Friday, September 21, 2012

Gifting Ceremony of Artist Ung Bun Heang's Drawings (Sacrava) to the Australian National University

Artist Ung Bun Heang (Sacrava) with his granddaughters

Ung Bun Heang with Dr. Martin Stuarts-Fox, the co-author of his cartoon book The Murderous Revolution which depicts life under the Khmer Rouge regime

The Ung clans


Anonymous said...

well done Ung toteung mekh!

Anonymous said...

That's not THE Ung clan, thank you. That's AN Ung clan. Regardless, from one Ung to another, congratulations borng Bun Heang. You've done well.

Anonymous said...

Wow Pu & Meeng have many grand children already? I knew his two daughters, on their sides. A great family.

Pross Pov