខាង Lol

Anonymous said...

khvarng makhak.

Anonymous said...

Gay, sissy queen home maker